• 2007 AAR League


    This thread is dirty.

    You decidedly suck at the insult game there, Claudette(it’s up to you to figure out that reference).

    Watch and learn, kid.

    Claudette, if you are going to post your picture for people to rip on you should have done what Jermo did and post a pic of your neighbor and his unbelievably cute kid to at least make us THINK that someone would actually consider sleeping with you. And for God’s sake, grow some facial hair, Peewee.


    At least Tennesseans don’t think it’s incest

    Please don’t bring your personal experiences here.


    He’s a whore and can’t come up with an original insult.  Must be from Tennessee.

    You’re right, Athletesfoot. I suspect he likes goats, as well. I’m going to stop calling him JWW and start calling him SFA. Special Friend of Animals.


    Whats all this tennessee rambling about?

    Can’t you read? If you don’t figure it out by tomorrow, you’re going to need a note from your mommy to let you back into this thread.


    I think you are the only person who understands how this thread is supposed to work.

    Ha! As If I would pass up the opportunity to give you s**t. Not a chance, animal lover.

    And an appaud for you, too, for making this thread. But, don’t go all giddy on us and throw a big party because you think I now like you. I still don’t.

  • '19 Moderator



    And on religion: Im a highly skeptical agnostic.  I wont say atheist beacuse thats just as much of a dogma as blindly following religion.  I say highly skeptical because i really doubt in the existence of a god, especially the institutions put in place now with modern religions, but you just cant rule out the existence of some sort of force that set the universe in motion.

    God damn it I am beginning to like you humbert. This is right on and makes PERFECT sense. Believing absolutely in Atheism is exactly the same as the religious nutz out there saying their religious beliefs are the ONLY true religion. No one knows either way. I apologize for all of my rants. No more caps. Hope I didn’t upset you too much.

    Well put.  I have always been hesitant to say atheist, because of the image it presents.  I don’t try to prove to other people that they are wrong, I just don’t care.  I’ll leave the theoretic arguements to the Jahova’s Witnesses and the Mormons.

    Instead of posting pics of yourselves, lets see some pics of your sisters, Some of you have moms my age, if they’re milfs post them too…  If they’re ugly don’t bother…

  • @U-505:

    You’re right, Athletesfoot.

    This is perfect. Athletesfoot! Gotta love it.


    I suspect he likes goats, as well. I’m going to stop calling him JWW and start calling him SFA. Special Friend of Animals.

    another winner


    What are you, Hitler?

    Not quite sure what to say about this Athletesfoot. Everytime I think: athletesfoot, it makes me laugh  :lol:. Oh forget it, I don’t want to throw barbs at you right now.

  • Moderator

    Well I know my Ava beats all you alls pathetic self godifying Plastic imaging…

    Me = Real Deal right there, and with a classy Viola to boot… GG FTW!


  • Moderator

    And someone gave me Karma…

  • '19 Moderator

    GG can you play that thing like a southerner?  Is so your invited to my next party!  Practice up on your CDB!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    GG has that whole “13 year old boy” look down!  Kinda cute, in a puppydog kinda way. wink

  • 2007 AAR League

    what about GILFS ?   do you want some pics of hot GILFS ?

  • Moderator

    Dzrt, I can definitely fiddle… What’s the CDB? I assume your not talking about the Aussie R/B Band…

    Yeah, I do look boyish… It’s why the lady’s like me…  :wink:


  • Wait a minute…when did the image tag come back?

  • Here you go, jerks, I’m allowing you the privilege of having my beauty grace your retinas.  Try not to get off on it or anything.

  • Athletesfoot (hehe that is funny), i think thats a little too boyish for the ladys  :-P

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Here you go, jerks, I’m allowing you the privilege of having my beauty grace your retinas.  Try not to get off on it or anything.

    You evil, evil little man!  How could you subject your poor, innocent child to the vileness of the Computer World!?!?

    I spit in your general direction, you heathenish piece of pond scum!

    (Humorously of course.)

  • And why did you subject your father to further scrutiny?

    Do you want us to think you wont have red hair for long or that you have ears are like prince Charles?

    leave out the lipstick next time.

  • Hey I’m not here to insult anybody, im just serving as a lightning rod for the rest of the community to attack.

  • @Pervavita:

    Athletesfoot (hehe that is funny), i think thats a little too boyish for the ladys  :-P

    I’m apparently having no problem with it…I guess they don’t.  Do you even see any ladies around here?  :lol:


    And why did you subject your father to further scrutiny?

    Do you want us to think you wont have red hair for long or that you have ears are like prince Charles?

    leave out the lipstick next time.

    WTF are you talking about?  Red hair?  Lipstick?  Ears you are probably right on, but big ears, big……feet.  :wink:

  • @mojo:

    what about GILFS ?   do you want some pics of hot GILFS ?

    Go MOJO! This thread is titled: FOR ADULTS ONLY

  • Red hair?  Lipstick?

    Your sitting down with your father behind you. You have red hair big ears and really red lips.

  • I’d send the fire truck to the one that had the best chance of saving.  Or the one that started first or the one that was closest… :roll:

    Why the dodge? you must know what my repsonse will be: both fires started at the same time, are equidistant from the fire house, and have an equal chance of being put out. I know you would save the orphanage first, just as any sane person would. This says a lot about how we feel about actual people vs potential people.

    Your comparison of the millionaire thing is off base.  If I thought you becoming a millionaire would inconvenience me would it be right for me to steal all your monney and sabotage your buisness?

    No, because I’m a person. your proving my point here. A zygote isn’t the kind of thing that can ever have money or a business, is it?

  • '19 Moderator

    GG- Charley Daniels Band = CDB

    Jerm - I still say you look like Keanu

    mojo - sure let’s see soem gilfs

    Smack - No dodge, hypothetical questions are for lack of a beter word smacktarded.  What if my granny’s house and Barack Obama’s house were on fire?  If I send the truck to Grannies house am I a biggot?  what if it was Obama and McCain?

    Well a zygote will have money at some point unless some dumbass kills it.  :-)


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