@Private-Panic your turn as Austria.
I failed to spend all my income during purchase phase, so edited added a trench at the end, but couldn’t reduce income. Will have to edit income down next turn.
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land
Game History
Round: 8
Research Technology - Turkey
Turkey spend 10 on tech rolls
Turkey roll 4,6 and gets 1 hit
Turkey removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Turkey discover lateFighter
Combat Move - Turkey
5 infantry moved from Syria to Mesopotamia
1 field_gun and 5 infantry moved from Smyrna to Armenia
1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry moved from Lebanon to Palestine
1 field_gun moved from Damascus to Mesopotamia
1 infantry moved from Damascus to Jordan
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Damascus to Palestine
2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Kurdistan to Lurs
2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Baghdad to Lurs
1 cavalry, 3 field_guns and 1 infantry moved from Lurs to Georgia
3 field_guns moved from Volgograd to Caucasus
1 fighter moved from Caucasus to Sea Zone 65 Caspian Sea
2 infantry moved from Caucasus to Georgia
1 cavalry moved from Damascus to Mesopotamia
1 infantry moved from Arabia to Yemen
1 fighter moved from Arabia to Yemen
Purchase Units - Turkey
Turkey buy 4 cavalrys, 3 field_guns, 4 gass and 2 transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Combat - Turkey
Battle in Sea Zone 65 Caspian Sea
Turkey attack with 1 fighter
Russia defend with 1 transport
1 transport owned by the Russia lost in Sea Zone 65 Caspian Sea
Turkey win with 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for Russia: 1 transport
Battle in Yemen
Turkey attack with 1 fighter and 1 infantry
Arabia defend with 1 Bedouin
Turkey roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Yemen, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Arabia roll dice for 1 Bedouin in Yemen, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Yemen
1 Bedouin owned by the Arabia lost in Yemen
Turkey win with 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
Casualties for Turkey: 1 infantry
Casualties for Arabia: 1 Bedouin
Non Combat Move - Turkey
1 fighter moved from Yemen to Arabia
1 fighter moved from Sea Zone 65 Caspian Sea to Lurs
Place Units - Turkey
2 transports placed in Sea Zone 67 Black Sea
2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun and 2 gass placed in Damascus
2 cavalrys, 1 field_gun and 2 gass placed in Baghdad
1 field_gun placed in Constantinople
Activate Technology - Turkey
Turkey activating lateFighter
Trigger TurkeyT3: buylate_fighter added to productionTurkey
Turn Complete - Turkey
Turkey collect 65 PUs; end with 65 PUs
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by Turkey to Arabia: 8 field_guns and 6 infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Turkey from Jordan: 8 field_guns and 6 infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Turkey from Constantinople: 1 cavalry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Turkey to Armenia: 1 cavalry
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Arabia regular : 0.67
Turkey regular : 0.33
All GB has done so far is roll tech die
@dawg R is up. I will message some comments.
Game History
Round: 8
Research Technology - Britain
Britain spend 10 on tech rolls
Britain roll 1,3,1,4 and gets 0 hits
Combat Move - Britain
1 colonial moved from St. John's Island to Sea Zone 22 Mid Atlantic
1 colonial moved from Nova Scotia to Sea Zone 22 Mid Atlantic
2 colonials and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 22 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 19 North Atlantic
2 colonials moved from Sea Zone 19 North Atlantic to Iceland
1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 4 Greenland Sea to Sea Zone 17 Norwegian Sea
2 field_guns moved from England to Sea Zone 16 North Sea
3 infantry moved from London to Sea Zone 16 North Sea
1 infantry moved from England to Sea Zone 16 North Sea
1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 16 North Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak
1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 15 English Channel
1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 16 North Sea to Sea Zone 15 English Channel
1 battlecruiser, 3 battleships, 2 field_guns, 4 infantry, 5 submarines and 3 transports moved from Sea Zone 16 North Sea to Sea Zone 17 Norwegian Sea
2 field_guns moved from Sea Zone 17 Norwegian Sea to Norway
4 infantry moved from Sea Zone 17 Norwegian Sea to Norway
1 fighter moved from London to Norway
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Majorca to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea to Sea Zone 27 Mid Atlantic
1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 94 South Atlantic to Sea Zone 76 Indian Ocean
2 cruisers moved from Sea Zone 15 English Channel to Sea Zone 16 North Sea
2 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 8 infantry moved from Sinai to Palestine
Purchase Units - Britain
Britain buy 1 battleship, 1 destroyer, 4 field_guns, 13 infantry, 1 transport and 1 trench; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 4 techTokens;
Combat - Britain
Battle in Iceland
Britain attack with 2 colonials
Neutral defend with 1 infantry
Britain roll dice for 2 colonials in Iceland, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 infantry in Iceland, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Iceland
Britain loses 0 PUs for violating Icelands neutrality.
Britain win, taking Iceland from Neutral with 2 colonials remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Neutral: 1 infantry
Battle in Palestine
Britain attack with 2 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 8 infantry
Turkey defend with 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun, 5 infantry and 1 trench
Britain roll dice for 2 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 8 infantry in Palestine, round 2 : 4/12 hits, 3.33 expected hits
Turkey roll dice for 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun, 5 infantry and 1 trench in Palestine, round 2 : 3/7 hits, 2.67 expected hits
3 infantry owned by the Britain lost in Palestine
2 infantry owned by the Turkey and 1 trench owned by the Turkey lost in Palestine
5 infantry owned by the Britain, 2 heavy_guns owned by the Britain and 2 field_guns owned by the Britain retreated to Sinai
Turkey win with 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Britain: 3 infantry
Casualties for Turkey: 2 infantry and 1 trench
Non Combat Move - Britain
1 heavy_gun moved from Cairo-Suez to Sinai
1 infantry moved from Cairo-Suez to Sinai
1 field_gun and 5 infantry moved from Sistan to Khurasan
2 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry moved from Baluchistan to Sistan
1 infantry moved from Singapore to Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea
1 cavalry moved from Singapore to Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea
1 cavalry, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea to Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal
1 cavalry moved from Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal to Madras
1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 81 Bay of Bengal to Madras
1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 78 Indian Ocean to Sea Zone 75 Red Sea
1 battlecruiser moved from Sea Zone 74 Gulf of Aden to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 74 Gulf of Aden to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
2 cruisers moved from Sea Zone 74 Gulf of Aden to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean
1 infantry moved from Goa to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
1 field_gun moved from Bombay to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
1 infantry moved from Bombay to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
1 infantry moved from Goa to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea
1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Baluchistan
Place Units - Britain
1 battleship, 1 destroyer and 1 transport placed in Sea Zone 16 North Sea
2 field_guns and 3 infantry placed in London
1 trench placed in Khurasan
2 infantry placed in Cairo-Suez
1 field_gun and 3 infantry placed in Baluchistan
1 field_gun and 1 infantry placed in Bombay
2 infantry placed in Goa
2 infantry placed in Calcutta
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Britain from Calcutta: 1 fighter
EDIT: Adding units owned by Britain to Gujarat: 1 fighter
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turn Complete - Britain
Britain collect 108 PUs; end with 108 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Turkey regular : 0.33
Neutral regular : -0.33
Britain regular : 1.00
@dawgoneit is up as Russia.
@FMErwinRommel working on it
@dawgoneit 6a3bb150-1eb0-4d65-8767-24891dc8d317-russia 8.tsvg
Game History
Round: 8
Research Technology - Russia
Russia removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Russia discover bunkers
Combat Move - Russia
1 field_gun moved from Don to Caucasus
3 conscripts moved from Don to Caucasus
1 infantry moved from Don to Caucasus
1 late_fighter moved from Don to Caucasus
2 field_guns moved from Belarus to Odessa
1 conscript moved from Vologda to Nizhni-Novgorod
Russia take Nizhni-Novgorod from Communists
1 conscript moved from Ryazan to Volgograd
Russia take Volgograd from Turkey
1 conscript moved from Dnieper to Odessa
1 conscript moved from Kiev to Odessa
1 field_gun moved from Buryatia to Chita
Russia take Chita from Communists
Purchase Units - Russia
Russia buy 5 cavalrys, 7 conscripts, 5 field_guns, 5 heavy_guns and 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Combat - Russia
Battle in Caucasus
Russia attack with 3 conscripts, 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 late_fighter
Turkey defend with 3 field_guns
Russia win, taking Caucasus from Turkey with 2 conscripts, 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 late_fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript
Casualties for Turkey: 3 field_guns
Battle in Odessa
Russia attack with 2 conscripts and 2 field_guns
Austria defend with 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun
Russia win, taking Odessa from Austria with 2 field_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Russia: 2 conscripts
Casualties for Austria: 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun
Non Combat Move - Russia
1 conscript moved from Pskov to Latvia
1 tank moved from Kazan to Don
2 conscripts, 3 field_guns, 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry moved from Sakhe to Aldan
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Khabarovsk to Aldan
1 conscript moved from Amur to Aldan
1 heavy_gun moved from Buryatia to Bratsk
2 conscripts, 1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun moved from Bratsk to Aldan
1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun moved from Irkutsk to Bratsk
1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Vladivostok to Primorsky
1 conscript moved from Primorsky to Khabarovsk
3 cavalrys moved from Minsk to Don
1 heavy_gun moved from Dnieper to Belarus
2 heavy_guns moved from Kiev to Dnieper
3 conscripts, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Ryazan to Don
3 cavalrys moved from Moscow to Don
2 conscripts, 1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry moved from Pskov to Smolensk
2 conscripts, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Finland to Norway
1 cavalry moved from Finland to Norway
2 tanks moved from St. Petersburg to Smolensk
3 cavalrys moved from Don to Smolensk
1 late_fighter moved from Caucasus to Don
1 heavy_gun moved from Don to Caucasus
2 infantry moved from Don to Caucasus
2 conscripts moved from Don to Caucasus
1 field_gun moved from Don to Caucasus
Place Units - Russia
1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun placed in Minsk
1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry placed in Kiev
1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun placed in Khabarovsk
3 conscripts placed in Vladivostok
1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry placed in Irkutsk
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russia from Omsk: 2 field_guns
EDIT: Adding units owned by Russia to Novosibirsk: 2 field_guns
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russia from Kazakhstan: 1 conscript
EDIT: Adding units owned by Russia to Caucasus: 1 conscript
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russia from Kazan: 1 conscript
EDIT: Adding units owned by Russia to Ryazan: 1 conscript
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
2 conscripts placed in Omsk
1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun placed in St. Petersburg
3 cavalrys placed in Moscow
2 cavalrys placed in St. Petersburg
Russia undo move 9.
Russia undo move 2.
2 cavalrys and 1 infantry placed in Kiev
1 field_gun and 1 heavy_gun placed in St. Petersburg
Activate Technology - Russia
Russia activating bunkers
Trigger RussiaP: Russia has 3 infantry placed in St. Petersburg
Turn Complete - Russia
Russia collect 89 PUs; end with 89 PUs
@Entek is up as Commies
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land
Game History
Round: 8
Research Technology - Communists
Communists spend 10 on tech rolls
Communists roll 3,3 and gets 0 hits
Combat Move - Communists
1 conscript moved from Yakutsk to Sakhe
Communists take Sakhe from Russia
1 field_gun moved from Tiksi to Yakutsk
1 conscript moved from Yakutsk to Tiksi
Purchase Units - Communists
Communists buy 3 conscripts and 2 heavy_guns; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 2 techTokens;
Combat - Communists
Non Combat Move - Communists
Place Units - Communists
3 conscripts and 2 heavy_guns placed in Yakutsk
Turn Complete - Communists
Communists collect 24 PUs; end with 24 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land
Game History
Round: 8
Research Technology - USA
USA spend 10 on tech rolls
USA roll 6,4,6 and gets 2 hits
USA removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
USA discover creepingBarage
Combat Move - USA
3 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Madeira to Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic
3 field_guns, 3 infantry and 3 transports moved from Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
3 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea to Andalusia
1 battlecruiser moved from Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
1 battlecruiser moved from Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
3 field_guns moved from Veracruz to Acapulco
3 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Guadalahara to Acapulco
4 cavalrys moved from Mexico City to Acapulco
2 battlecruisers moved from Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
Purchase Units - USA
USA buy 4 cavalrys, 6 field_guns, 6 infantry and 4 transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Combat - USA
Battle in Andalusia
USA attack with 3 field_guns and 3 infantry
Neutral defend with 1 infantry
USA roll dice for 6 battlecruisers in Andalusia, round 2 : 4/6 hits, 4,00 expected hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 infantry in Andalusia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the USA lost in Andalusia
1 infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Andalusia
USA loses 0 PUs for violating Andalusias neutrality.
USA win, taking Andalusia from Neutral with 3 field_guns and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for USA: 1 infantry
Casualties for Neutral: 1 infantry
Battle in Acapulco
USA attack with 4 cavalrys, 6 field_guns and 2 infantry
Neutral defend with 2 infantry
USA roll dice for 4 cavalrys, 6 field_guns and 2 infantry in Acapulco, round 2 : 5/12 hits, 4,00 expected hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 infantry in Acapulco, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Acapulco
USA loses 0 PUs for violating Acapulcos neutrality.
USA win, taking Acapulco from Neutral with 4 cavalrys, 6 field_guns and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Neutral: 2 infantry
Non Combat Move - USA
1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Washington D.C. to Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic
1 field_gun, 3 infantry and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea
1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea to Azores
3 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from Catalonia to Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon
3 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon to Marseilles
1 transport moved from Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea
1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 48 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 102 South Atlantic
1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 49 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 102 South Atlantic
1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 33 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 51 Mid Atlantic
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Khabarovsk to Aldan
2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 140 Sea of Okhotsk to Khabarovsk
1 cruiser and 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 147 Gulf of California to Sea Zone 109 Pacific Ocean
3 transports moved from Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea to Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea
Place Units - USA
2 field_guns and 1 infantry placed in Morocco
4 cavalrys placed in Mexico City
4 transports placed in Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic
4 field_guns and 4 infantry placed in Washington D.C.
1 infantry placed in San Francisco
Activate Technology - USA
USA activating creepingBarage
Trigger USAS: USA met a national objective for an additional 1 techTokens; end with 1 techTokens
Turn Complete - USA
USA collect 89 PUs; end with 89 PUs
USA collect 9 PUs from War Bonds; end with 98 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
USA regular : 1,00
Neutral regular : 0,00
triplea_41183 9 Germ.tsvg
Round: 9
Research Technology - Germany
Germany spend 10 on tech rolls
Germany roll 3,6 and gets 1 hit
Germany removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Germany discover creepingBarage
Combat Move - Germany
1 destroyer and 1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak
3 stormtruppens moved from Mecklenburg to Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea
1 field_gun moved from Holstein to Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea
1 field_gun, 3 stormtruppens and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak
1 field_gun and 3 stormtruppens moved from Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak to Norway
5 field_guns and 5 infantry moved from Sweden to Norway
3 gass moved from Saxony to Belgium
1 cavalry and 1 fighter moved from Rhine to Belgium
2 fighters moved from Rhine to Alsace
1 cavalry moved from Bavaria to Alsace
1 fighter moved from Rhine to Alsace
1 field_gun moved from Lithuania to Latvia
1 infantry moved from Lithuania to Latvia
Purchase Units - Germany
Germany buy 6 cavalrys, 1 fighter, 6 heavy_guns, 10 infantry and 7 trenchs; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Combat - Germany
Battle in Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak
Germany attack with 1 destroyer, 1 submarine and 2 transports
Britain defend with 1 destroyer
Germany roll dice for 1 submarine in Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 destroyer in Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 destroyer owned by the Britain lost in Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak
Germany win with 1 destroyer, 1 submarine and 2 transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
Casualties for Britain: 1 destroyer
Battle in Norway
Germany attack with 6 field_guns, 5 infantry and 3 stormtruppens
Britain defend with 2 field_guns, 1 fighter and 4 infantry; Russia defend with 1 cavalry, 2 conscripts, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
Germany roll dice for 6 field_guns, 5 infantry and 3 stormtruppens in Norway, round 2 : 4/14 hits, 4.83 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 cavalry, 2 conscripts, 3 field_guns, 1 fighter and 5 infantry in Norway, round 2 : 5/12 hits, 3.67 expected hits
5 infantry owned by the Germany lost in Norway
1 infantry owned by the Russia, 2 conscripts owned by the Russia and 1 cavalry owned by the Russia lost in Norway
Germany roll dice for 6 field_guns and 3 stormtruppens in Norway, round 3 : 3/9 hits, 3.50 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 3 field_guns, 1 fighter and 4 infantry in Norway, round 3 : 5/8 hits, 2.83 expected hits
1 stormtruppen owned by the Germany and 4 field_guns owned by the Germany lost in Norway
3 infantry owned by the Britain lost in Norway
Germany roll dice for 2 field_guns and 2 stormtruppens in Norway, round 4 : 1/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 3 field_guns, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Norway, round 4 : 2/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits
2 stormtruppens owned by the Germany lost in Norway
1 infantry owned by the Britain lost in Norway
2 field_guns owned by the Germany retreated to Sweden
Russia win with 3 field_guns and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -17
Casualties for Germany: 4 field_guns, 5 infantry and 3 stormtruppens
Casualties for Russia: 1 cavalry, 2 conscripts and 1 infantry
Casualties for Britain: 4 infantry
Battle in Belgium
Germany attack with 1 cavalry, 1 fighter and 3 gass
Britain defend with 1 Factory; France defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
Germany roll dice for 3 gass in Belgium, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 2.00 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the France lost in Belgium
3 gass owned by the Germany lost in Belgium
Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 fighter in Belgium, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun in Belgium, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 fighter in Belgium, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun in Belgium, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 field_gun owned by the France lost in Belgium
Germany win, taking Belgium from Britain with 1 cavalry and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
Casualties for France: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
Casualties for Germany: 3 gass
Battle in Alsace
Germany attack with 1 cavalry and 3 fighters
France defend with 1 infantry
Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry and 3 fighters in Alsace, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
France roll dice for 1 infantry in Alsace, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 cavalry owned by the Germany lost in Alsace
1 infantry owned by the France lost in Alsace
Germany win with 3 fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
Casualties for Germany: 1 cavalry
Casualties for France: 1 infantry
Battle in Latvia
Germany attack with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
Russia defend with 1 conscript
Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Latvia, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 conscript in Latvia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Latvia, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 conscript in Latvia, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Latvia, round 4 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 conscript in Latvia, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Latvia
Germany win, taking Latvia from Russia with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript
Non Combat Move - Germany
1 infantry moved from Holstein to Hanover
2 heavy_guns moved from Mecklenburg to Holstein
1 transport moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from West Prussia to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea
1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sweden
6 field_guns, 10 heavy_guns and 14 infantry moved from Lithuania to Eastern Poland
1 field_gun and 2 infantry moved from Warsaw to Eastern Poland
3 cavalrys moved from Bessarabia to Eastern Poland
2 cavalrys moved from Bavaria to Rhine
4 heavy_guns and 2 infantry moved from Wurttemburg to Rhine
1 fighter moved from Belgium to Rhine
3 fighters moved from Alsace to Rhine
2 cavalrys moved from Hanover to Rhine
1 submarine moved from Sea Zone 95 South Atlantic to Sea Zone 91 Indian Ocean
1 cavalry moved from West Prussia to Mecklenburg
Place Units - Germany
3 trenchs placed in Sweden
3 trenchs placed in Rhine
1 trench placed in Lithuania
6 infantry placed in Wurttemburg
6 cavalrys placed in Bavaria
1 fighter, 3 heavy_guns and 2 infantry placed in Mecklenburg
3 heavy_guns and 2 infantry placed in Stockholm
Activate Technology - Germany
Germany activating creepingBarage
Turn Complete - Germany
Germany collect 117 PUs; end with 119 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : -4.00
France regular : 0.67
Russia regular : 3.17
Britain regular : -1.00
Cursses, I had more troops, more power and 87% odds in Norway, but lost every dice round. 2 transports will be sunk for nothing Should of had 6 troops left, with no UK or R. Now Sweden is in trouble.
Research Technology - France
France spend 10 on tech rolls
France roll 1,4 and gets 0 hits
Combat Move - France
2 colonials moved from Greece to Macedonia
1 cavalry moved from Western Sudan to Cairo-Suez
1 colonial moved from Cairo-Suez to Sinai
1 colonial moved from Cairo-Suez to Sinai
2 cruisers moved from Sea Zone 78 Indian Ocean to Sea Zone 75 Red Sea
1 transport moved from Sea Zone 118 Java Sea to Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea
1 transport moved from Sea Zone 150 Pacific Ocean to Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean
1 transport moved from Sea Zone 140 Sea of Okhotsk to Sea Zone 150 Pacific Ocean
1 transport moved from Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
1 colonial moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
1 colonial moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean
2 colonials and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon
2 colonials moved from Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon to Marseilles
1 battleship moved from Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea to Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon
1 battleship moved from Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean to Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea
1 colonial moved from Rome to Latium
1 colonial moved from Rome to Latium
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Burgundy to Champagne
3 infantry moved from Paris to Champagne
1 gas moved from Brittany to Paris
1 gas moved from Brittany to Paris
1 fighter moved from Champagne to Belgium
1 infantry moved from Champagne to Belgium
1 gas moved from Brittany to Paris
1 infantry moved from Champagne to Belgium
Purchase Units - France
France buy 2 colonials, 1 field_gun, 11 gass, 2 heavy_guns, 3 infantry and 1 trench; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 2 techTokens;
Combat - France
Battle in Macedonia
France attack with 2 colonials
Austria defend with 1 infantry
France roll dice for 2 colonials in Macedonia, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 1 infantry in Macedonia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Macedonia
France win, taking Macedonia from Austria with 2 colonials remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Austria: 1 infantry
Battle in Belgium
France attack with 1 fighter and 2 infantry
Germany defend with 1 Factory and 1 cavalry
France roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Belgium, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Belgium, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
France roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Belgium, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Belgium, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
France roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Belgium, round 4 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Belgium, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the France lost in Belgium
France roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Belgium, round 5 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Belgium, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
1 cavalry owned by the Germany lost in Belgium
France win, taking Belgium from Germany with 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
Casualties for France: 1 infantry
Casualties for Germany: 1 cavalry
Non Combat Move - France
1 fighter moved from Belgium to Champagne
1 infantry moved from Sistan to Khurasan
1 colonial moved from Sindh to Baluchistan
1 infantry moved from Sinai to Hejaz
Place Units - France
2 colonials placed in Algiers
3 gass placed in Brittany
8 gass placed in Paris
2 heavy_guns, 1 infantry and 1 trench placed in Champagne
1 field_gun and 2 infantry placed in Marseilles
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by France from Champagne: 1 infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by France to Alsace: 1 infantry
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Activate Technology - France
Trigger FranceP: France has 3 infantry placed in Paris
Turn Complete - France
France collect 79 PUs; end with 79 PUs
France collect 3 PUs from War Bonds; end with 82 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : 0.33
France regular : -1.83
Austria regular : -0.33
Territory Summary for France :
Alsace : 1 flag, 1 infantry
Bismarck Islands : 1 flag
Caroline Islands : 1 flag
Kamerun : 1 flag
Palau : 1 flag
Togo : 1 flag
Algiers : 1 Factory and 2 colonials
Brittany : 1 Factory and 3 gass
Champagne : 1 Factory, 1 cavalry, 2 colonials, 8 field_guns, 1 fighter, 8 heavy_guns, 24 infantry and 3 trenchs
Madagascar : 1 infantry
Marseilles : 1 Factory, 2 colonials, 4 field_guns and 6 infantry
Paris : 1 Factory, 23 gass and 3 infantry
Shanghai 4 : 1 field_gun and 1 infantry
Tobruk : 1 Factory
Yanaon : 1 Factory
Greece : 3 colonials and 2 infantry
Macedonia : 2 colonials
Latium : 4 colonials
Hejaz : 1 infantry
Sinai : 2 colonials
Belgium : 1 infantry
Cairo-Suez : 1 cavalry
Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon : 1 battleship and 1 transport
Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea : 1 battleship
Sea Zone 68 Aegean Sea : 2 cruisers
Sea Zone 75 Red Sea : 2 cruisers
Sea Zone 84 Andaman Sea : 1 transport
Sea Zone 150 Pacific Ocean : 1 transport
Sea Zone 153 Pacific Ocean : 1 transport
Baluchistan : 1 colonial
Khurasan : 1 infantry
Production/PUs Summary :
Germany : 114 / 119
France : 79 / 82
Serbia : 10 / 10
Austria : 88 / 104
Italy : 25 / 25
Arabia : 7 / 7
Turkey : 58 / 65
Britain : 108 / 108
Russia : 86 / 89
Communists : 24 / 24
USA : 89 / 98
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land
Game History
Round: 9
Research Technology - Austria
Austria spend 10 on tech rolls
Austria roll 4,1,4,4 and gets 0 hits
Combat Move - Austria
7 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 22 infantry moved from Albania to Macedonia
2 cavalrys moved from Belgrade to Macedonia
3 cavalrys moved from Hungary to Macedonia
1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Galicia to Odessa
1 field_gun and 4 infantry moved from Milan to Piedmont
2 fighters moved from Tyrol to Piedmont
1 fighter moved from Trieste to Tuscany
2 infantry moved from Venice to Tuscany
Purchase Units - Austria
Austria buy 1 cavalry, 3 field_guns, 1 fighter, 6 gass and 15 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 4 techTokens;
Combat - Austria
Battle in Macedonia
Austria attack with 5 cavalrys, 7 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 22 infantry
France defend with 2 colonials
Austria roll dice for 5 cavalrys, 7 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 22 infantry in Macedonia, round 2 : 14/36 hits, 10.17 expected hits
Serbia roll dice for 2 colonials in Macedonia, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 cavalry owned by the Austria lost in Macedonia
2 colonials owned by the France lost in Macedonia
Austria win, taking Macedonia from Serbia with 4 cavalrys, 7 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 22 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Austria: 1 cavalry
Casualties for France: 2 colonials
Battle in Piedmont
Austria attack with 1 field_gun, 2 fighters and 4 infantry
Italy defend with 1 Factory, 3 infantry and 1 trench
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun, 2 fighters and 4 infantry in Piedmont, round 2 : 4/7 hits, 2.33 expected hits
Italy roll dice for 3 infantry and 1 trench in Piedmont, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Piedmont
1 trench owned by the Italy and 2 infantry owned by the Italy lost in Piedmont
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun, 2 fighters and 3 infantry in Piedmont, round 3 : 2/6 hits, 2.17 expected hits
Italy roll dice for 1 infantry in Piedmont, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Italy lost in Piedmont
Austria win, taking Piedmont from Italy with 1 field_gun, 2 fighters and 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
Casualties for Austria: 1 infantry
Casualties for Italy: 3 infantry and 1 trench
Battle in Odessa
Austria attack with 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
Russia defend with 2 field_guns
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Odessa, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 2 field_guns in Odessa, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Odessa, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 2 field_guns in Odessa, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 2 infantry in Odessa, round 4 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 2 field_guns in Odessa, round 4 : 2/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
1 field_gun owned by the Russia lost in Odessa
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 6 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 6 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 7 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Odessa, round 7 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Odessa
1 field_gun owned by the Russia lost in Odessa
Russia win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
Casualties for Russia: 2 field_guns
Battle in Tuscany
Austria attack with 1 fighter and 2 infantry
Italy defend with 1 infantry
Austria roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Tuscany, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Italy roll dice for 1 infantry in Tuscany, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Italy lost in Tuscany
Austria win, taking Tuscany from Italy with 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Italy: 1 infantry
Non Combat Move - Austria
7 cavalrys moved from Tyrol to Rhine
13 field_guns and 5 infantry moved from Venice to Milan
2 field_guns and 8 infantry moved from Trieste to Venice
2 fighters moved from Piedmont to Milan
1 fighter moved from Tuscany to Venice
2 field_guns moved from Belgrade to Serbia
1 cavalry moved from Galicia to Serbia
1 cavalry moved from Lithuania to Galicia
2 gass moved from Hungary to Galicia
4 gass moved from Tyrol to Venice
Place Units - Austria
4 infantry placed in Venice
1 field_gun, 1 fighter and 4 infantry placed in Galicia
Austria undo move 1.
2 field_guns and 2 infantry placed in Venice
6 infantry placed in Trieste
1 cavalry and 3 infantry placed in Belgrade
6 gass placed in Hungary
Turn Complete - Austria
Austria collect 97 PUs; end with 97 PUs
Austria collect 5 PUs from War Bonds; end with 102 PUs
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Austria from Armenia: 4 cavalrys
EDIT: Adding units owned by Austria to Georgia: 4 cavalrys
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italy regular : -0.67
Serbia regular : 0.33
Austria regular : 3.67
Russia regular : 1.00
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land
Game History
Round: 9
Research Technology - Italy
Italy roll 2,4,1,4,2 and gets 0 hits
Combat Move - Italy
1 fighter moved from Latium to Piedmont
1 field_gun moved from Marseilles to Piedmont
1 infantry moved from Marseilles to Piedmont
2 transports moved from Sea Zone 56 Gulf of Lyon to Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea
1 infantry moved from Rome to Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea
1 field_gun moved from Latium to Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Piedmont
1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Latium to Tuscany
1 infantry moved from Latium to Tuscany
Purchase Units - Italy
Italy buy 2 fighters and 3 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 5 techTokens;
Combat - Italy
Battle in Piedmont
Italy attack with 2 field_guns, 1 fighter and 2 infantry
Austria defend with 1 Factory, 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
Italy roll dice for 2 battlecruisers in Piedmont, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1,33 expected hits
Italy roll dice for 2 field_guns, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Piedmont, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun and 3 infantry in Piedmont, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
3 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Piedmont
Italy roll dice for 2 field_guns, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Piedmont, round 3 : 3/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Piedmont, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Piedmont
Italy win, taking Piedmont from Austria with 2 field_guns, 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13
Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun and 3 infantry
Battle in Tuscany
Italy attack with 1 field_gun and 2 infantry
Austria defend with 2 infantry
Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 2 infantry in Tuscany, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 2 infantry in Tuscany, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Italy lost in Tuscany
1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Tuscany
Italy roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Tuscany, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
Austria roll dice for 1 infantry in Tuscany, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Italy lost in Tuscany
1 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Tuscany
Italy win, taking Tuscany from Austria with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Italy: 2 infantry
Casualties for Austria: 2 infantry
Non Combat Move - Italy
1 fighter moved from Piedmont to Marseilles
5 infantry moved from Rome to Latium
Place Units - Italy
2 fighters and 3 infantry placed in Rome
Activate Technology - Italy
triggerAttachmenItalyS: Italy met a national objective for an additional 1 techTokens; end with 6 techTokens
Turn Complete - Italy
Italy collect 25 PUs; end with 27 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italy regular : 1,83
Austria regular : -0,67
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land
Game History
Round: 9
Combat Move - Arabia
1 Bedouin moved from Hejaz to Oman
Arabia take Oman from Turkey
Purchase Units - Arabia
Arabia buy 2 Bedouins and 1 trench; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat - Arabia
Non Combat Move - Arabia
Place Units - Arabia
2 Bedouins and 1 trench placed in Mecca
Turn Complete - Arabia
Arabia collect 8 PUs; end with 8 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
@Entek Turks are up
@Elrood in the office today should be able to do it tomorrow if not tonight.
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Domination 1914 No Man’s Land
Game History
Round: 9
Research Technology - Turkey
Turkey spend 5 on tech rolls
Turkey rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits
Combat Move - Turkey
2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Constantinople to Sea Zone 67 Black Sea
2 field_guns, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 67 Black Sea to Sea Zone 66 Black Sea
2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 66 Black Sea to Georgia
1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 67 Black Sea to Sea Zone 66 Black Sea
1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 67 Black Sea to Sea Zone 66 Black Sea
2 infantry moved from Armenia to Georgia
1 cavalry, 1 field_gun and 3 infantry moved from Armenia to Lurs
2 cavalrys, 14 field_guns, 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 11 infantry moved from Arabia to Mecca
1 cavalry and 1 gas moved from Damascus to Hejaz
1 cavalry moved from Mesopotamia to Yemen
Turkey take Yemen from Arabia
Purchase Units - Turkey
Turkey buy 6 field_guns, 7 infantry and 5 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens;
Combat - Turkey
Battle in Hejaz
Turkey attack with 1 cavalry and 1 gas
France defend with 1 infantry
Turkey roll dice for 1 gas in Hejaz, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 gas owned by the Turkey lost in Hejaz
Turkey roll dice for 1 cavalry in Hejaz, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
Arabia roll dice for 1 infantry in Hejaz, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the France lost in Hejaz
Turkey win, taking Hejaz from Arabia with 1 cavalry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
Casualties for Turkey: 1 gas
Casualties for France: 1 infantry
Battle in Mecca
Turkey attack with 2 cavalrys, 14 field_guns, 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 11 infantry
Arabia defend with 18 Bedouins, 1 Factory and 7 trenchs
Turkey roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 14 field_guns, 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 11 infantry in Mecca, round 2 : 16/29 hits, 12.00 expected hits
Arabia roll dice for 18 Bedouins and 7 trenchs in Mecca, round 2 : 3/18 hits, 6.00 expected hits
3 infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Mecca
7 trenchs owned by the Arabia and 2 Bedouins owned by the Arabia lost in Mecca
Turkey roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 14 field_guns, 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 8 infantry in Mecca, round 3 : 9/26 hits, 11.00 expected hits
Arabia roll dice for 16 Bedouins in Mecca, round 3 : 5/16 hits, 5.33 expected hits
5 infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Mecca
9 Bedouins owned by the Arabia lost in Mecca
Turkey roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 14 field_guns, 1 fighter, 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry in Mecca, round 4 : 4/21 hits, 9.33 expected hits
Arabia roll dice for 7 Bedouins in Mecca, round 4 : 3/7 hits, 2.33 expected hits
3 infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Mecca
4 Bedouins owned by the Arabia lost in Mecca
Turkey roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 14 field_guns, 1 fighter and 1 heavy_gun in Mecca, round 5 : 8/18 hits, 8.33 expected hits
Arabia roll dice for 3 Bedouins in Mecca, round 5 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
2 cavalrys owned by the Turkey lost in Mecca
3 Bedouins owned by the Arabia lost in Mecca
Turkey captures 8PUs while taking Arabia capital
Turkey win, taking Mecca from Arabia with 14 field_guns, 1 fighter and 1 heavy_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 16
Casualties for Turkey: 2 cavalrys and 11 infantry
Casualties for Arabia: 18 Bedouins and 7 trenchs
Non Combat Move - Turkey
1 fighter moved from Mecca to Arabia
2 cavalrys and 1 field_gun moved from Baghdad to Lurs
1 field_gun moved from Damascus to Jordan
1 infantry moved from Jordan to Palestine
1 cavalry moved from Damascus to Kurdistan
1 field_gun and 5 infantry moved from Mesopotamia to Kurdistan
Place Units - Turkey
3 trenchs placed in Palestine
1 trench placed in Georgia
1 trench placed in Lurs
2 field_guns and 3 infantry placed in Damascus
3 field_guns and 2 infantry placed in Baghdad
1 field_gun and 2 infantry placed in Constantinople
Turn Complete - Turkey
Turkey collect 64 PUs; end with 72 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Turkey rolls : 0.00
Arabia regular : -2.00
Turkey regular : -3.50
@Private-Panic Please give Turks time to consider small NCM edits.
@Entek Congratulations on taking Mecca, that mecca me very happy. You rolled so far above average and Arabs so far below average on the first round, that even tho their dice improved thereafter, it couldn’t make up for the initial decisive blow. On to Sinai and Cairo.