Yeah there is since I am still waiting on getting 40… lol
1st Northern Europe A&A Wiking-Con
From Thursday 3rd March 2022 to Sunday 6th March 2022, the Northern Europe Axis & Allies Wiking-Con is held in Denmark.
Players from The Netherlands and Germany are coming to Denmark for this Axis & Allies event.
All participating players have been informed in detail concerning free accommodation etc.
All games are Face-to-Face, 1 vs. 1.
All games are OOB Axis & Allies Global 1940, played with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
Game reports will be announced at the Global 1940 Game Report thread shortly after this Axis & Allies Wiking-Con event.
P Panther pinned this topic on
So, today is the D-Day for the Northern Europe Axis & Allies Wiking-Con.
Today at 20.00 CET, the first games begin.
Game Reports will be available within 2-3 weeks at the Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread.
Sweet ! Great times of game battles ahead.
Yea - the players from Holland just sent a picture of the Rising Sun as they are driving North-East towards Denmark. It’s an 8 hours drive by car.
The German players have 4 hours drive by car.
We are ready to welcome them all:+1:
@the-captain How many total players ? Does it have a tournament format or just random draw and play as many games as you can ?
6 players this time.
Random draw & play 2 games.
We finished Sunday evening.
Game Reports will be posted within 1-2 weeks.