Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @the-captain What a Fun game ! Enjoyed the after action reports

  • @the-captain

    Yeahhhhhh! Germany took Moscow, Germany took Moscow! That was the closest game I’ve seen so far! Really shows that you’re a top player (helped by the fact that you created these rules). Also shows you’re proficient as both Axis and Allies.

    Insane battles. So many aircraft.

  • @the-captain

    Great Game, nice tactics, very good pictures and nice reports 💪🏻

  • @the-captain

    By the way, did Germany retake Romania?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 5 Game Report: Round Late 1943 (round 7):

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 5 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Dark Knight

    From Early 1940, Germany launched a Massive U-Boat Offensive in The Battle Of The Atlantic.
    This offensive continued during the entire War, with a continued high U-Boat production.

    The fighting on the Eastern Front was clearly marked by the massive German U-Boat production, since the reinforcements on the Eastern Front were scarce.

    Nonetheless the German Army Group North & Army Group South were doing progress - slowly but surely - deeper into Soviet territory.

    The Soviet Union defended their frontlines with 1st & 2nd Tank Armies, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Army Corps - and an almost unlimited amount of Red Army Conscription Infantry units - slowing down the German offensive.

    Japan wiped out the last Chinese forces in Early 1942 - and kept pressure on the US Navy in the Pacific, forcing a complete withdrawal of all US Naval units.

    United States declared War on Japan in Late 1941 - fortified the Philippines - and started a build up in the Atlantic to counter the German U-Boats of the Kriegsmarine.

    United Kingdom was surrounded by German Wolf Packs - and almost starved out.
    No Large Scale Offensive was ever launched by United Kingdom anywhere during the War.
    India was fighting with its back against the wall - and was threatened in Early 1943 from the West by a German breakthrough in the Middle East.

    ANZAC fought bravely - but alone without support from either United States or United Kingdom.

    The Allied Nations seemed to fall apart - with no chance of getting a foothold in either the Pacific or Europe.

    Late 1943:
    Germany takes over Italy.
    On the Eastern Front Germany launches an all-out offensive from North to South.
    The Middle East and Mediterranian are secured by superior German forces.
    Gibraltar is captured by German Panzer units in an amphibious assault - to cut off the US Navy from using the Naval Base.

    The German Luftwaffe is strengthened on a massive scale for a future attack on the US Navy in the Second Battle of The Atlantic.

    Japan is launching attacks deep into the Pacific - reaching out as far as Johnston & Line Islands.

    The Allied forces are retreating on all fronts.

    In the Early 1943 Germany and Japan are close to an Economic Victory - with superior Military Forces.

    With no hope for any improvement in the military situation, the Allies have no option but to surrender in Early 1943.

    IMG_6190.JPG IMG_6191.JPG IMG_6192.JPG IMG_6193.JPG

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Nice the Axis intimateded the Allies to surrender. The Allies still seemed quite powerful holding half of the Dutch East Indies, India, Egypt, Leningrad, Moscow, and the Philippines.

  • @the-captain said in Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    10 Tank units are purchased by the Soviets (50 IPC). The Total War rule is now available, which means that USSR gets 2 extra Tank units.

    Looking through your 43 report again and wouldn’t Russia’s first Total War Tanks cost be 22 bucks for 6 Tanks using the Mass Tanks and then 25 for the next 6 ? Be 47 total ?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21



    1. Soviet Tank Mass Production: 3 Tank units = 12 IPC
    2. 2 extra Tank units = 10 IPC
    3. Soviet Tank Mass Production (12 IPC) + 2 Tank units (10 IPC) is combined with Total War Production - and therefore gives 1 additional Tank unit for free.
    4. Total War Tank Production: 6 Tank units = 25 IPC
    5. Total Tank Production: 12 Tank units = 47 IPC

    I believe that the 50 IPC mentioned was an anomaly…

  • @the-captain right on i gotta start my game over when the new setup is done. Totally forgot about it changing :joy:

  • @barnee
    Is it possible that you can post pictures from TripleA with the Starting Setup ?

    Then it would be possible to compare our pictures from the Game Board Setup at pg 1 in this thread - which makes it easier to spot any flaws.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @the-captain yea can do. Want them on the 43 thread ? Or triplea ?

  • @barnee

    Both could be nice, since the Global 1943 Setup is part of any G43 game anyway:+1:

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 6 Game Report: Round Early 1944 (round 8):

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    From Early 1940, Germany launched a Limited U-Boat Offensive in The Battle Of The Atlantic.
    This offensive continued until Early 1943, when the Allies gradually got the upper hand in the Battle of The Atlantic.

    In Late 1943 Germany takes over Italy.

    The Axis powers waged a War of Attrition against the Allies.

    On the Eastern Front, Soviet and German troops were constantly attacking each other - and slowly but surely, the Soviet Armed Forces were simply worn down.

    In the Pacific, the Allies fortified multiple islands, which made them costly for Japan to capture.

    Early 1944:
    Germany starts Mass Production of Panzer units.

    A major reorganization is initiated by the Germans on the Eastern Front, in the preparation for the Late 1944 Offensive.

    Waffen-SS Armies are the backbone of the German Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front, and step by step they advance on Moscow.

    The Soviet Union:
    The Soviets are facing difficult odds - and start running out of manpower, with no other options than retreat on all fronts.

    After capturing all of China, Japanese troops attack the Soviet Union - opening op The Second Front in a coordinated offensive operation with the German offensive on the Eastern Front.

    A large Naval assult is succesfully launched against Midway, in order to prevent the US Navy from any major offensive in the Pacific.

    United States:
    In an attempt to destroy the Japanese Navy, the US Naval Task Force succesfully attacks the Japanese Carrier Fleet around Midway.
    After a few rounds of combat, the US Forces withdraw in order to save their own fleet from a Japanese counterattack.

    In the Atlantic, US Forces have a foothold in Northern Africa and Gibraltar - and the US Navy is dominating the Atlantic.

    United Kingdom.
    Hampered by succesfull German U-Boat attacks, the UK economy is down to around 30 IPC in each round.

    UK forces can no longer build up on a massive scale and are forced to defensive operations only.

    In Early 1944 the overall Military and Economic Situation is hopeless for the Allies - and the Allies have no other option than to surrender to the Axis.

    IMG_6247.JPG IMG_6248.JPG IMG_6249.JPG IMG_6250.JPG IMG_6251.JPG IMG_6253.JPG IMG_6252.JPG IMG_6254.JPG

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Awesome! Love that calculator! What do you use it for? That line of German markers across North Africa is definitely intimidating.

    Another unstoppable victory for you. Crazy how good you are, a 90% success rate. Well done!

  • @the-captain

    Lol, I use a calculator too! So cool you also put a sticker on it, in order to denote to which side it belongs!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 7 Game Report: Round Late 1944 (round 9):

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 7 Game Report.

    Axis: Butch Cassidy
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany launched a Massive U-Boat Offensive in The Battle Of The Atlantic.
    This offensive continued until Late 1944

    Germany never got the upper hand in the Battle of The Atlantic since United Kingdom launched a determined Anti-Submarine Campaign against the Kriegsmarine.
    By Early 1944, the German U-boat production had ceased due to severe losses.

    In Late 1943 Germany takes over Italy.

    Operation Barbarossa was launched in Late 1941 - but was brought to a stand still by Late 1943, due to stiff Soviet resistance - and an Allied invasion of Western Europe.

    Late 1944:
    By Early 1944, the German Armies were severely depleted and forced to withdraw along the entire Eastern Front.

    In Western Europe the Allies captured Normandy and German forces could not counter attack due to the massive amount of Allied units.

    Soviet Union:
    With Soviet forces stretching from Iraq to Soviet Far East, the Soviet Union was able to maintain a high IPC income - and mass produce Tank units to counter the German Army.

    With Japanese forces on the doorstep to Soviet territories, UK and US forces were supporting Soviet forces in Soviet territories.

    In Early 1944 Soviet forces launched a Massive Counter Offensive on the Eastern Front, forcing the remaining German units to withdraw back to the borders of Eastern Europe.

    In Early 1944, the majority of the Japanese Air Force and Tank units were eliminated by a UK attack in China.
    No Japanese reserves were able to reinforce the frontline units, so the last Japanese forces in China were facing encirclement and annihilation.

    In the Pacific Japan launched an agressive campaign against the Philippines and other Allied held islands.
    Japanese losses were massive during the attack on US held Philippines, which slowed down further advance in the Pacific.

    United States:
    The US Naval Task Force in the Atlantic was eliminated together with UK and French Naval Forces in sea zone 92 in Late 1943, by a massive German attack from the entire Luftwaffe, the remaining German U-boats and the German Kriegsmarine Surface Fleet.

    Losses were total for the Allies - and Germany suvived with a damaged Battleship unit a few Luftwaffe units.

    By Early 1944, the US had rebuild the foundation for a new Atlantic Naval Task Force and continued the offensive against Europe.

    United Kingdom:
    In Early 1944, UK units eliminated a hugh Japanese Army in China - which sealed the fate of the Japanese expansion in Asia.

    By Late 1944, the overall situation was:

    • Soviet Union had regained the initiative on the Eastern Front
    • Japanese forces were eliminated in Asia and the Pacific
    • Allied forces had captured Normandy and were preparing for an offensive against the German Homeland

    The Allies won an Economic Victory in Late 1944 with a Combined IPC Level at 193 IPC.


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  • @the-captain

    That was both brutal and painful for the Axis. The moment I read you were the Allies I knew this wasn’t going to go well. It happens.

  • @the-captain Nice report. What type of dude is that in Trans-Jordan ? I don’t think I’ve seen it before

  • @barnee

    Pretty sure it’s a normal infantry.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @barnee said in Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    @the-captain Nice report. What type of dude is that in Trans-Jordan ? I don’t think I’ve seen it before

    Maybe a Uk elite ? Trench coat. Frenchy ?

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