Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    I did the Air Battle anyway. Was Gonna retreat and still might but :) It was a Bloodbath. Luftwaffe sent 3 Ftrs 2 Tacs 3Bmbrs commies had 5 Ftrs, 1 was USA and 1 UK.

    Combat only lasted 1 rd lol. 3 Bmbrs and a Tac made it through, Tac got shot down by AA. 18 Damage by Bmbrs lol

    Russia has no Air Defense. Couple Allied Ftrs coming up, but Huge Victory for the Reich. 18 damage and they only got 27 bucks. Can’t even by tanks now, the commie bastards lol

  • @barnee

    5 Allied fighters overall, or 7 Allied fighters including US and UK?

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    It’s late 1945 and the War Rages On. The Wehrmacht made some small gains on the Eastern Front, only to be pushed back. They were able to hold onto W UKR in a disastrous soviet counterattack and bring up much needed reinforcements to concentrate for continuing offensive operations, as well as complete the Formation of a 2nd German Army Group.
    A Strategic Bombing Raid caused significant damage to the moscow factory as well as destroying soviet fighter defense, albeit at heavy Luftwaffe losses. Allies are rushing Fighter reinforcements as a top priority to their distasteful communist allies.
    End G 1945.png
    The Kriegsmarine retreated to SZ 113, opening Denmark and Norway to invasion from UK LCVs, although both are well defended.
    Western Europe continues to be traded in back and forth battles of attrition.

    It’s been mostly quiet in the Mediterranean Theatre, although S France has changed hands a few times and the USA was finally able to liberate Cyprus after a year from German Airborne defenders.
    End 1945 G 2.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    The soviets have continued to successfully push back German advances, except for there disastrous W UKR counterattack. UKR will most likely fall this year to Waffen Para attack or Mech Infantry driving through the minefields of W UKR.

    The Red Air Force has suffered greatly and consists of a single Tac Bmbr. They must now rely on Allied Fighters to defend moscow. Stalin is both unhappy and distrustful of this development.

    An Armored Commissar Corps made strong advances in Western China, until they overextended there lines of communication and were destroyed. They were able to liberate some of there flawed ideological brothers in the process, and with UK help, pushed JPN back in china as well as soviet Far East, mostly due to British help.
    Late 1945 3.png
    Strong Armored Forces and Allied help are keeping the Germans and JPN at bay for now.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    JPN, after initial early success on the battlefield, finds itself hard pressed on all Fronts. To the North, USA and British Forces have created a Huge battle of attrition and slowly pushed the emperor’s forces back.
    End 1945 J 1.png
    The American Fleet is too strong to destroy or force to retreat and Total war Tank and Fighter builds have taken there toll on the Navy as well as the training of Infantry for the Army.
    To the West, things look grim as well. Combined Soviet and UK attacks have liberated parts of china and the Chinese Peasants are now heeding a call to arms.
    End 1945 J 2.png
    The slow moving British have finally decided the Indian Army is sufficiently trained for major offensive operations. With the appointment of General William Slim as overall Commander, he wastes no time and sends a Massive attack into occupied Burma. With a small Armored Force pinching into Yunnan, the japanese are hard pressed indeed.
    The South is looking Troublesome as well. Never being able to fully conquer the Dutch East Indies, they now find themselves trading for Celebes, one of there few conquests. Singapore is also now at significant threat and with few naval reinforcements arriving, the situation is close to becoming desperate.
    End Late 45 J3.png
    JPN retains Strong Forces and is far from defeated, but unless there German Allies can strike some quick and powerful blows, they will most likely be slowly ground down.
    In the name of the emperor, the populace has been asked to pray for a Divine Wind.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    The USA slowly gains strength, but has yet to establish a foothold in Western Europe. While they have cleared N Africa of Axis Forces, with British help, it’s most likely due to no offensive operations from the axis.
    End 1945 USA.png
    Halsey’s Naval Task Force remains stalled off of the coast Queensland in a defensive role,
    End 1945 USA 2.png
    while the one bright spot has been the junior Admiral Spruance, in the North Pacific.
    Avoiding a major sea battle, he has been able to successfully land Marines and Army Infantry in large numbers in the soviet Far East.
    End 1945 USA 3.png
    While unable to claim a complete victory, it has forced JPN to alter there plans of conquest, and with British Forces moving in from the East, the long awaited Victory may soon be at hand.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    JPN successfully counterattacks.
    End 1946 J2.png
    The Manchuko Army still in trouble but massive IJA reinforcements are on the way. With Naval Trprts able to shuttle back to the Sea of Japan, they may hold the Western Devils at bay yet. Successful counterattacks against the chinese uprising, could also free additional units from the Factory in Shantung.
    The American Navy is too weak to take advantage of the IJN, which is currently without land based Air support. Halsey is Furious and may get the reinforcements he’s been Screaming for. They are at least a year away though.
    End 1946 J3.png
    General Slim is going to continue his offensive, but with the recent setbacks in china, is forced to scale back his operations.
    End 1946 J4.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Start G1 Late 1946
    Axis looking, not so good.
    1946 G.png
    Think Germany dicked around too much. Kriegsmarine went big and was/is ok. N Africa, I don’t like the Brits running wild down there. Probably shoulda done one or the other , not both. lol
    JPN started good, dusted china, in trouble now. Still have a lot of power. Allied supply lines aren’t that good.
    1946 J 2.png
    End J 1945 or 6 lol.png
    We’ll see how it plays out lol

  • @barnee

    Again, please do creative moves to let the Axis win.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    After disastrous counterattacks on both the Western and Eastern Fronts in Early 1947, The Fuhrer has been assassinated and the Reich sues for peace.
    Early 1947 G.png

    Nippon has been pushed out of Soviet Asia and lost close to a third of China. It has been forced to continuously counterattack Yunnan to keep the Burma Road closed.

    Singapore is threatened by both Sea and Land attack. It has lost control of all it’s conquests in the Dutch East Indies.
    Early 1947 J.png

    While they refuse to negotiate for peace and with surrender out of the question, it is simply a matter of time before they succumb to nuclear annihilation.

    EXP 7.62 Game 18 3-9-22.tsvg

    Found a couple more bugs. Should be easy fixes. We’ll update soon.

  • @barnee

    Shouldn’t have let this happen! What are the American aircraft in Normandy Bordeaux? They don’t look like normal aircraft. Thank you!

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Yea, those landmines can be pretty brutal against Landing Craft. The Netherlands been changing hands with UK last couple years and the Wehrmacht been sliding 1 or 2 mines a turn in there, when they hold and leftovers are still there as well. A few have detonated, but until now, never destroyed an entire attack.

    Rommel must be in charge. Flew him out of North Africa and left his subordinate in charge. lol

    Game 19 REDO EXP 7.63 April 10 2022.tsvg

  • @barnee

    Yeah! Go Axis!

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    It’s Early 1948 and another Allied Victory. I think I’m dicking around too much with Germany still. I should review some league games again, as i was never a good Global player anyway lol

    Didn’t go quite as hard in Africa this time, mostly just tied down UK Forces. Lost Italian Navy early and that came back to hurt Germany bad after Italy takeover by being convoyed Big time.

    Kriegsmarine did pretty decent. Went a little heavier on U-boats. Did some nice convoy damage. Took the Americans a year to run them back to SZ 112 where they just hung out and prevented UK LCV attacks on Denmark and Norway. Kept USA honest off GIB too.

    I tried adding a 4 dollar boat when I could. Hits at 3 first rd and cheap hit soaker. Eventually the Wehrmacht got all the dough though lol

    Those 26 Conscripts sure put up a nice wall. I been going a little early with the TGs too and the LMs are an unknown for how many they’ll kill.

    JPN waited till J3. Didn’t do too bad. Got China. Never could get the Islands. I seem to do better with a J2, with my play style anyway.

    USA put some dudes in russia with the LL guys. Had a Fleet up there and decided to just keep pumping 4 dudes a turn there. IJN was down south with only a single CV in Home waters. The bulk of the US Navy ended up off Queensland and usually a continuous stream of reinforcements moving through Pearl.

    Little bit of a slow start on the Europe side. Had to kill some U-boats and get enough defense before they could start landing in Africa.
    China took it’s usual beatdown.

    UK was hard pressed from the get go. Major convoy damage and had to honor the Axis threat in the Med and N Africa. Never really did get going till late game.

    Italians losing Fleet early cost them dearly. Couldn’t get the med bonus or any others for that matter.

    ANZAC had a pretty decent go. Got the DNG bonus and kept it the whole game. Decided not to take DNG with JPN as it’d just be a -2 for most the game. Had good counterattacks against JPN islands, mostly Celebes. Got Paulau early as well as fortifying Java.

    France did France lol. Actually they did about as good as they could. There few units are still important.

    Anyway, that was Game 19. Couple small fixes to do. Was thinking about giving 43 a try again, but I’m kinda still on the 40 kick right now. Might try and write up some triplea pointers and see if I can get a test forum game going. I usually struggle with it though lol

    Game 19 REDO EXP 7.63 April 10 2022.tsvg

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Little different start to game 20. Went full U-Boat except Early 41. I only bought 3 as i got a DD too. Wanted to dust that pesky commie sub off Norway. Left the UK 110 Fleet alone. UK had -13 convoy damage Early 41. Unfortunately wasn’t able to get a bombing run in. Bmbrs dusted a couple blockers after 110 sailed to GIB.

    The interesting part was JPN. USA sent 4 Ftrs to Wake and 2 Inf off NG to reinforce PHI. The 2 Inf made it and Fortified but got a little gun shy with the Ftrs. JPN was geared up for a potential early strike against PHI and I didn’t wanna give them a fat target at Guam with just 1 Inf. Trading Inf for Ftrs just didn’t sit right with me, although it woulda delayed the PHI attack.

    What did happen was ANZAC using the loophole DOW. They got there extra 5 bucks that way. They had Celebes too, so made for a nice payday. Bought a Factory for Queensland.

    However, JPN said, F it, we’ll blow off the PHI and take out Borneo, Celebes, Burma and Shan State, while pounding on China some more. We get our extra 10 bucks from Uncle Sam too. Of course USA got the 5 bucks for PHI, but didn’t dare declare on JPN as they’d lose the Natl Guard. Doesn’t matter as JPN gonna have to DOW next turn anyway.

    It had the added bonus of keeping the USA off the Reichs ass for another turn too. Probably woulda dusted a N Atlantic Wolfpack otherwise as well as reinforcing GIB and or activating Brazil.

    At any rate, after it was all said and done, I think it was a poor move by ANZAC for the early DOW. The NO’s were a wash, but Borneo,Celebes and freeing Germany up another turn outweighed the benefit.

    It wasn’t a certainty JPN woulda struck, but I don’t think I’d do it again.

  • @barnee

    Please have the Axis win!

  • @barnee
    These days we’re playing our last games for this season. Results will be posted at this thread asap.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    This is our last game for this season. We have a pause in the game for a few days - we’ll finish the game 1st June.

    Global 1940, No. 4 Game Report:

    Axis player: Butch Cassidy
    Allied player: The Captain

    At this point, we are in Late 1943. It is Germany’s turn.

    Germany has launched massive U-Boat operations in The Atlantic since Late 1940.
    On The Eastern Front the battle has been fought as a War of Attrition where Germany is in a strong position - but the lack of reserves is now felt.

    Soviet Partisans have disrupted German Strategic Rail Movement - and German troops continuously need to fight the Soviet Partisans in their rear areas.

    Germany’s next move on The Eastern Front will decide the fate of the German Army Group South - and most likely the entire outcome of the of The Soviet Campaign.

    In the West, Germany has to face the invasion forces from United Kingdom and USA.

    Italy is now ready for the German Take Over Of Italy.

    Japan declared War on The Soviet Union in Early 1942. This triggered an IPC Penalty of 6 IPC for Japan.
    Equally, Russia immediately received 6 IPC.

    The Japanese advance into Russia is slowly pushing back the few surviving Soviet troops.

    At the same time, Japan captured the Philippines - with heavy losses on both sides.

    China has totally captured by Japan - but by now, Soviet forces are advancing into China - liberating Chinese territories one by one.

    In South East Asia, Japan is fighting against an increasing number of British units.

    Soon, the USA will launch a massive Naval Operation in the Pacific - this will force Japan to spend a considerable amount of IPC to counter this new threat.

    ANZAC is disturbing the Japanese advance in the South Pacific, by continuously launching small scale attacks against Japanese held islands and Transports that are left on their own.


  • Sweet pics. I’m assuming your coastal guns are cut up factories ?

  • @general-6-stars

    Yea - I have tons of game pieces - all the way back from Classic & Revised 2004.

    I got the idea back in 1995 to cut up some factories - and use them as Coastal Defense Artillery - inspired by pictures from The Atlantic Wall.

    The other half of those factories I used as Sub Pens.

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