A friend and I play A&A Anniversary almost exclusively. We are looking for other players in Texas. We are in San Antonio, but are willing to travel for games. Contact me at dagan@usa.com if you may be interested.
Hey everybody, greetings from Austria :)
We have a special house rule I would like to share with you.
In July 1943 Mussolini’s regency was overthrown and Italy changed to the side of Allies.
We always wanted to play this significant event in our games and here is how we do it:
As long as Italy keeps its 10 IPCs morale is okay. Is it higher it is even better. But if at the end of the player’s turn the IPCs are below 10 you have to pass a morale test.
9 IPCs - at a dice roll of 6 partisans take “il duce” as prisoner and Italy changes sides.
At 8 IPCs at a dice roll of 5.
At 7 IPCs at a dice roll of 4 a.s.o.
If Italy itself falls into the hand of the Allies, Italy changes automatically sides and if you like it or not has to fight the remaining Axis powers.
This shows how Italy is an unreliable partner and “Third Reich”-player really has to take care of his brother in arms.
I hope you enjoy this house rule and can spice up your games a little bit :)
An interesting rule, I feel like it just encourages KGF, though I guess it’s Italy first. Balance-wise I’m assuming you’re playing with NOs to keep up axis IPCs? Do you play with Turkish straights open or closed?
@AtePineapple Right “Kill Germany first” (KGF) seems to be the the option at hand. But wouldn’t that be more realistic?
Edit: sorry help me out please - NO means what exactly?
Oh … National Objectives. Yes we do!
Strait of Turkey: actually, we play it closed, but neutral states can be attacked so …
We also have rules to put diplomatic pressure on neutral states - but that is a topic for another day :)
@fantasticfan said in [Anniversary] Italy changes sides:
Hey everybody, greetings from Austria :)
We have a special house rule I would like to share with you.
In July 1943 Mussolini’s regency was overthrown and Italy changed to the side of Allies.
We always wanted to play this significant event in our games and here is how we do it:As long as Italy keeps its 10 IPCs morale is okay. Is it higher it is even better. But if at the end of the player’s turn the IPCs are below 10 you have to pass a morale test.
9 IPCs - at a dice roll of 6 partisans take “il duce” as prisoner and Italy changes sides.
At 8 IPCs at a dice roll of 5.
At 7 IPCs at a dice roll of 4 a.s.o.If Italy itself falls into the hand of the Allies, Italy changes automatically sides and if you like it or not has to fight the remaining Axis powers.
This shows how Italy is an unreliable partner and “Third Reich”-player really has to take care of his brother in arms.
I hope you enjoy this house rule and can spice up your games a little bit :)
What is Italy’s starting income please ?
Italy 6 IPCs
Balkans 3 IPCs
Lybia 1 IPC
Ok. 10 icps. Wow. Won’t work in my game unless I come up with a different amount.
So July of 43 wouldn’t this rule not go in affect until like turn 3-6 based on year you start game ?
@SS-GEN said in [Anniversary] Italy changes sides:
Ok. 10 icps. Wow. Won’t work in my game unless I come up with a different amount.
So July of 43 wouldn’t this rule not go in affect until like turn 3-6 based on year you start game ?
Whatever works for you is fine :) I just wanted to show a possibility. If you need to change it for your needs go ahead.
The moment when Italy changes sides is an interesting thing. What if Mussolini was already imprisoned in autumn 1941?
This rule in our games is applied from the very first round. But if you want to play the effect in a later time of the game then just do it. It is your decision. :)
@fantasticfan Right I’ve seen a few of different rules. This one is simple.
Thank you for the idea.
Your welcome :)