**Forward by the Team Leader of the Team that Created AA50:Enhanced:
Attached are the rules for AA50e. The concept of the AA50:Enhanced rules was to incorporate the idea of Convoy Raids by submarines into the AA50 game. However, as with any change to a game, other things have to be tweaked to rebalance things, which is how rule sets like AARe are created.
AA50e (or 50th Anniversary Edition, Enhanced) is true to the Anniversary Game and true to the ideals and rules put forth in the Enhanced, Revised Edition of Axis and Allies.
As is always the case in a huge undertaking such as this, not every game tester agreed with ever decision made by the development team, heck, for that matter, the entire development team (5 of us) didn’t agree all the time either! However, recommendations were made by the game testers (which include gamers from AAMC, DAAK, FOE, Real Life and AA.org) were sent up to the developers and most of those ideas were incorporated.
It was noted that victory cities in Anniversary Edition are completely out molded. The original idea of the victory city was to provide an alternate route to winning the game and to encourage global game play. In AARe the addition of more victory cities was to exemplify the need for global game play, according to the developers of AARe.
While we originally wanted to keep Victory Cities in the game, it soon became readily apparent to everyone involved that we either needed 30+ victory cities (which was to be a real headache!) to accomplish the same goal as AARe or we needed to find an alternate method of winning the game.
Not wanting to scrap a single rule from AA50 but only to ENHANCE AA50, we decided to leave the original victory cities and original requirements to win by conquering victory cities alone! Instead we adapted the National Objectives Rule in AA50; as they were originally written; such that if your team was able to have a certain number of national objectives at the end of any game turn then you could also win the game. We found that this was highly motivating in keeping players active on a GLOBAL SCALE (the primary objective of AARe) and thus fit completely within the mandate of creation of the AA50e.
After working these out, we turned our attention to national advantages and technologies. As some of you are well aware, Anniversary scrapped the national advantage charts and doubled down on the technology charts. After an intensive review of the new Anniversary technologies and the AARe national objectives it was mentioned that they were virtually identical. Thus it was eventually determined that it would be far wiser to just copy the rules from the national advantages and assign them to their appropriate technology.
For example, America used to have a National Advantage called “Mechanized Infantry.” Anniversary also has a technology called “Mechanized Infantry” and the two are virtually identical (save for the 1:1 ratio needed on Inf:Arm and the bonus units America used to get.) Thus we moved the Mechanized Infantry National Advantage for America into the Mechanized Infantry Technology on the Chart.
The only real “rule” that was significantly altered in the original set of AA50 rules, that I can think of at this exact moment in time, is the method used to discover technologies. Many of the play testers preferred the AA50 rules to the AARe rules, but it was pointed out that the AA50 rules had many flaws if we wanted to retain as much as possible from AARe.
_Flaw 1: In AARe a player purchases 4 researchers for an attempt at a technology or 6 to automatically get it. It is technology specific, meaning you get the one you want. It was referred to as the 4:2 Rule.
Flaw 2: In AARe there was an ability to “share” technology where if one ally had a technology, the others could get the same one at a reduced cost.
Flaw 3: In AARe the technologies of lesser power (or use) were cheaper than the technologies of greater (utility) were._
To correct those flaws, the rules for technological discovery were altered to be identical to the ones in AARe. Meanwhile the concept of retaining a researcher throughout the life of the game (assuming he never made a technological break through) was discarded as it did not fit into the new schema.
Lastly, there was a strong, and I mean STRONG, push for the retention of national advantages (since it made a nation different than another nation) and two new naval units. Since we (the development team) could not determine a valid set of 36 national advantages (6 for Germany, Russia, Japan, England, Italy and America) on top of the 12 Technologies we limited them to two different national advantages for each nation and added them, and the naval units people wanted, to the optional rule sets for use in private games if players agreed to use them.
Lead Designer
Commander Jennifer Christman**
Summary of Changes:
Some background information:
1) OUR changes to the AARe default rules are highlighted in red. Anything that is black is a pre-existing rule, so please don’t yell at us for black text, yell at the team who created AARe.
2) WE used rules from national advantages to fill in the technological charts (since there are twice as many technologies now.) This of course meant that many of the national advantages were no longer needed, thus, national advantages were eliminated, the ones retained are now listed in the optional advanced rules for players who want to use them. (Each nation has 2 that they get, no more choices. China has two, Italy has two as well.)
3) WE added the two naval units that really, REALLY make the game more fun to play and round out the naval aspect of the game as optional advanced rules as well. NOTE: You do not need to use the two new naval units listed in the optional rules, but the consensus of the game testers and designers was split with significant numbers on BOTH sides of the issues, and the solution was created to make the two naval units not already included in AA50 as optional rules.
4) The TEAM’S over all guiding principle was to make as few changes as possible while retaining all the rules from AA50 and as many of the rules as possible from AARe. Sometimes this meant eliminating things from AARe, sometimes it meant cannibalizing a rule from one section and placing it in another (ie Mechanized Infantry rules from AA50 and Mechanized Infantry rules from AARe - USA National Advantage.)
5) If anyone finds an exploit in the rules and thinks it is game breaking, please notify us here and we’ll run it past the developers and testers to see if the rules need to be tweaked or if the rules can be used to counter the exploit as written.
Added PDF version of the rules for MAC users and others who do not have the ability to open Word Files. I’m told Macs have issues with MS Word 2007, not sure why.