@mhal21 I don’t play poison gas warfare for one simple reason. Poison gas was not as much of a thing as people think it was in WWI. Yes it was terrifying and it made the headlines when it happened, but the estimates are that around 150 000 casualties happened due to gas, which is something like 2-3 days of a huge battle on the Western front.
I know some people have dabbled with it so there is stuff out there. You might want to hop on the Axis and Allies Facebook page to ask your question !
[1914] Overly Detailed Modified Version
@Nippon-koku said in Overly Detailed Modified Version:
Cow/Pig – Two inf per cow/pig can be placed in your capital at the end of your turn
Ten and ten.
So Lorraine has two large forts; if you wanted to wipe it all out in one turn, you’d have to do 40 damage
I think you’re probably right. Starting with that battle is a must. It could be a fun way to start the game: “Hey, before anything happens, roll this battle.”
I like that idea for Gallipoli! I love having the battle, but like you said, it’s a year away at this point. As long as we make that battle happen, we’re good. I’m going to give that a shot
Lol Is that a good or bad omg?
Bad if it’s IL
Good to know. Thanks.
Yea its bad. But the other stuff makes sense. I would get rid of the Pigs ( slaughter them) and get rid of all the coal, lumber, toilets, etc and have a modified National Morale track that may effect say Naval Mutiny ( Germany) Political collapse ( Russian case, Possibly Austrians) and raise some unit costs as a result. I think you might be playing euro games ( eurotrash actually) and want to install some system in AA world.
@Midnight_Reaper said in Overly Detailed Modified Version:
regarding this you might create National Objectives like G40 and include additional income for their capture. I don’t like the 25 Infantry thing, rather i like the income thing, which forces players to send down units to support Allies from the enemy getting at them.
Also, the Entente should not be able to enter the Baltic…only Russia buy building there.
New Units Railway Artillery- Shapeways has these, Armored Cars, Battlecruisers ( they move farther then all naval units) Stosstrupen ( central powers only) Thats a start
I like the livestock and the Gallipoli raid, although I did like the suggestion someone else had on making it round 2.
I like the Baltic idea though. I’m going to set up the board this weekend and take a look
@Midnight_Reaper I think the change in the turn order will actually really help the game. In regards to the Serbia situation, technically, Germany invaded Belgium BEFORE Austria actually launched an offensive against Serbia.
Don’t think I knew that tidbit. I like it
The new turn order has worked great. Combined with all the other changes, each major country has a bunch of options now. Maybe this was just in my household, but like I mentioned in the first post, every game was just “Ok, Germany and AH go after Russia and try to get them out of the game asap, then just turn all attention toward France.”
@Nippon-koku I just have a question regarding the French setup. Why are there French forces in the middle of Germany (aka Hanover)? Just seems a little odd to me, but I’m sure there is a good reason behind it.
I listened to Dan Carlin’s breakdown of the war, and something I didn’t know was France had pushed into the middle Germany quite a bit. Germany had a big army going North, and one going South. France wasn’t supposed to advance, but the general in charge (blanking on his name) went for it and was beat up by the German reserve troops, which were a larger in number, and far better trained, than the French thought they’d be
If I got any parts of that wrong, someone jump in. It was a while ago that I listened
Ok cool I did not know about that. Thank you for clarifying.
@MasterMark26 If you have the time and inclination, Dan Carlin’s breakdown of WWI is incredible. It was a large part of the motivation for making this
@Nippon-koku Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely check that out!
I’d like to see resources developed a little more. Gold and silver, for instance, basically just increase the IPC value of a territory. Maybe you could add some technicality to make it more interesting and influential?
@Charles-de-Gaulle I’m interested. Anything in particular you have in mind?
I hadn’t really given it a thought, but here’s two ideas that just came to mind:
Make it so that the player has to somehow “transfer” the precious metal from the area. This could be as simple as forcing there to be one unit in the zone, or somehow involve a shipping convoy.
Another thing I was thinking that might help with the same old boredom in Africa, is perhaps gold or silver can be used to recruit more African locals and deploy infantry in the colonies.