Required rules also.
Players may not build new IC’s
Placement of naval units in enemy occupied sea zones is allowed
Must use alternate turn order. US, G, Russia, japan, and GB in that order.
Attacking aircraft must land immediately after their battle is resolved, before going on to the next battle. (choose which battles you do in a careful order). You do not land in noncombat movement.
Fighters and bombers may enter 1 sea zone when flying to a battle. When returning from a battle they may enter one sea zone. Exception- when bombing IC’s bombers may enter one or two sea zones when flying to their targets and one or two sea zones when returning. (many questions we had for this one, rules later help understand limits) i can answer q’s
the one sea zone rule does not apply to noncombat movement
if you attack from an island with planes the opposing navy must be in the sea zone surrounding the island
can only carry fighters of own nation.
a fighters flight range from a carrier to its target is always 1
the carrier can move 1 or two zones before launching its fighters into combat, but must end its turn after doing so. after combat returning fighters must return to their original carrier (keep these movements tracked)
Fighters can be attached or detached from a carrier only on noncombat move cycle. They may not be used in attacking on the turn of their assignment or detachment.
land based fighters can not land on a carrier after attacking.
If the carrier based fighters carrier is destroyed, then it must land on another carrier. If no other carrier, it may then land in an adjacent friendly territory. If no adj. friendly terr. then the fighter is lost.
in noncombat a carrier may not move 2 spaces and then launch a fighter with its range of 4
New fighters may be placed on new carriers built by the same factory. New fighters can also be placed on existing carriers in an adjacent sea zone. Fighters that were not built but at the territory as the IC may be placed on a new carrier built by the IC if the fighters didn’t attack on that turn.
except for carrier fighters and bombers on a SBR, fighters and bombers have a combat range of two to the attack point and a range of two while returning. Two in and two out. total of four.
Bombers on SBR
they have a movement of 3 towards and 3 away to land. 3 in and 3 out.
fighters have 4 and bombers have 6 in the noncombat move.