I replied to Sgt privately, but for the thread I can say that we still want to release at least one other patch. However, we’ve been stuck in contract negotiations with Hasbro for a few years, so no news yet. We’re also a small team and there are other projects that need (probably quicker) attention, such as our Infinity Engine games.
📢 Roll Call! Who is on AA42 Online?
To make it easier to find ourselves over there, please list your profile name in the reply. Since we cannot really add friends by username, please use this as a reference to send a DM to add folks as friends.
@djensen is djensen47 #0162
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog is juliusborisov #6900
@GoekaWar is Axis-Veteran #2040
@Eqqman is Eqqman #7080
@lozmoid is Lozmoid
@Imperious-Leader is Imperious Leader #2799
@rem400 is rem4010
@theskeindhu is theskeindhu
@Pie-eye-gamer is Sun Tzu
djensen47 is my username/profile name on Steam.
juliusborisov is my username/profile name on Steam.
But Steam sometimes doesn’t let you add a friend just based on their username. For example, I haven’t been able to find djesnen47. My friend code is 344504775. My quick link for adding - https://s.team/p/cgmm-qnrk/fhnbmrfp (expires after 30 days).
I doubt this is surprising to anyone, but DOUCHEMANMACGEE checking in.
@JuliusBorisovBeamdog Might be my typo. jens vs jesn
@DoManMacgee I think @JuliusBorisovBeamdog is right. I can’t seem to find you by username. I guess it has to be profile name. Or the friend code, which Steam recommends not posting publicly.
I wish there were a way to make a topic private to members only. :thinking_face:
I’m Lozmoid on Steam.
I’m Lucas McCain “The Rifleman” on steam and Imperious Leader in the 1942 games
My old GTO name was taken. It’s been a while but I’m thankful that an online version has made it’s way back!!
@djensen theskeindhu on Steam
I’ve got to play on a different device. My smart phone runs on chrome.
I’ve previously gone by other names such as Salta, Sanfrancisco, MarineIguana.
My name on steam is Axis-Veteran. #2040
I’m on as Eqqman#7080
@Pie eye gamer is Sun Tzu
:face_palm: Apparently we also need the 4 digit number to search for each other.
@djensen The friend system seems broken. When I search for anybody by name + number is says there is an error. Then I get a notification bell saying I have a friend request from djensen but when I go to the screen to respond to it, it says I have 0 pending requests.
You’re clicking on the Friend icon in game right? Not the Steam friend system, right?
@djensen yes, this is all through A&AO, not doing anything directly in Steam.
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