It sounds interesting.
I’ll add a few comments to the rules that we use:
The German U-Boat rule, Wolf Pack rule and the Escort (Convoy) rule that we have adapted in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion originate from the 1991 Gamers Paradise - Axis & Allies Expansion.
Since that Expansion was designed for Axis & Allies Classic, we adjusted the rules to fit in for the newer Axis & Allies versions - including G40.
- The German U-Boat production during World War II was by far the highest Submarine production by any Nation during the early years of the War.
This Historic U-Boat Production is reflected in the game by a reduced German U-Boat Cost.
- The German U-Boat Tactics were superior to any known tactics - and resulted in massive losses of Allied shipping.
The Wolf Pack rule reflects this Historic Superior Tactic.
- From Late 1941, the Allies started to protect their Trans-Atlantic Convoys with increased numbers of Destroyers and Destroyer-Escorts.
This Convoy System is reflected in the game by the Escort Unit, that has the defense value increased when protecting Transports.
These rules are easy to play with, since a German U-Boat unit always costs 4 IPC, (3 or more) German U-Boats always attack at “3” in the first round of Combat - and an Escort unit is an independant unit that can serve one primary purpose: to protect Transports.
Based on our Play Testing Results back in the Early 90’s we have kept the rules as they were since then.
We used those rules in your 1941 Global War Game - and it worked just fine.