Here are other suggestions–just to put them out there for your considerations
Bomber 13 Cruiser 11
Cruiser move 3 without naval base
Cruiser move 4 with nb
Cruiser fires “1” as AAA before combat or against 3 units
Air participates in a pre battle with other air only (but Cruisers and AAA join in this round only)
Carries 1 infantry (this one causes many choice conflicts as you cannot combat/noncom and fight/land/bombard you have to pick 1 thing from each list)
Not sure why you’re boosting it in combo with another unit as that’s actually a buff for the BB, not the cruiser, the BB is correctly priced, and many of these pairs exist at game start but not typically later on)
Few people buy cruisers but like many people have dreamt of, i’ve built a Operation Cruiser Crush strategy (US KGF or JAPAN). I’m just can’t present it to the group because it is so dang wimpy in comparison to my Operation Setting Sun.