[House Rules] The 20 IPC Question....

  • What about keeping the cruiser at 12 IPC’s but gets boosted up to a 4 Attack 4 Defense when paired with a Battleship?

    Or maybe just 11 IPC’s for the cruiser. This seems like it would not harm the initial set up since many BB’s are already paired with CA’s. Two cruisers for 22 IPC’s vs 24 seems like a decent change but not too drastic.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Mursilis said in [House Rules] The 20 IPC Question....:

    What about keeping the cruiser at 12 IPC’s but gets boosted up to a 4 Attack 4 Defense when paired with a Battleship?

    That’s an interesting thought. I think I would keep CA Bombard at 3 though. Or keep D3 ? wouldn’t cork as many opening battles that way

  • @Mursilis yea I like the idea of pairing with BB. Think this is what I’m gonna try: CA A3 +1 when paired with BB on a 1:1 basis D3 Bombard 3 C12

    So have incentive to still buy BB, boosts offensive firepower, which should hopefully encourage more naval engagements, especially larger ones, but shouldn’t (hopefully) break the RD1 battles. Doesn’t overpower shore bombardment.

    Idk, maybe people just go all CVs and planes, subs and DDs anyway. Worth a shot I say : )

    Also, I’m gonna change the AA ability I use for them to 1 shot at 1 in 10 and keep the BB at 2 shots at 1 in 10. I activate that in the 2nd rd though, so it doesn’t break the rd1 battles.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @barnee Ya Thats why I am always crunching numbers with him. But I got a good idea anyway.

    Plus I was gonna mention you as a go to guy also do to at least your play testing.

  • @Mursilis Ya the problem is there’s many discussions on these things but nobody play tests them. Be nice to find like 2 - 4 groups willing to add house rules to game and play test them regularly. I’m not a G40 guy though.

  • You guys look at YG G40 house rules too for any more bal mod ideas.

  • @SS-GEN

    I haven’t looked at YGs stuff too much, although I know there is some overlap with what others have done. They’ve definitely put a lot of work into it. Interested in how their 8 sided die is working out. That seems real promising.

  • No. Barney. I believe it’s for the d6s. I m involved in the d8 deluxe game your talking about.

  • I’m doing the 11 IPC Cruiser. I know that pairing it with a battleship will change the med fight quite a bit and dramatically change the battles around London. So I’ll see if i get more play with this.

    I’ll do pairing with the BB next game which will help the UK out quite a bit weakening the luftwaffe(good thing) and slightly help the Italians in the med. So early game might balance out. I think that the pairing with BB might be the best solution to be honest.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Here are other suggestions–just to put them out there for your considerations

    Bomber 13 Cruiser 11
    Cruiser move 3 without naval base
    Cruiser move 4 with nb
    Cruiser fires “1” as AAA before combat or against 3 units
    Air participates in a pre battle with other air only (but Cruisers and AAA join in this round only)

    Carries 1 infantry (this one causes many choice conflicts as you cannot combat/noncom and fight/land/bombard you have to pick 1 thing from each list)

    Not sure why you’re boosting it in combo with another unit as that’s actually a buff for the BB, not the cruiser, the BB is correctly priced, and many of these pairs exist at game start but not typically later on)

    Few people buy cruisers but like many people have dreamt of, i’ve built a Operation Cruiser Crush strategy (US KGF or JAPAN). I’m just can’t present it to the group because it is so dang wimpy in comparison to my Operation Setting Sun.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    been dicking around with it on triplea. There’s gonna be CAs and BBs everywhere lol : )

    Well…maybe not. What I like about keeping the CA at D3 is it doesn’t screw the RD1 battles too much. Or that’s my hope anyway : ). Germany whacking the UK and French in 110 is almost as key as taking France imo. 111 not as much, but if those CAs hit at D4 with a BB, could be a tough day for the Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarine.

    Seems as if Japan could benefit and maybe UKP if they wanna do a suicide counterattack. Italy if theirr BB lives. Anyway, I’m gonna try it out : )

    @taamvan yea some good ideas.

    I like the pairing idea so that BBs and CAs both need to be bought to take advantage of the tweak. Those are obviously the least purchased. Just a bunch of CVs, subs and DDs otherwise…or…well…probably. In case you didn’t get my disclaimer earlier…I’m not a very good player heh heh : )

  • never buy battleships ever. never buy cruisers

    Depening on what you have from before;

    1DD 2 sub
    1 CV, 1 sub
    1dd 1 bomber
    2 fighters

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @taamvan I disagree. Pricing is way off but my imo. So we just disagree on that. Cool.
    So Barney you making Cruiser change for in BM right ? AA included ?
    Here’s what I have in my game. I know IL mentioned H. and L. Cruisers. But as I stated in prevous post, I think its best to find the Happy Medium.
    Cruisers D12
    A7 D7 M3 C9 AA@2 SHS3 Shot at a plane First round only. You get a choice shot on First round only. Plane or ship.
    Cruiser D6 converted
    A4 D4 M3 C10 AA@1 SHS2 Shot at a plane only First Round.

    As stated. All theory’s. Need all these ideas played out and posted reports here on site.
    Besides other changes to game to be changed even before you think about the cruiser issue. IMO

    OK leaving for awhile. May not be back for good.

  • @SS-GEN

    might not come back ? well maybe take a break instead. If not good luck : )

    Yea the changes can be used for BM or the oob game.

    At first I thought CAs defended at 12. I was like whoa ! heh heh Gonna try a test game here in a bit

  • Cool. Post a report.

  • @SS-GEN will do. Looking forward to trying it out. been a while since I did a big change.

  • Maybe the cruiser being A4 D4 would help more in oob to help eliminate the bid.

  • @SS-GEN yea idk. would help Japan a lot too. My concern is that D4 would make the 110 SZ rd 1 battle pretty hard on Germany

    Also, I think the defensive fleet usually has the advantage, which can lead to big fleets having standoffs instead of battle

  • Ya but it would slow down Germany. See there’s to many things in oob that have to be tweaked. Imo

  • Restrict Japan tank buy, M1 only for all motorized units in Asia and Siberian territory’s up to Nov. I’ll stop. Lol

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