Hola Welcome to the site :)
In case you aren’t aware of it, you can play online with triplea as well.
Have fun gaming !
@Ricardo-Fuentes Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
Being part of this community is free.
There is a donation button for voluntary donations.
Have fun :slightly_smiling_face:
@Panther thanks for the help chief
Hey everyone,
I live down in South Florida and have been an A&A for a little bit, picking up Revised way back when it was brand new and playing it to death (I still have every single piece). Things went quiet until recently when I got my hands on Global 1940 and discovered the HBG website last year. I’ve toyed with bumping things up with the 1936/1939 map but I’m having way too much fun with 1940 (and, considering the cost, i’d need to have a regular group to play with), experimenting with house rules and all that.
While I’ve played 1940 off and on with some friends, I’m really hoping to find some more opponents here via the forum willing to play via e-mail/Discord using the actual board and pieces. It is a slightly slower but better experience for me.
Here you can download TripleA (https://triplea-game.org/) which is a program that allows you to play online, trough pbem or just local (vs AI or friends that come over, without having to actually put up the board, fast and easy gameplay). I dont think you’ll find many players that are willing to play like you suggest, but hopefully for you there are some around. I suggest you try online gaming tough, because there is always someone around that is ready to play at any given time of the day.
I hope you have fun playing and learn lots of new strategies and such. Btw with that program you can play almost any game there is available on the A&A genre and also other games like NWO, Domination, LOTR and much more. Good luck and have fun!
Hey @cds , thanks for the recommendation! I’m very familiar with TripleA, but, like I mentioned, it is a more rewarding experience for me using the actual board and pieces and it allows more room for experimentation, I feel. Fortunately I have found someone right up my alley and we are in the midst of a 1940 Pacific game that I am enjoying very much. Even better, they seem to match my experience level with the game (a real problem in the past), which is very important.
Thanks again for the recommendation and the info, I’ll keep it in mind!
I live SW of Fort Worth, Texas.
I started playing A&A (original) with my uncles back in the 90s and didn’t pick it up again until a couple of months ago. There’s a lot of nostalgia wrapped up in this game for me - those holiday nights (my uncles all lived out state) were the only nights I was allowed to stay up much past the 10 O’clock news.
Being stuck in doors with Covid19 with stir-crazy kids for the last several months proved a great opportunity to pick up the old habit again. We purchased the anniversary reprint and have really enjoyed playing the '41 setup with restricted or closed Dardanelles and a bid of 9 to the allies.
I’ve enjoyed reading through a number of the posts on this forum - there’s a lot of good content.
Thanks to the mods for keeping up with the website.
Hi Everyone,
I have been lurking on this forum on and off for 10 ten years and it has been a great resource for my love of Axis and Allies. I finally decided to join as I’ve started a project around Axis and Allies Global edition.
If it’s okay I will start a topic around the adaptions I’ve been doing to the game both physically and game play wise.
@John-Payne Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
Of course your input is highly welcome. We have the “Customizations” categories for exactly this purpose.
Have fun.
@djensen Hi all - I am General Ignorance, new to 1942 online but originally started playing the 1941 board game (including the Industrial technology upgrade rule) which I think was at least 30 years ago. Iam a Long term strategy gaming and WW2 enthusiast from London. I play weekly now but I have only played 2 games online so far. I am really enjoying my re-introduction to A & A and suspect I am already addicted although I have a lot to learn. I am a bit sensitive about my age but a clue is that I did work on the initial construction of Stonehenge.
@General-Ignorance welcome to the party. Lots to learn and see here. Enjoy.
Hello everyone! I’m Esteban from Ecuador, but I’m currently living in Mexico, I have recently started to play A&A (with A&A&Z) and loving it so far, but I know of this game from some years ago and always wanted to play it, I have to admitt that it scared me the first time and seemed too complicated and expensive. At first, when I was searching for more information, I was a little confused because I saw also the A&A miniatures and I thought that I needed to purchase all those minis also.
Well, after all that, time had passed, many hours searching for the correct version to begin with, but now I am having a fun time playing it with my girlfriend, she likes it also (she is always the Allies and me the Axis).
Thanks by your time reading these lines and I also want to thank to the creators of this forum and Larry Harris by his excellent game and talent designing it for all of us that love board games, wargames and WW2.
@Stevan_Avalon welcome to the war Esteban!
Keep your head down, and stay alive:P
Heya fellow dicers
Started 1986 classic
Been playing global40 for many years
Great fun ,luckily play most every two weeks
Good to read others tactics
Bon Chance
Hi everyone. My name is JA, based in Houston and I have been a long time fan of A&A since it was released in 1984. I have a few games of the series: 1941, Europe, Pacific, Zombies, Anniversary and both 1940 editions.
Taking advantage of the pandemic, I have been able to spend a few hours with my sons and play A&A … now they are big fans too.
I must admit that I didn’t know how many A&A fans are out there but now reading all these introductory notes is amazing to see how many people is actively enjoying these games with family and friends.
@Flakeighty8 said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
Hi everyone. My name is JA, based in Houston and I have been a long time fan of A&A since it was released in 1984. I have a few games of the series: 1941, Europe, Pacific, Zombies, Anniversary and both 1940 editions.
Taking advantage of the pandemic, I have been able to spend a few hours with my sons and play A&A … now they are big fans too.
I must admit that I didn’t know how many A&A fans are out there but now reading all these introductory notes is amazing to see how many people is actively enjoying these games with family and friends.
Hey! Welcome JA! I have been a long time without logging to the forum during that time I moved from Spain to Houston last year! I have not had time to play lately, but love this game like you since 1984 was released. I played a lot online here the last 4 seasons and had great fun! enjoy!
I currently reside in Dallas.
Many years ago I’ve played the classic version. I am currently getting acquainted with and practicing the Revised version with a fellow gamer (familiar with other board games).
We have been playing unfinished games on weekly basis, because he will only play for an evening of one night, in a public setting, before calling it quits as it gets to late (technically “early”, as it [technically] becomes morning once it becomes midnight) for him to continue.
I have not used any customization and/or house rules. Although, perhaps I will, at some point…eventually.
Hi, my name is Daniel, I am from San Diego, California, I started off playing the original risk and moved on to Europe, then 1942, then 1940 Global, then now GW 1936. I have loved every step of the way and love to create my own rules to help balance and add new ideas and fronts, (I did this for Africa in 1940, making Africa another major front as I felt not enough happened) and I loved it, I love the balance aspect of these games, and changing them up to make it more exciting for every power. I wish to also add my own changes to 1936 after getting to know the game’s rules better and having more experience, I also wish to share these changes and gain feedback. I try to play as much as possible with a small group of friends, however, due to recent world events, it has been a struggle. Im very glad I found this community, and I hope to connect to others who enjoy this as well.
If you don’t mind sharing, what changes did you make to 1940 concerning the African front? I need something new to spice up my games.
@LtWinters I will have to find where I wrote it down, when I do I will let you know, but the basic concept is giving Italy a stronger foothold in Africa by putting a minor factory in Ethiopia, and adding some extra units as well, I also added a little bit of uk units, mostly infantry, and added more French units as well, I also removed the Sharia desert allowing units to move through it, although less realistic, it made the African front much more fun and exciting, France has something to do after dying turn 1, Italy has a better chance to secure more land, and the UK now has a third front, although stressful, the UK became my favorite power to play, I also added a little buff to the Italian Navy to increase Italy’s starting power. This also came with some other changes as well that are not necessary, every other change beyond the Africa ones are much more experimental, as right after our first game with them, we went towards 1936, however, I could go back and fix them if you wanted to. I also will get back to you on the 1940 changes.
@IDK-ANYMORE Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:
I also will get back to you on the 1940 changes.
Please share your Global house rules in our House Rules Category - so we can leave this topic exclusively for player’s introduction.
Thank you.