Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game

  • @simon33 Sorry, let me clarify. I want to see a game that has those huge numbers on both sides. Seeing that, I’ll use the battle calculator, drop in 17 bombers or whatever can make it there by the turn in question and determine whether or no they would effect the outcome.

    I’m not sure what you mean my “what is happening g1”. I think young grasshopper has posted a fairly robust g1. I think the navy is a mistake and would replace it with infantry or mechs.

  • @DermMannInDerHochburg i think i should have addressed my comments to you. Sorry Simon

  • @DermMannInDerHochburg can you post a game that shows such a large showdown turn 4?

  • My most recent game ended with a quit turn four, because the Russia playersplot their units, such that half could not male it back to Russia on the 5th Russian turn.

    The one before that was against a different player and did not scramble turn 1, and just back peddled with Russia until the turn 6 showdown.

    I will take pictures of the next game. I think what makes this possible is what the other guy mentioned, Russia can’t get US help soon enough. Additionally UK has to make big sacrifices to add mmany fighters to Russia on the 5th UK turn.

    Also, mech inf are the best deal in the game, and a major in Germany proper now is a huve game changer.

    Make Axis and Allies great again!

  • @DermMannInDerHochburg
    look forward to seeing it. totally agree, mechs are awesome. VDHansen talks about how the Russians could move so fast because of the American trucks. Save London! Secure the Atlantic! Rescue Moscow and move on from there!

  • Historicity of the game is questionable, but that the point too, “what if…?”

    This is a game, with weakness that can be manipulated or exploited. Historicity aside.

  • @DermMannInDerHochburg Yes, it’s playable history and what if, but I get jazzed when I can make it happen the way it did.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    The 8th and 12th airforce didnt land in Red Square and have their crews deploy as dismounted infantrymen, fighting with their pistols, so I’m not sure how the Moo Rescue is historical, it’s actually a brilliant bit of cheesebombing.

    Its also a great way to let Japan win the game, since sending 200 IPCs across the game board to be used as cannon fodder will ensure a Japan income over 70. It sounds good on paper but the ##s cited are pretty out there, and if you really had 17 bombers acting as a group, you could lazer any fleet, factory or bastion on the board–that plan seems stronger than flying around the entire planet, to save a dying capital.

    The reason “Russia always loses” is that it loses all its money, no matter how you defend Moscow. The big problem with patching/fixing the game is how do we make Russia hold out longer, and be harder to dismember, without making it so strong that it can’t be defeated when Germany (and the Axis) play some sub-optimal but fun strategy. Since there is only 1 critical path (G2/Crussia), the game devolves upon its least interesting playout, into “a question of how many turns to Moscow’s door”

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    Can you define Moo Rescue, cheese bombing, crussia? Obviously I would be looking for a way to use the bombers as bombers, throwing fours. I’m looking for that last column of mechs or tanks out of Berlin. This strategy has the advantage of being able to give the Russians the confidence to loose some russian tanks or mechs China’s way. Certainly the 18 men out east can be used to suppress the Japanese advance. I do not see them growing to 70. I’d need to see the math on that. India may fall, but it’s a relatively, if not immediate, retake.

    I hope to do a game and post it.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17


    Apologies good sir:
    Moo Rescue = USA Bombers to Moscow as suggested by Cow
    Cheesebombing = using game rules to do something unconventional, unrealistic, and unexpected, but legal
    Crussia = Attacking Russia with all 3 Axis powers as early as possible—all efforts will be used to suffocate it and prevent any positional defense to buy time–ensuring that even if the fastest possible moscow attack is not achieved, optimal income destruction is.

    The “Siberian” men arrive something like R6-7–those are a way better source of protection for moscow than bombers. Keeping the men east but still attempting to deliver the bombers seem to be contradictory goals.

    Just on background, I’m a big fan of 100% KJF. Any failure to interdict the Japanese in the early game will create an unstoppable monster–if Germany cant kill Russia, Japan simply will, and from behind. The USA could buy twice as many subs as bombers, (i usually buy bombers on after US6 because they can join the culminating battles)—if Japan is busy fueling his factories, and not building fleet, he will be overwhelmed by the Allies in the mid game.

    Once both Germany and Japan are surrounding the capital, no intervention will help. This is around J8 if moscow hasn’t already fallen.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    Russian guys arriving t6 would be too late, wouldn’t they? My bombers can start landing (assuming a J1) t2. Cow is pretty high in the rankings if I’m not mistaken. Winners win for a reason. Cheesebombing? Well, look at some of the things we do. A single destroyer blocks an entire fleet from advancing to Hawaii? Cheese! Italian can openers? Cheese! No multinational attacks? Cheese! AA guns don’t shoot at planes that trespass their airspace unless the plane is attacking? Cheese! You can’t fly over neutrals? Cheese! If you attack one strict neutral, they all turn against you? Cheese! No ts railroad? Cheese! And I could go on. (War Room corrects some of this stuff.)

    I love this game. It was designed for playability. It was designed to make Sealion possible, I think. Many of the things aforementioned can be fixed easily, but I am unsure how much it would throw off the balance. Dessertfox and I are playing a game with Allied multinational movements and attacks. US, China, UK, Anzac and France move at the same time. We also have paratroopers. I’m going to take Moscow this turn, but he just took Paris and bombed W Ger for 15. It’s not balanced. Daughter just woke up. Gotta go.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    btw, what if the currency of the bid was Russian infantry only? It could also be a handicapping system. We should play triple a and you can teach me to properly despair the Allied situation!

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    for the record.tsvg
    at the risk of being beaten like a rented mule. Here’s me playing both sides. experimental Jap strat. bomber strat. my version of crussia. my version of middle earth.

  • @simon33 There exists a pacing that can get the ANZAC fighters, and certainly the starting ones, to Russia proper in time for a turn 6 defense, without using any islands.

    UK India can compound this. UK proper could as well, but they have to take some calculated position risk(s). I think a good [UK] Player can get a good Read on how best to field the option.

    Predicated on this, Germany needs to be ready for a heavy crash Turn 6; that meta is my question. How best to mitigate the help. How to make sure Russia/Brittney is left ‘alone’ ;-)

    So, what would you do to keep the other good guys from putting planes in Putin’s parkade.?

  • @DermMannInDerHochburg said in Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game:

    @simon33 There exists a pacing that can get the ANZAC fighters, and certainly the starting ones, to Russia proper in time for a turn 6 defense, without using any islands.

    You mean Queensland -> Malaya/Shan State? It’s possible but the fighters are still pretty exposed there. Japan can and almost certainly should hit those.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    If they J1, then I would suggest buying an extra carrier and having these guys hang out with the USA, making the main fleet much less vulnerable to a pre-emptive attack. With a sub or two, and a tac, the ANZAC forces can usually mop up the Japanese fleet if it survives an initial attack by the US.

    If they dont, then your planes can land on java, usually, they find a good way to cross, and at least as far as the Japanese TTs are concerned, you can screen those out (even if they have an NB)

    The idea of sending the 6 planes to moscow, however, denies you alot of other milestones in the game; without the grey and tan planes in theatre, Bombay is easy to take, and if not, Sydney will be. Players who are not cautious about building reserves with ANZAC can easily find both capitals under threat, esp. once Japan can use Malaya’s base. Whichever one you defend, they attack the other (now that you can’t cross back). If you dont defend either, they can take both.

    Another fine plan is to marry the UK air force from India with the one from the Med, assuming that one survives. That roving force can do alot to wreck the Axis, or it can defend the factories in the core area (persia, Iraq–the axis mundi of the board. pun intended).

    No matter what you do, its still more than one turn from India to Moscow, and this is very intentional on the part of the game designers. At that juncture in the game, the areas around Moscow are under threat, so you can’t land planes alone anywhere but moscow.

    Sending all your auxiliary planes from the minor allies to rescue Moscow will probably save it, but you’ll lose the game when the Japanese dominate that board, or the Italians/Germans take Africa and the 2$ Russian zones. For all these reasons, I prefer to leave most of those planes nearer to where they start, using them to tear Japan apart, rather than sending them on a long range adventure that prevents them from attacking and expressing threat. If Japan is threatened by the USA, there are plenty of times that they have to weaken their westward push, and at that point, UK planes can join whatever Russian stacks are still fighting, once you see the outcome (save Bombay, we hope).

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