Awesome to see folks discussing this great game.
My typical plans for Germany probably depart from prevailing wisdom. Would be glad to hear the counter analysis.
It sounds like folks are talking about moving UK ships that are usually destroyed by Germany turn 1. I always pile on and take out both the battleships and co.
Depending on what happens over the first turn, I like to have a plan to bum rush Soviet Union, with an option for Sea Lion. That typically means taking the hit in the pocketbook to buy a carrier out the gate.
If UK makes the wrong choices, you can buy the transports and whatnot to grab UK proper and Gibraltar on turn 3, and set a triple threat for Panama Canal on turn 4. That will mean leaving most or all of the big money islands in the Pacific alone with Japan, but can put US to a very tough decision before they are actually at war; lose the canal or Western US. For this to all work, Japan has to invest heavily in carriers.
All that said, it’s an either/or optional thing. If at the start of turn 2 sea lion and Panama triple threat don’t look promising, there’s still all the opportunity to focus everything on Soviet Union and when that happens it seems damn near unwinnable for the Russians in most cases.
The idea here is to have the option to go the other direction with things and ultimately take US after Sea Lion, or to take the path most travelled to Moscow.
We play the game with out of the box rules, no extra funds or set up provisos.
Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts. If anyone is in the inland empire/Pacific Northwest would be great to set up a game some time.
Happy holidays, go out there and roll some ones for the Gipper this Christmas.