TGC and I want to play a Classic game here, is the name of the thread correct?
@The_Good_Captain I will take the +3 bid in French Indo China for the Axis as you suggested a couple of days ago.
@martin I would be up for another challenge. I play at least once a day mostly. Feel free send a bid if interested.
@martin already filled - that went quick :-)
Looking for one more game, BM, if anyone’s interested. Pls DM me.
Looking for a game. Oob. Preferably with tech.
Looking for a OOB / Lowluck game, bid tbd
Propose to set these options in addition to standard:
Low Luck / Low Luck for AA / Low Luck for bombing & Terretory damage
I consider myself to be a slightly above average player, certainly I cannot cope with the pros here… but I will accept any tier (losing is just as good as winning ;-)). Will be able to post at least one turn per day (hope so at least)
Looking new game BM
@avner I could take on another BM game. Let me know if your interested.
Anyone fancy a PtV game?
@flyingbadger I could take on another ptv game
@generaldisarray Great, I’ll message you.
wouldn’t mind another bm4 E or higher ranked
Looking for some games of either BM4, P2V and/or OOB.
Unfortunately I’m still too weak to take on the masters, but search for opponents of primarily tier 1 or E.
Looking for some games of BM3, my first game of bm3 so not a strong player 2 or 3
@feltmarskal I’ll take on another bm3 game.
I would like to start another BM game, ideally played at a pace of one or more turns per day most of the time. No Grandmasters please!
@lennardf Be up for another BM game message if your good to start one
@farmboy I think I completed 4 games do I get a ranking now or how does it work?
@generaldisarray 3 games suffice. You just need to wait until the table is updated.
Looking for a PtV game, send me a PM if interested.
Think I need some more games. Any offers?