League General Discussion Thread

  • '19 '18

    In this metaphor I am the one who analyzed the current bureaucracy and optimized it in a way so that the city manages itself with minimal maintenance interference from workers and citizens?

    Did I just create the deep state?

  • @MrRoboto NOOOO!

    You are humble enough to govern by consent of the polis. Without the consent and appreciation of the polis you would just be rearranging 1 and 0 for a handful of troglodytes or neophytes.

  • @MrRoboto said in League General Discussion Thread:

    Did I just create the deep state?

    You ARE the deep state lol

    Unelected behind the scenes government workers who have lots of power that no one sees, who can’t be ousted

  • max334 just signed up for PtV playoffs!!

    Which reminds me that it is TIME to sign up for the 2023 PLAYOFFS

    6 games for BM, 3 games OOB, or 3 games PtV are required to participate in the 2023 playoffs

    Seeding will be done with the rankings spreadsheet we’ve always had, because that was set by the 2023 league rules 1 year ago.

    All you have to do is PM me and I will add you to the list (which is a new sheet on the spreadsheet)

    Do it before Jan 1 if you can so the playoffs can start promptly after 12/31/2023

    And get ready to kiss good-bye to the year 2023

  • Balanced Mod 4 is the default in the Balanced Mod tournament

    Meaning, both players would have to agree to BM3, otherwise it must be BM4

  • 2024 League rules will be rolled out soon, probably 1/15 or earlier.

    The biggest change will be the ELO ranking system being ushered in.
    That is, the average PPG system will be discontinued after 12/31.

    If you’ve been fighting in Siberia or New Guinea lately and cut off from world news, the link is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Larckt6iOuBZtZ-AVzDPv-HEofZJdeN8ptXXotun0Og/edit#gid=0

    The 2024 playoffs (that begin 1/1/25, a year from now) will be seeded by ELO as of 12/31/24. You will still need to complete 6 games BM, or 3 OOB, or 3 PtV to participate in the respective playoff.

    This means life-time reputation will be a factor, but the more games you play in 2024 the more that your 2024 games will be a factor.

    For many years, playoff seeding/start positions have been determined by that year’s performance only.
    There are alternatives (to my favored course of action), but my (cough) authoritative decision is to simply go by 12/31 ELOs. I can change course on this if many players have a better idea.

    Will remain that everyone who wants to participate in playoffs will be given a seat. Only requirement is to meet minimum # of games.

  • The 2024 league rules have been updated and posted as a sticky thread. The previous one has been kept in case changes want to be analyzed, but unstickied.

    Mostly shortening up redundant language that has lingered from a previous moderator,
    Eliminated the limitations on playing the same player over and over
    And much shorter ranking rules because the system doesn’t need to be explained.

  • I may be a bit late, but wanna share these two thoughts:

    • Matches in our League take much more time than in other sports. So there occurs a difference, if new ELO ratings base on the values at the time when game started or when it ends. Because most matches are called by surrender before given victory conditions are met I suggest to from tomorrow on compare ELO as it was when game was started. This way deliberations about benefits by delaying resign are avoided.

    • Triggered by the issue @oysteilo had brought I wonder if the K-factor serves us well truly. At least in terms of transparency new players who wanna boost their ELO should be advised to play low rated League players first. For my part I prefer to see ELO of new players with even more reservation until they at all got possibility to join playoffs. Without doubt formula is even more simple without K-factor.

  • I.e. formula needs a K-factor but it does not have to vary with numbers of games played.

  • Might it be viable to implement a fixed game value for matches against new players (like 25) UNTIL his or her first win? With the first win the new player is considered to have started that game with his/her opponent’s ELO

    Example (with an overall K-factor of 50)
    A new guy looses two games, then wins the third against a 1500 ELO player. His ELO from here would be
    1500 +25 (for last win) -25*2 = 1475

    It is just an idea I just got. Only if it appears of interest I want to elaborate on it.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    I also considered the timing of games starting and ending, but thought that it’s OK to just let it come out on average.
    If someone delays a resignation because they want to wait for somebody else’s result to come in first, I think it’s just another minor inherent flaw of the ELO system being used for our super long brainy and dicey games.
    But I admit I didn’t think about it very long and welcome discussion.
    I think the vast majority of players will continue to resign when they feel suffocated, and over all on average that works out.

    I remind myself that this is not a science - we are not measuring the temperature of the air, where there is only one correct number. Every system will have weaknesses, we just want one that’s going to do a really good job at reporting to us the information that we want.

    I don’t like the idea where a new guy doesn’t get a deduction from his 1500 ELO until after he wins one…

    I love the idea of looking harder at the k factors and not having more different ranges than necessary. I confess I should have invested more thought energy into that sooner, but I’ll do that now.
    As Mr Roboto said, those factors are definitely not set in stone. He put them out as a starting point, and I tweaked them a couple times and then quit.

  • 2023 '20


    I agree with @pacifiersboard in the request for the ELO to be based on the beginning status of the 2 players, not just for the effect of timing on the gain/loss on purpose. The effect of timing for not on purpose.

    Not so hypothetical: A game last 6 months. We judge ELO affect based on when games ends.

    Player Axis simultaneously plays and finishes 10 games while player Allies only finishes 4 other games, the ELO affect for both players on the game is largely different than when they started. For those of you trying to improve your ELO, you are probably, just as before, going to choose you opponents and the attention given to games for maximum effect. Or at least give it some weight. Hard to do that when the ELO maybe very different when its scored than the current information would predict.

    By only scoring at the end, when the game itself can go for months while ELO scores on both sides are changing, seems a bit like making a bet on a football game when the spread is allowed to change between the time the bet is placed and the end of the game.

    I am no mathematician, but I think that the variable K factor would compound this problem for experienced established players going up against an unknown new to league player.

    I have no skin in this game. I am unsure if I will ever go for play-offs, where this matters, as my life quite often prevents me from playing consistently, and that’s not fair to my opponents or the league at large at the play off level. But I do have this weird thing for general fairness. Which, to me, also includes knowing as much as is reasonable to predict what you sign up for when you sign for it.

    My 2 cents. Well, that’s probably 5 with current inflation.

  • Wait, BombsAway is back in 2023 after last game in league before was November 10, 2015?! That’s newsworthy

    I’m doing some tests on BombsAway and Booper who are new to BM this year and played 5 or 6 games to see if the sensitivity is enough to apparently give them a fair shot at a fair seed in the playoffs.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    I’ll read Mainah’s post in a minute. I’m in the middle of looking at k factors

    110 for games 1-3
    90 for games 4-6

    We currently have 3 game minimum for OOB and PTV, and 6 for BM, is the reason for these ranges.

    Looking at Booper and Bombs Away, who had 5 or 6 games of BM completed this year, their ending ELO looks appropriate to me based on who they played.

    Interestingly, BOTH played our beloved Dawg, TWICE, FIRST. Getting the rust off, getting the feel of the game, it would seem.

    @BombsAway, a veteran of the game but maybe not with BM, rips off 3 more wins and loses to MrRoboto. 2 of the wins were very impressive, Me1945 and Wizmark.
    His ELO today is a little lower than Me1945 and Wizmark. Appropriate because he’s only played 6 games, and he did lose to MrRoboto at the end.
    He’ll get a seat at the table, the chance to win the 2023 championship game, if 2-3 more players above him don’t participate. Let that sink in. He can enter the top playoff, albeit a low seed, after 2 impressive wins. Seems the ELO k factors are definitely sufficiently sensitive. IMO he shouldn’t be as high as Wizmark and Me1945 even though he beat them. He only played 6 games and he lost one. 2 of the wins were against good ol’ Dawg.

    @Booper , After warming up TWICE on good ol’ Dawg (our grizzled, veteran trainer), beat Simon twice and learned a lesson or two from @GeneralDisarray. 5 games is not enough to qualify for the playoffs, so a 6th would give more information. (And this is a good example of why 6 are required) He has an ELO today of 1536, slightly above average. Seems right to me.

    I eliminated range 6-10 games and just made 6+ to 50 sensitivity as it was for 11+ before. Little change, just everyone in the top 25 that I looked at dropped a couple points and there were a couple minor position changes for players who were already close, as would be expected. So I’m thinking 50 k factor for games 7+, about the right size that you get a noticeable bump up or down for a win or loss, but not too much.

    These factors can be changed in future years. We’re just rolling it out now, I really don’t think we need to fine-tune k factors perfectly right now, it can be done later too, all the data is in there.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15

    I think elo should be based on ranking when game result is posted. Using the start date of the game is just an extra complicating factor that in most cases will have very little impact. I could write much more but this is the bottom line.

    However, I only see one problem and that is with the case of mass forfeits. How is that handled? One player decides to forfeit six (or many) games in the same day. In this situation the players ranking should count for all forfeits, right? @MrRoboto @gamerman01

  • @oysteilo said in League General Discussion Thread:

    I think elo should be based on ranking when game result is posted. Using the start date of the game is just an extra complicating factor that in most cases will have very little impact. I could write much more but this is the bottom line.

    However, I only see one problem and that is with the case of mass forfeits. How is that handled? One player decides to forfeit six (or many) games in the same day. In this situation the players ranking should count for all forfeits, right? @MrRoboto @gamerman01

    I knew someone could say it better than me, thank you for that.

    I am also a little bit concerned with game results that come in on the same day. I don’t know which the system calculates first, and that’s one for programmer MrRoboto

    Players ranking counts for all forfeits, same as before, if I understand you correctly. Issue is the order of the calculations, AFAIK

  • @gamerman01 said in League General Discussion Thread:

    Wait, BombsAway is back in 2023 after last game in league before was November 10, 2015?! That’s newsworthy

    I’m doing some tests on BombsAway and Booper who are new to BM this year and played 5 or 6 games to see if the sensitivity is enough to apparently give them a fair shot at a fair seed in the playoffs.

    Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to participate in playoffs this year. Been busier than anticipated, and have not been able to play much this latter part of the year.

  • @mainah a lot of interesting thoughts and points. I’ll just leave one with you, off the top of my head.

    Especially if you’re not talking about veteran players, your opponent may actually be improving over the 6 months that you are playing him. He is learning things from his other games, and you may be actually playing an increasingly good player over the months that you are playing him! So there is a weakness to counting ELO’s at game start, as well.

    This is not intended as a complete answer, but one thought that I think may be another thought to consider. I like your post.

  • @gamerman01 said in League General Discussion Thread:

    @oysteilo said in League General Discussion Thread:

    I think elo should be based on ranking when game result is posted. Using the start date of the game is just an extra complicating factor that in most cases will have very little impact. I could write much more but this is the bottom line.

    However, I only see one problem and that is with the case of mass forfeits. How is that handled? One player decides to forfeit six (or many) games in the same day. In this situation the players ranking should count for all forfeits, right? @MrRoboto @gamerman01

    I knew someone could say it better than me, thank you for that.

    I am also a little bit concerned with game results that come in on the same day. I don’t know which the system calculates first, and that’s one for programmer MrRoboto

    Players ranking counts for all forfeits, same as before, if I understand you correctly. Issue is the order of the calculations, AFAIK

    Yes, its the order of calculation i am refering too when multiple forfeits are posted the same day

  • 2023 '20

    Thank you. I understand the principle may or may not pan out in real life, or even in the formula. One of those basic intuition things that may or may not be true when applied to actual events
    But I’d like to point out it would solve the question of how does multiple forfeits in a single day effect the score, as that becomes irrelevant when the score is based on the start, not the finish.

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