<Posting in 2 places because many more players are alerted to this thread than the other>
The following is written with the caveat that I haven’t had time to thoroughly look over everything MrRoboto has done - he has really been a busy bee the past couple of weeks, and I’ve been moving to a new house and focusing on the championship game.
Hi guys,
I am very excited with what MrRoboto has cranked out - he is very high energy and doing a lot of work to improve the league.
The final product of this effort is going to be awesome but it’s not going to be rolled out until I’m satisfied and also the majority of league players are happy. Or in other words, until we don’t have many dissenters. No one wants a change that a lot of people don’t like.
I’m only going to post publicly right now, that I have major concerns about an ELO system because I think you can only rise or fall a certain number of points per game, and few games are played by most players because a game of G40 takes a whole lot of hours as we all know.
It’s not chess, and it’s not a sport league where everyone plays the same number of games. This is what jkeller and farmboy have chimed in to say, also. ELO doesn’t work very well when few, or varied numbers of games are played.
I am writing privately with MrRoboto a lot, in order to make sure I understand this beautiful ranking spreadsheet, before saying much more. We will work together and keep communicating to you guys so you are kept in the loop. There’s got to be a way to level things out for vast differences in number of games played. The system we’ve had does a pretty good job of achieving this equalization.