Please welcome our two new moderators, wittmann and P@nther.
They have been long time members of this community and they’re going to do a great job in making sure this community improves.
We’re also working on a new set of rules for the forum. Please stay tuned for that as well.
Finally, thanks to Young Grasshopper for hitting me with a stick until I finally did something. I’m sorry it took so long.
Thank you David, I very much admire your courage and willingness to make the necessary changes. I’m very happy to continue as Liaison as I think the role is important, and it suits what I’m doing to bring new members here to the forums. We can not forget the young people coming into this hobby, they’re only now discovering this great game that we as veterans have known about, and have enjoyed for decades. Lets show them (and their parents) that our community is different than anything else they can find out there… Axis & Allies has a spirit that other games just don’t have, it captures your imagination, it holds your attention, and for some of us… it never lets go. Kids in the world today don’t seem to have a chance… Lets show them the Axis & Allies spirit, and spark their passion the same way it happened to us… and it starts with providing a safe and respectable environment where we can talk about the hobby we love.