I’m not saying its bad sportsmanship, I just think you need to consider what is actually happening when you tell someone before the game commences you want a do-over if the opener is no good. It means that you are denying them a prominent early game chance to affect the final outcome in their favor but based on YOUR choices and risks. The game is going to go quite differently depending on whether Germany loses less than 6 guys during the opener vs when it loses more like 8-20.
Your choices are going to determine how this plays out. Planes that never attack the SZ can never be scrambled against or diced out. If you insist on doing 3 (or 4) battles the first turn, not only are you spreading yourself as thin as possible but you are consulting luck more times with more rolls, increasing the chances of a critical failure. This is true even if everyone and their dog agrees on this as the optimal opener; optimal openers are not usually conservative ones. People are referring to bidding out the scramble, its totally possible that Germany “loses” all 3 battles and half its airforce on the first turn, then all this magic stuff that people keep talking about dropping Moscow before turn 6 never happens.
Stripped of its fun exterior, the game is nothing more than a series of minor, not particularly game-changing interactions and small choices that lead to you to 1-3 bigger culminating stack battles. The precise odds in those battles will be determined by 1) how skillfully you placed, staged up and bought units 2) how much you wasted/sent away from the critical path up to that point.
The early battles are more affected by the OOB setup than your choices, but remember, in order to gain the maximum advantage by turn 6 you are taking a series of ever more challenging risks to gain the upper hand.
It is perfectly valid not to attack Yunnan until later in the game–it is a huge risk for Japan their ground forces are on the line. Same any other risk battle. AxA lets you trade time for risk; more stuff gets built and shows up ready to fight each turn. its simply a question of timing then, you are attempting to “rush” the game and force a quick victory by requiring that a series of good, lucky outcomes that follow one another or the game ends by forfeit. If you wait until every battle is a blowout, the Allies become too strong to defeat at all, and the time/advantage curve bends the other direction…in the Allies favor.
I’m not saying you are a poor sport or a quitter, far from it. Most of us do quit when we see the ‘writing on the wall’ and sometimes we go ahead and roll things out anyway even though its a lost cause (or roll out battles we decline to prosecute because they are too risky…just to see what would occur at each juncture).
But we play often enough that bad luck can come to stay, still it usually doesnt’ make the game a blowout because there are simply so many rolls in one game and many things that go down are not really dependent on luck (Russia always gets thrown on the ropes, its not a question of luck if gets demolished its a question of when and how that occurs. America always enters the war at some juncture, on some terms, usually not of its choosing…that isn’t driven by luck).
So, even though it seems like a disaster, I’d say play through and see how it turns out, at least the game will run differently than the standard script. Even losing games are pretty fun…