From what I’m reading yes you can move those pieces on your actual turn again.
As midnight said US can make non combat moves to plan.
China have a bit of hope. Lol
Calcutta saved ?
This will give each country some extra planning and moves to think about during turns which was stated to keep players more focused per each countries turn.
Lots of things to check out
Blitz move
Blitz Combat:
An attacking force that includes tanks and mech units against a defending force that does NOT include tanks, mech, or aircraft, can continue on to another territory after the 1st first round of combat. Procedure: Any surviving tank and mech units after the first round of combat can do a blitz move as a combined force to any one unfriendly territory that is or was not contested by any other initial moves by your land units (ie. it can be under attack by air, but not under attack by land). After the blitz move is completed, combat goes back to be completed in the initial territory. If the 1st territory is not captured, then the blitz units in the 2nd territory are automatically eliminated (out of supply). Blitzing units can only do this move once. Mech units cannot do this move without tanks.
Well to do this right…
All mech units that just conquered the territory can move into one additional adjacent territory and make combat. unused planes can participate as well.
Double combat move and double battle, not sure if I can endorse this, man. Still in favor of my own suggestion a few comments up, that you need fresh units to do the extra blitz move. You need a rational reason ? How about game balance when a cheap 4 IPC unit can roll dice in two different battles during the same turn, and the expensive units can not. One Destroyer can stall a huge fleet of Battleships and Carriers at sea, but nothing can stop a cheap Mech unit from blitzing into the next territory. Really it should be the other way around. It is warships that should be allowed to move around from battle to battle, as the true maneuver warfare unit. In the books I read about WWII battles it looks like a Tank could need a stay at the workshop after a battle, and in no way could it rush into the next country for an unlimited number of battles. If we take a closer look at the orders of battle, it looks like one unit punch through the line for a breakthrough, while the other unit stay in reserve, and if the breakthrough is successful, then the other unit can move through the newly captured place, and start fighting the next line. At least this is how I like to see it.
I agree. 8-)
Well, they move 2 now, and can battle more than once now. So, not really breaking any rules. Just trying to represent an overrun of armor through an infantry/artillery only region.
OK then. Unused units in combat along with air units can move into a newly occupied ( captured in combat) area and attack into another area. Sure.
Ok, so this would basically be like setting-up contingency battles. If you win the first battle, your mechanized/air units held in reserve (didn’t participate in battle) could move through the newly conquered territory to perform an attack. I would probably also allow mech to drag an inf or art with it into battle. I think this is pretty good, and units don’t get to pull double duty.
You would still leave your expensive units exposed though attacking deep into enemy lines, so should all ground units be allowed to move 2 spaces in NCM to help protect your gains (part of my original post). This would take some planning and maybe some limits could apply?
Because it would be a powerful tool for the attacker (can’t picket as defender), maybe a defender retreat should also be considered after each round of battle (I think air should for sure be given a def retreat option)
As for navy, yea I think something like this could be done there too, but a defender retreat option would be needed.
We have recently put in place what we call a “Rollover” victory. This is a victory where you wipe out every defensive unit in the first combat round. (land or sea) If you do this, any units that have movement left can move another space and attack, or even retreat a space. Reasoning is if you wipe everything in the first round your units would have time to move on for more.
We have tested this in two games and so far it is received well. This also discourages the one unit blocking move that is so often done, as one unit will usually get wiped in the first round.
So far Der Kuenstler’s idea makes the most sense to me. I’m still not totally sold on the idea that one unit can make 2 different attacks in the same turn though. It’s great for attacking but at some time you have to defend that move as well. There’s value in having a front line to protect a capital or expensive units in behind it. I’d be more inclined to accept the “Rollover” option but make it so that units could retreat instead of advancing in another attack. That way you could leave infantry in the newly acquired territory (or nothing in) and retreating your expensive units away from a counterstrike but only if you succeed on the first roll in wiping out the enemy.
So far Der Kuenstler’s idea makes the most sense to me. I’m still not totally sold on the idea that one unit can make 2 different attacks in the same turn though. It’s great for attacking but at some time you have to defend that move as well. There’s value in having a front line to protect a capital or expensive units in behind it. I’d be more inclined to accept the “Rollover” option but make it so that units could retreat instead of advancing in another attack. That way you could leave infantry in the newly acquired territory (or nothing in) and retreating your expensive units away from a counterstrike but only if you succeed on the first roll in wiping out the enemy.
yes that’s what we do - you can move forward (or backward) with any units that have movement left. There is a downside of doing 2 attacks - your second land attack will be with all more expensive units that are exposed without infantry support.