AARHE: Phase 2: Combat and Non-Combat Move

  • Combat Move

    Air units may only half its movement points to reach target hostile territories/sea zones and only half its movement points for return air movement.

    Otherwise: UK FTR takes off “United Kingdom” to attack “Karelia S.S.R.” and lands in “Archangel”, or
    USSR FTR takes off “Russia” to attack “West Russia” and lands in “Sinkiang”.

    Air units in a territory function as Antiaircraft to overflown enemy air units in Combat Move. Each air unit functions as one Antiaircraft gun, unless they are performing Defensive Air Support this turn.

    Otherwse: Germany has 10 FTRs in “Germany”. USSR flys 1 FTR from “Eastern Europe” to attack “Western Europe” and lands back in “Eastern Europe”.

    Non-Combat Move

    Air units may half its movement points to reach a friendly territory and half its movement points from there to destination friendly territory.

    Note: We already gave air units +2 movement points in non-combat move, modelling external fuel tanks for ferry range instead of bombs for combat range.

    Otherwise: Japan FTR takes off “Manchuria” and lands in “Balkans”.

    Stalinist Xenophobia

    Can US/UK planes land in red territories as a half-way point in Non-Combat Move?

  • Otherwise: Japan FTR takes off “Manchuria” and lands in “Balkans”.

    ++++ actually Japanese forces and German forces cannot occupy the same space… this is the tradeoff for no western allies in russia.

    Stalinist Xenophobia

    Can US/UK planes land in red territories as a half-way point in Non-Combat Move?

    ++++no interaction for them… pretend russia is mars and western allies would die from bad air. They cant fly over or move into any original soviet territories or any that germany occupies in eastern europe. view it according to pre barbarossa borders. The only thing that can happen is once russia falls… then allies can land because we are assuming that stalin has been captured or killed. While alive their is no way in hell that he would allow americans and brits into russia.

    So the draft will have to reflect this.

  • ++++ actually Japanese forces and German forces cannot occupy the same space… this is the tradeoff for no western allies in russia.

    Fair enough.
    I need a historic name for this for the draft.
    Some other house rules makes the restriction to territories but not sea zones. What do you think?

    They cant fly over or move into any original soviet territories or any that germany occupies in eastern europe. view it according to pre barbarossa borders.

    So its red territories + Eastern Europe + West Russia ? Anything else?

  • Fair enough.
    I need a historic name for this for the draft.
    Some other house rules makes the restriction to territories but not sea zones. What do you think?

    Call it Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis co-operation:

    1. German and Italian forces can work together
    2. Japanese forces are seperate

    of course you may have to elaborate on this…

    They cant fly over or move into any original soviet territories or any that germany occupies in eastern europe. view it according to pre barbarossa borders.

    So its red territories + Eastern Europe + West Russia ? Anything else?

    Eastern europe, Belorussia,western russia, ukraine plus all red territories.

  • Some other house rules makes the Japanese/Axis restrictions to territories but not sea zones.
    What do you think?

  • Maritime Co-operation… Tripartite Pact…


  • A book review about German-Japanese relations.

    Germany didn’t tell Japan until 2 days they are signing with USSR in 1939.
    Germany didn’t tell Japan they would invade USSR in 1941.
    Japan didn’t tell Germany they would sign with USSR in 1941, after Germany invaded USSR.
    Japan didn’t tell Germany they would attack Pearl Harbour.


    But I think a SZ is hundreds of miles so we should still let them be in the same SZ.

  • But I think a SZ is hundreds of miles so we should still let them be in the same SZ.

    All those statements are true but you make the opposite extrapolation. The point was they dont coordinate any forces, so why are we gonna allow them to coodinate naval forces except by accident?

    In game terms its very clear that units sharing the same sea zone can be attacked and under this it can be assumed that “coordination” occured. They should be allowed to pass only thru each othes sea zones. Not remain in them.

    We must allways defer to History to decide where the varient would be based upon and that information can only confirm what we allready know.

  • oh yes good point
    letting them occupying same SZ would lets them defend together

  • in fact what would happen if Germany defeated Allies in the Pacific?
    would territories be “returned” to Japan?

    maybe Japan/Germany can’t really liberate each other’s territories

  • in fact what would happen if Germany defeated Allies in the Pacific?
    would territories be “returned” to Japan?

    maybe Japan/Germany can’t really liberate each other’s territories

    ++++ this should be the exception. much like in the Soviet example once they fall the western allies can land anywhere w/o limitations. This should be possible for either axis player to “save” the other once one has fallen. Exception would be Italy only Germany can “save” Italy, but Japan or Germany can save each other. Thanks for looking outside of the box.

  • yep ok
    so restriction only applies while Japan holds “Japan” or Germany holds “Germany” respectively

    but why Japan can’t save Italy?

  • Its kinda like the Soviets “saving” united states by attacking the east coast and destroying the germans. It seems so weird… I guess your right and we should allow any axis nation to save the other… Italy can save Japan… wow what a concept!@!!

  • er no…
    actually with the current draft USSR does not save Allies
    territories “liberate” becomes communist/USSR control

  • oh ok.

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