@jkprince indeed 🙂
Thank you both for your interest!
Playing around with a new G40 game. I’m using Deaths Head G40/41 map. Setup’s are DH’s and some rule changes and NA’s.
I changed the Russian (CWO’s), China (mine) and Island (CWO’s) territory icp values that I have discussed with CWO in the House Rules thread.
We are using in game AA50 rules (with some G40 Pacific rules) (Crus)Event Cards, 10 Tech Chart (roll 1D10 die), (Revised) NA’s (each country gets 2 by rolling 2 D6 die), (12 turns) of Weather, Victory City’s (22) and ( 17 ground, 3 sea) General’s with values of 1-5 and boosting pieces +1 on Att/Def. The values on these generals were reduced so they can be used on every round of combat. This may be adjusted too.
I will post pics of setup on map and my 2 2’ x 3’ magnetic charts later today. Charts will be mounted on wall.
I want to see also how the changes in the territory values affect Japan.
I also wanted to add a few things to game to spice it up a bit. Right now I have a victory condition of if Axis controls 15 victory city’s at end of turn 10 they win. Now this may be changed as we play game. Looking for game to go faster and maybe if a country gets a few techs, then we have a shorter game.
Well we play tested 2 turns. With the territory value changes China is down to 1 territory and lost the Burma Road. Japan has the 3 Far East territories too. Outside of that there is no money West for Japan now. So that change seems to be working. Japan focusing on the Dutch Islands and holding.
I thing that came up was what does China get for taking a Japan territory worth 1. We played where China gets 1 inf for each Japan territory they control on placement.
So far this game has been great with the event cards and the NA’s. Some events were good with some country’s getting a few ships and US on first turn couldn’t build ships in San F coast. NA’s are great too , with some really helping certain countries.
Have had like 6 tech rolls total for all countries with no break threw and 2 countries got a free tech roll from event cards but also no break threw. for them.
that map is beautiful, it looks like it was made by hbg
The look of the map needs to be really redone with a different aesthetic if you want to make it a success. It appears that the easy way out was taken by using that old map or rehashing an old map already made for another purpose.
that map is beautiful, it looks like it was made by hbg
This map is Deaths head’s 40 map. This is where HBG got there idea of there map
The look of the map needs to be really redone with a different aesthetic if you want to make it a success. It appears that the easy way out was taken by using that old map or rehashing an old map already made for another purpose.
Yes it is IL. Play testing it with different territory values of Russian , China and Islands.
Making Japan have to go and get and defend islands if they want any money.