If i remember correctly they were also experimenting with bubonic plague as a biological weapon and nearly made an attack on san fransisco with it but disagreement from the navy prevented it.

Latest posts made by Petrucci08
RE: Interesting WWII facts
RE: Most Important Piece
hard to argue with the Russian fig.
What about the Med tran. Without a bid this is the key to africa and a good way to retake Ukr threaten cau.
RE: Interesting WWII facts
Looks like someone’s been hanging around the making history site :-D
RE: G1 input
karelia is good in the early game because it stops the allies from getting a foothold in europe. later when the atlantic shipping is worked out UK and USA can just drop 8-10 suicide units each into your karelia stack and there is nothing for Rus to do but clean up the rest with the arm they’ve been saving up.
RE: G1 input
caucuses. Japan can’t hit karelia with you (in any normal game anyway :-D )
RE: Strategic Bombing?
And where would the Germans get enough forces to break Russia in 2-3 turns? 1 AC on G1 and that’s only 26 IPCs left for ground purchases.
Meanwhile UK and US build each 1 AC and by UK3 Brits are landing on France/Norway/Algeria, or even before, depending on how G leaves her planes.it would take more than 3 turns to build up a force capable of withstanding the German air/naval hit + enough men to start trading on the front.
And I didn’t mean Russia would be fully destroyed, merely well on the way.
Make an interesting test scenario. R1 standard Wrus/Ukr attacks. G1 standards + sz 2. then really starting on B1.
RE: Strategic Bombing?
If Germany bid a sub in sz 8 and took out the entire British navy (save the canadian tran) in the Atlantic then churning out bombers is probably a better strategy than trying to rebuild your navy to a strength that you can start making landings. Especially if there is a baltic AC as well. There would be an iron cross over Moscow before you could land in Norway :oops:
As always this all depends on what else is going on on the board.
RE: Always and Never
The ultimate secret ALWAYS move to win an FTF game:
ALWAYS provide all the free alcohol you can to your opponent.
You may take my capital but if I drank all your alcohol I’d say it was an economic victory :-D
RE: Has anyone tried a German fighter bid?
Did you not know that a battleship buy on R1 is the best Russian move in the game. It’s totally broken. Those germans sure will have egg on their faces when you start bombarding Berlin :-D
RE: Has anyone tried a German fighter bid?
Ah bunnies, what a great combination of condescension, humour and informative points in every post. :-D +1 karma
A 3 inf Ukr bid does seem much superior. I don’t see any mildly conservative Russian player attacking with 3 extra inf there. Plus you both raise good points about placing land forces closer to the front and building the extra, highly mobile, fig G1. Plus with 3 inf in Ukr you get an extra fig in a sense since you hardly ever get to keep the Ukrainian fig.
I’ve always thought bidding navy as kind of a waste, with the exception of an extra Jap tran.
thanks for the replies fella’s :-)