Neutral powers
Neutral powers are countries that haven’t (yet) joined the war. They have their own armies, fleets, IPC values and naval bases. There are no more impassable territories, but some connections between territories are instead forbiden (in the Alps, the Sahara, the Himalaya and around Mongolia). As in the original game, neutral territories cannot be crossed by land units, nor flew over by aircrafts.

Axis (and Soviet) agression
Only Axis players are allowed to invade neutral countries. Each player can decide to launch one (and only one) invasion at the beggining of the Combat Move phase. The attacked territory joins then immediately the Allies side under British command (or Commonwealth in the case of Ireland). All land and sea units defend as if they were normal British (Commonwealth) units. If the invasion doesn’t succeed, the territory and its units remains British (for IPC collection and other purposes). The list of territories that can be attackedthis way is the following:
- Sweden (3 IPC)
- Switzerland (2 IPC)
- Ireland (1 IPC) - joins as Commonwealth territory
- Saudi Arabia (3 IPC)
- Afghanistan (1 IPC)
- Turkey (3 IPC)
The Soviet Union can invade the two neutral territories with which it shares direct borders (Afghanistan and Turkey) following the same rules. In this cases, these territories are considered under German control for battle resolution and for the rest of the game.
Iberian Gambit
Spain and Portugal (and their colonies) are in the middle of a special game between Axis and Allies. UK or USA can persuade Portugal to join their side, but this provokes Spain to immediately join the Axis side (under German command). Italy and Germany can do the opposite: rallying Spain and pushing Portugal to join the Allies (under British command). The “gambit” is announced by the player at the beggining of the Combat Move and can be followed by invasion moves into the concerned territories.
- Portugal (1 IPC), Terceira (0 IPC), Angola (1 IPC), Mozambique (1 IPC)
- Spain (3 IPC), Tangier (0 IPC), Rio de Oro (0 IPC)
Latin America at war
The three neutral territories in South America cannot be directly invaded. Instead, they all immediately join the war if any Axis player lands troops in continental America (from Alaska to Brazil, excluding the islands).
- Colombia-Venezuela-Ecuador (2 IPC) - join under American command
- Peru-Bolivia (1 IPC) - join under American command
- Argentina-Chile (2 IPC) - join the Axis player who landed the troops.
Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact
(special rules for Mongolia - still under playtesting)