Why not ask if you need a transport to cross the Tasman sea. Heck, people can swim the English Channel so therefore no transport should be required, right?
Fair dinkum. This has got to be one of the weirdest A&A questions I’ve heard.
1- Can submarines move through seazones occupied by enemy subs
2- It’s turn 4 Uk-Pacific retakes french indo china from the japanees can US fighters land there on turn 4 or do they need to wait untill Uk-Pacific holds it for an entire turn.
3- U.S.A has a fleet in both seazones surrounding italy, Italy places its purchased ships in the same seazone. When does the battle for that seazone take place.
4-If the U.S retakes french indo china from the japanees can they build a IC there since france is occupied by the germans.
1- Can submarines move through seazones occupied by enemy subs
2- It’s turn 4 Uk-Pacific retakes french indo china from the japanees can US fighters land there on turn 4 or do they need to wait untill Uk-Pacific holds it for an entire turn.
3- U.S.A has a fleet in both seazones surrounding italy, Italy places its purchased ships in the same seazone. When does the battle for that seazone take place.
4-If the U.S retakes french indo china from the japanees can they build a IC there since france is occupied by the germans.
1 yes
2 on turn 4
3 during usa’s combat move they have the choice to stay and fight or leave the sea zone
4 Yes until France is liberated.
1. Yes, if there’s no destroyer
2. US ftrs can land there once the US is at war
3. The US can choose to do combat in that zone on its turn or may decide to withdraw from that zone
4. Yes
What happens to that IC if Paris is liberated? It gets controlled by the French, or destroyed…
What happens to that IC if Paris is liberated? It gets controlled by the French, or destroyed…
It becomes French, along with the territory
Thank you guys have a good day
Regarding question #4 what if japan did not occupy french indo china could america still take it and build an IC
Regarding question #4 what if japan did not occupy french indo china could america still take it and build an IC
No. You can’t take over an ally’s territory unless you’re liberating it
Question #5 Using north america as an example; germany has 5 inf and 2 tanks in eastern U.S. U.S has 2 inf in central and 2 in western, can germany kill the units in central with nothing but inf and then blitz through central with thier tanks to western.
#6 Can german fighters in southern italy scramble in defence of the italian fleet off the coast.
I know these questions are probably dumb and i believe i know the answers to them but, my play group requires answers ( untrusting pr*cks that they are ).
Question #5 Using north america as an example; germany has 5 inf and 2 tanks in eastern U.S. U.S has 2 inf in central and 2 in western, can germany kill the units in central with nothing but inf and then blitz through central with thier tanks to western.
I know these questions are probably dumb and i believe i know the answers to them but, my play group requires answers ( untrusting pr*cks that they are ).
No. All combat moves are simultaneous, so you can’t attack a territory through a territory you’re trying to attack. A player sets up all combat moves, then they roll for each combat, and then the combat phase is done. No secondary attacks or blitzing after the combat move phase is permitted.
For 6, yes they can
#6 Can german fighters in southern italy scramble in defence of the italian fleet off the coast.
Also, since they seem likely to ask -
The attacker declares their combat moves - all of them, with no chance to change their mind and revise after they’re finalized.
The defender THEN chooses how many planes to scramble. At that point, if the attacker didn’t account for the defending aircraft, the attacker is required to engage for at least one round of rolling, after which they can retreat. They cannot retreat in the face of your planes immediately. They also cannot claim, “oh, I forgot these other planes, I’m sending them too.”
They are, however, permitted to say “oh. %#&$#@$%!!!”
#6 Can german fighters in southern italy scramble in defence of the italian fleet off the coast.
If you’re playing Alpha+.1, yes. If you’re playing by the box rules, no, as planes may only scramble from island airbases.