• An issue that I see with the old J1 attack is that Japan will not be able to make such a large and concerted effort as before. Bear in mind that there are 18 Russian infantry in the Korea/Manchuria border.  Thats a pretty good chunk of Japans military tied up on that border.

    Seems to me that Japan is going to have a harder time with UK and even China if there are significant forces in east Russia.  Also taking into consideration that Russia has 4 turns to build units if Germany doesn’t attack first.

    Just something for all those J1 slaughter fest people out there to think about…

  • Based on my test game, and the Global NO’s that are know at this point, the incomes are high for many players.

    IPC Income at the end of round 1 with NO’s

    Germany   =67 (France fell)
    Russia      =37
    Japan       =41 (J1 attack)
    UK Europe=30
    UK Pacific =18 (Larry’s new alternate setup that is being tested by fourm)
    Anzac      =18
    Italy        =29 (10+9+10 NO)
    US           =84 (52+2 Brazil+30 NO)
    China       =16 (10+6 Burma Road)
    France      =0

    EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to enter the US

  • Italy is at 29 at the end of the first round!? What about the US?

  • Uk Europe is more like 26.  Italy will be about 22 at most.  Japan at 32.  Uk Pacific 24.

  • @BadSpeller:

    Based on my test game, and the Global NO’s that are know at this point, the incomes are high for many players.

    IPC Income at the end of round 1 with NO’s

    Germany   =67 (France fell)
    Russia      =37
    Japan       =41
    UK Europe=30
    UK Pacific =18 (Larry’s new alternate setup that is being tested by fourm)
    Anzac      =18
    Italy        =29
    China       =16
    Frnace      =0

    The Nazis will really show em.

  • End of Round 1 IPC test game

    Germany   =67 (France fell)
    Russia      =37
    Japan       =41 (J1 attack)
    UK Europe=30
    UK Pacific =18 (Larry’s new alternate setup that is being tested by fourm)
    Anzac      =18
    Italy        =29 (10+9+10 NO)
    US           =84 (52+2 Brazil+30 NO)
    China       =16 (10+6 Burma Road)
    France      =0

    End of Round 2 IPC test game
    Germany   =48
    Russia      =41
    Japan       =45 (Bypassing the Dutch, going for India 3 crush)
    UK Europe=25
    UK Pacific =14 (Larry’s new alternate setup that is being tested by fourm)
    Anzac      =15
    Italy        =32 (10+12+10 NO)
    US           =84 (52+2 Brazil+30 NO)
    China       =14 (8+6 Burma Road)
    France      =0

    The US can be at 84 with Brazil in the mix (plus get 3 pro-Aliied inf), or 85 if it takes back Morocco on round 3.

  • @miamibeach:

    Uk Europe is more like 26.  Italy will be about 22 at most.  Japan at 32.  Uk Pacific 24.

    UK Europe is 26? They have 34 with NO so there are 4 subs doing convoy raids?

  • I think we are going to see the same ignore Japan, KGF strategies that we have seen in all of the other games.  It takes the lions share of America’s income to effectively fight off Japan in Pacific40 and I dont think the Americans want to spend 50+ dollars trying to retake Islands and hurt Japan that is so far away and it will take Japan several turns to get their tank rush in range of Moscow.  I think the bulk of American players in this game will send all of their transports and carriers to North Africa to fight the Italians and then move towards Northen Europe just like in the other games.  Call me a cynic but I think the game will follow the path of the regular war.  85% to Europe, 15% to Japan…if that even.

  • Some people will try ignore Japan as always, and they will be toasted. The problem with a ignore Japan strat is that mainland Americas can be easily raided, not only by land troops as in later games but also with convoy raids. Africa as well can be easy prey for Japan, Siberia and China will fall quicker if Japan has free hands at sea, etc. And you can have a mayor IC at India sending 10 units against USSR this time … ouch! The very size of the board prevents any ignore Japan strat, and the new split of Canada means that the old trick of buying at WUSA to send later to WCAN and ECAN is not going to work. Japan could make a J3 attack and see the Ignore Japan setup from kilometers, etc. And better not talk about attacking true neutrals … Japan could put minor ICs at Argentina and Chile (and Brazil?) and open a new front for USA

    There are so much tricks in Japan’s sleeve that I doubt that many will try ignore them twice. At very least, I can see a 30-70 split. Any below that could mean suicide for allies

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    Uk Europe is more like 26.  Italy will be about 22 at most.  Japan at 32.  Uk Pacific 24.

    UK Europe is 26? They have 34 with NO so there are 4 subs doing convoy raids?

    It depends on how many SUBs remain.  When I was Germany I only had 1 SUB left, SgtBlitz had 3 SUBs left.  Including the NO The range should be from 34 at most, to 28 at least depending on German strategy.

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