G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread

  • @regularkid:

    Again, for the record, Gamer lost his first game as allies where gave up NOs (to nerq). Zhuk, isn’t it yer turn in our game :)

    And yes, i have been wanting a Zhukov vs Adam bm game for sometime

    Yah but in that game he gave up too much, being rather overconfident he could beat nerquen who at the time was a newcomer to the league, and was mistaken as inexperienced lol

  • That’s true, and you also neglected to mention the extreme dice on UK1 at Tobruk that enabled Italy to go crazy and help take India early - quick Japan victory.  Oh, and following that up, I kept getting bad dice in Southeast Asia.  AA shooting me down immediately, and territory trades going bad

    There is too much Allied money, and I knew that before I ever played a single game or watched any.  I agree with dominion

    And yes, nerquen is a lurking veteran.  If you look at his results over the years, and there aren’t many, they are great.  He did ambush me in game 1 because I started the game thinking he was average.

    I am playing game 2 (on hold right now) minus multiple NO’s again

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Now now now, we all know that bad dice beat good tactics all the time, but it is rather bad form to complain about the dice gods! :P

  • @Gamerman01:

    I agree with dominion

    this is an historic moment. i need to frame this  :lol:

  • @Cmdr:

    Now now now, we all know that bad dice beat good tactics all the time, but it is rather bad form to complain about the dice gods! :P

    My point is, anecdotal evidence is very weak evidence.  And a single game is as anecdotal as it gets

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Now now now, we all know that bad dice beat good tactics all the time, but it is rather bad form to complain about the dice gods! :P

    My point is, anecdotal evidence is very weak evidence.  And a single game is as anecdotal as it gets

    I was trying to be funny :P  I’ve oft complained about the evil dice gods (except in navy battles, somehow I always have unbelievably good luck in naval battles!  If there were some victory cities in the water I’d OWN this game!!!)  hehe

  • '15

    Wasn’t Hitler looking for Atlantis or something?


  • yah. history channel had a thing on that. so must be legit

  • '19 '17 '16

    There a few things I hate about Balanced Mod, all to do with Amphibious Assaults.

    1. Why on earth should you be able to assault from a Cruiser or Battleship? None of those ships would carry the assault boats needed. Indeed, even boarding or alighting as an NCM away from a naval base is dubious
    2. Why should Marines get to attack on a 2? The combined arms artillery bonus is pretty silly too in an amphibious assault. It doesn’t really reflect the real world IMO.

    Just thought I’d give that feedback. Maybe I’m wrong.

  • '15

    Who would buy a marine thar attacked at 1?

    And it’s all abstracted.  Their boats come with the 5 ipc cost.

  • @simon33:

    There a few things I hate about Balanced Mod, all to do with Amphibious Assaults.

    1. Why on earth should you be able to assault from a Cruiser or Battleship? None of those ships would carry the assault boats needed. Indeed, even boarding or alighting as an NCM away from a naval base is dubious
    2. Why should Marines get to attack on a 2? The combined arms artillery bonus is pretty silly too in an amphibious assault. It doesn’t really reflect the real world IMO.

    Just thought I’d give that feedback. Maybe I’m wrong.

    Simon, there is significant historical precedent for warships carrying detachments of marines into combat. For starters, virtually all US battleships, during World War II, carried marine detachments (between 50 and 100 men), who, in addition to manning ship guns, served as ship expeditionary forces. See, e.g., http://seastories.battleshipnc.com/marines/

    Smaller warships also carried marines. For example, it was a group of ship-borne Royal Marines that proved decisive in the Battle for Madagascar. From the relevant wikipedia article:

    The French defence was highly effective in the beginning and the main Allied force was brought to a halt by the morning of 6 May. The deadlock was broken when the old destroyer HMS Anthony dashed straight past the harbour defences of Diego Suarez and landed 50 Royal Marines amidst the Vichy rear area. The Marines created “disturbance in the town out of all proportion to their numbers” and the Vichy defence was soon broken.”


    Also noteworthy, the Japanese’ made extensive use of cruisers, destroyers, and even battleships as troop transports throughout the war. A few examples:

    So, yah, the idea of cruisers and battleships transporting small land forces is not only fun and good for the game, its historically accurate! HF!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The Tokyo Express also really comes in handy in the Pacific.  It’s annoying enough to go out island collecting, if you can send a cruiser with a marine on it instead of a cruiser and a transport it helps speed game play up a bit as well.  (Thinking Marshals, Jonah, Guam, Midway, Formosa, etcetera…islands you may want to collect but don’t want to dedicate a fleet to getting and are probably un, or under, defended)

  • '19 '17 '16

    Interesting points - note a couple of things:

    • The Kitakami lost 40% of its torpedo tubes to fit in 2 assault boats
    • The first link notes that the Marines transferred to a transport when they were planned to assault a beach
    • I’d have thought an infantry represents significantly more than 100 troops.

    But if you reckon it’s more fun that way, might give it a go.

  • @simon33:

    But if you reckon it’s more fun that way, might give it a go.

    haha. so you haven’t even tried the mod yet. . .  :roll:

  • '19 '17 '16

    What’s with the eye roll? Aren’t I allowed to comment on it before trying?

  • @simon33:

    What’s with the eye roll? Aren’t I allowed to comment on it before trying?

    my response:

  • '15

    I can’t STAND Thai food!

    No, I’ve never eaten it, why do you ask?


  • '19 '17 '16


    Who would buy a marine thar attacked at 1?

    And it’s all abstracted.  Their boats come with the 5 ipc cost.

    Fair enough but I still feel that they’re overpowered. Maybe 1/1/1 and 3IPC cost with no bonuses? They’re supposed to represent a small detachment of troops.

  • '15

    If they are that cheap, there’s no reason to buy Inf unless you’re going to pair them with Art.

  • He said 1/1/1, so regular infantry would be much stronger on defense than his proposed marines, in addition to the no pairing with artillery, so stronger on offense many times too

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