Added new rule clarification:
If the British units in Paris are destroyed prior to France’s turn, France gets 4 infantry for free.
Updated original post to add Rule Differences Card Deck created by @CorporalClegg
Version 2.0.8 Updates (all files in original post updated):
Version 2.0.9 Updates:
Note that TriplaA currently has both version 2.0.8 and 2.0.9 available under the following game names with intention to decommission 2.0.8 if 2.0.9 goes well:
I was able to take a very brief look at the map and some very ‘early’ remarks for now (and requests):
Is it maybe possible to create a simpler map where the different sides are shown?
Thanks for sharing this with us BTW.
And maybe if possible: can you create a manual file (PDF) without a background please.
So just black on white…
(Sorry I am asking a lot)
Thanks for your interest in the Alt-Universe map.
At present I’m not really envisioning any major changes to the map. I did add city names to it where it used to just say “city”, but otherwise haven’t changed much. The only other thing I’m considering changing is giving it a more pastel color scheme.
The goal was to be playable on par with 1940 global which is why all 9 nations are included. I suppose it would be fairly easy for anyone to house rule that ANZAC is part of the UK (either with separate income or not). If you combined UK and ANZAC income though, it would probably require a bit of re-balancing because UK would have such a high income. Otherwise it would probably be a struggle to combine nations without significantly impacting balance, and also running out of physical pieces if you’re playing on a real board.
In general I view it as very close to completion. The game is reasonably well balanced as it is right now, although it might require some tweaking for the latest rule changes/simplifications that were made. But with the exception of some potential balance tweaks, re-coloring the map (which may or may not happen) and maybe making the rulebooks look nice, it’s pretty much where I want it to be.
Regarding the rulebook, I can get you a copy with no background image. If you want to PM me your email address I can send you one.
Updated original post to include link to US strategy video and newer style map picture.
I added some ideas for territory names on the TripleA github, in order to add some “feeling” rather than every territory just being a letter and a number:
Sorry it took me so long to notice this, I’ll have to look into the edits you made. I’ve been considering doing something like that to make it a bit more interesting.
Version 2.0.12 Updates:
Note that TripleA currently has both version 2.0.9 and 2.0.12 available under the following names: