I’ve tried multiple times to upload these pics all in one post but I’m having internet dramas and the post keeps refreshing before I’ve got it all together and I end up having to start from scratch…. So I’m going to have to do multiple post and spam the thread unfortunately.
Russians. The second infantry I did. A lot of compromise to get them looking distinctive. I’m not too fussed about the soviets since there fleet and air forces don’t see as much use as other nations. I will swap out the OOB mech for HBG pieces however

UK. Where as the other nations navy’s have there national piece colour either on the sides of the hull(French, soviet) or spot painted on the stacks(German, Italian, American) I decided to do the UK and dominion colours on the decking. This allows the scheme for them all to be quite similar yet still distinctive.

I’m not a fan of desert uniform Brits fighting in Europe but is a compromise to keep things simple
Germans. Seems I don’t have enough painted infantry. I actually also have a full range of land equipment painted grey but grey panthers don’t sit right with me. I did these 3 tone pieces more recently and even though it feels wrong using them for early war I can make my peace with that.

Italians. My favorite nation to play and paint. I’ve gone more accurate on these Probably as a result of enjoying them so much. When I bulk up my Italian navy I’ll also redo those deck stripes since they were a rush job before a game and it shows.