Great work sir! Your superstructure work on the ships really makes it stand out.
Agreed! Do you wash the superstructure (and sides/hull, or no?) and then paint the wooden decks?
Great work sir! Your superstructure work on the ships really makes it stand out.
i do make extensive use of washes on all my pieces(except some aircraft)and the ships superstructures also generally benefit from a dry brush before getting a coat of wash.
I rely heavily on army painted spray paint to get the pieces to a colour I can work straight from. Most of my fleets get sprayed grey as a first Step.
Every nation I’ve done so far I’ve used a different method. There are similarities and common approaches but it order to make each fleet look unique and like all its components belong together I’ve not used the exact same method/colours…yet… Once I get started on some of the minor nations I’ll have to retread methods with only the national colour changing.
I often do the whole fleet in one hit and just wing it as I go and see what happens. For instance on the French I had no plan until I sat down and looked at the spray painted pieces and thought a clean and lighter set of colours would pair well with the national blue. That would end up on the hulls…
I do superstructure first as the drybrush and wash is very difficult to keep tidy. Depending what I want the decks to look like I may paint them before the wash and coat them in at the same time. If I didn’t include the deck in the wash I’ll pick that out next which is probably the most time consuming part as you really can’t afford to get deck paint onto your superstructure at this stage… Once you get use to a particular sculpt you get quicker and quicker. Then the hulls get a quick paint with either the national colour or a shade of grey. Probably knock out a 40 ish piece fleet in a solid 2 hour stint but I rarely do the whole job in one sitting. The roundels I’ve painted have been really easy(not done US or soviets) and that’s probably a 10-20 minute job for a fleet.
Since its been many years since I started and by just winging the method I’ve actually forgotten the exact colours to use on most of my older jobs… I’ll be able to reverse engineer them though if I wanted to add new sculpts or units to the existing stuff.