Very cool and intimidating!
What I wouldn’t give to had that army…
I edited the above post. They won’t go on land so they won’t bomb any factories. You’ll probably need to tweak some numbers to get it just right.
One thing that’s a potential big problem is w/e there at on the water they could be attacked. Not sure if there’s away around it. I think there is
just found this quote from crazy german:
In reply to this post by BeornTheBold
I’ve thought about better sub rules for a while, and this post made me realize that there is an alternate way!Its possible to make subs strategic bombers, but they would need to be air units. Its possible to ban them from entering land territories, and set carrierCost=0. This would mean that it can fly over enemy units of course, so if you made destroyers anti-air that only affects subs this would also allow to make the relationship work on a 1 to 1 ratio! Destroyers will NOT be able to stop subs from moving through totally, however they can shoot at subs that are passing by, and subs wouldn’t be able to submerge.
It sounds encouraging.
It’s gonna take some finetuning but it looks as if we have a winner� :-D� Just a quick rundown. As crazy german says they can’t block subs but they can shoot at them. Also you can set the attack factor at w/e you want and have it target as many subs as you want. If the sub attacks the DD directly then the DD aa will not fire and combat will resolve normally.
I haven’t messed with it too much yet but looks as if there’d be no first strike (wouldn’t matter with the DD present obviously) but Idk there might be a way around that. I’ll play with it some more and see if maybe I can get crazy german to chime in over at triplea. He seems to be fairly active.
Haven’t tested on convoy damage yet but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on that
Is it possible to put somekind of IC in water, near a given tty?
Here I’m thinking like a minor IC or Base (6 IPCs dmg max) or more preferably 4 IPCs dmg (like Karelia in 1942.2)
If that so.
It can be player enforced that damage in IC SZ near owned TTy must be totally repaired in purchase and repair phase. Then may buy units. Still cannot built unit there of course.
This would allow some kind of Sub attacking IC in SZ, similar to SBR.
yes and no on the IC Baron. It has some problems but I think Frostion got it to work
Haha you could just kiss that crazy German!
What do you know, like a gift from the depths.
Honestly if we get something like that working, I’d be pretty happy. Kind of cool how the engine restraints force us to explore things we might not ever have considered otherwise. But that type of dynamic would fit much better with my sense of how subs should work in this game.
I agree the G40 raiding system leaves something to be desired. Although if the only way for these subs to go down, is during movement on the attackers own turn (aa fire when passing opponent’s destroyer) then subs surviving through the opponent’s turn is not so much of a challenge. Is that too much of a stretch?
It would transform the way players purchase and place the destroyer unit. Rather than an active hunt, it would be more like a passive one, where the DD has to wait for the oppertunity to catch the subs as they move or raid.
Did you read that post in which I introduced this?
A2 first strike
D1 first strike
Cost 5
Hit 1
taken as last casualty amongst warships, just before TP.
As playable on Triple A, totally and easily player enforced.
Another way to say this:
About Submarines, why not making them a more elusive and independent unit while forbidding them to serve as cannon fodder for bigger warships?
Submarines should never be cannon fodder. In fact, Submarines should only participate in one round of combat and not engage in multi-surface combat actions. Their was never any major naval actions where submarines were used in a major role in such combat. They are basically sinkers of commerce ships. They participated as advance screening for fleet movements to locate and possibly sink a few ships that were passing through the area, but a sub travels at 7 knots underwater and a cruiser is at 34 knots and a battleship is 25-32 knots. That’s why the other chap in an earlier thread bought those destroyers and stopped buying battleships. (…)
It is possible by simply add a special casualty rule for Subs : “Subs can only be picked as casualty when their is no more surface warships available.”
And for increasing their survivability, it depends on the Destroyers blocking capacity.
If anything possible to do on that in Triple A.
But Subs may still be very ellusive if planes need DDs to attack/defend against Sub.
This rule can be kept or not according to play-tests, if Triple A allows to try both ways.
(I hope Barney’s right.)
Here is the origins of my idea, coming from AA50 rulebook before Errata.
About Aircrafts, why not let them hits any units, including Subs? As it was historically the case and in many previous games before A&A 50 Anniversary.
You can read the interesting answers of Krieghund about the evolution of this rule on Aircrafts and Subs here:
Here is the most interesting point IMO:
So is there any version of OOB Subs rules which allow Submerge during First Strike and let planes be able to hit directly subs without DD, the sole condition is that defending sub choose not to submerge first (in such situation, fighter A3 or StB A4 will be considered as any single indestructible attacking Cruiser A3 or Battleship A4, because Sub cannot hit air units.)?
@Baron:In this condition DD still get a function because all freaking subs can always submerge before receiving any hits.
If all Subs rules after Revised always included both Submerge during First Strike and planes need DD to hit subs,
Does the simpler sub rule Submerge on First Strike phase with Air can hit subs without DD (if subs choose not to submerge) was ever play-tested?
Because, according to the uncorrected AA50 Rulebook,
Sub rule was easily understand that way (give hints to think about it),
subs (submerging before reg combat) becomes far less vulnerable than in Revised rules (submerging after regular combat),
and this rule is simpler: “simplifying unit interaction”.Yes, it would make subs less fragile, but the thing that it would not do is keep subs from being used as fodder in fleet battles. With subs being immune to air units without a destroyer, it’s dangerous to pad a fleet with subs, since all an attacker needs to do is go in without a destroyer in order to force all of his/her air unit hits to bypass the subs and hit the more expensive units. This makes destroyers the better choice for fleet protection, as it should be.
A summary of the reasons behind OOB Subs and planes rules by Krieghund:
Planes were very effective sub killers in reality. However, reality suffers a bit when translated into an abstract board game. Sometimes the designers have to “fudge” one aspect of a reality-based game in order to deal with the limitations of another aspect of it. Hopefully, in the end, the two balance each other out to create a whole that abstractly mirrors reality even though the individual parts may not. The interaction between subs, destroyers and planes is a perfect example of this.
The range of air units and the size of the oceans in the game make it very easy for air units to find and eliminate subs, if air units are capable of hitting them on their own. This gives subs no place to hide and makes them “sitting ducks” for air attacks, as was demonstrated in the Revised edition. This simply doesn’t reflect the realities of anti-submarine warfare as it occured in World War II, at least until long-range aircraft were developed later in the war. Until that time, subs were very safe in the middle areas of the oceans, as planes didn’t have the range to hunt them effectively there. Most were sunk only when they were caught in the act of raiding shipping.
Adding the rule that destroyers are required as “spotters” for air attacks against subs represents the concerted effort needed to hunt and attack subs hiding out between raids. This gives subs more longevity and makes them more the fearsome foes that they actually were in the early to middle days of the war.
It also promotes the purchase and maintenance of more well-rounded fleets, as destroyers are necessary to guard against the threat of subs. This reflects the reality that subs were a constant threat to military shipping as well, and that no convoy would travel without destroyer escorts because of that threat. At the same time, it keeps them from being used as cheap “cannon fodder” in naval battles, as they were most often not used extensively in fleet operations, but rather as harrassing hunters where their unique properties were best utilized.
From an economic standpoint, the necessity of buying destroyers for protection against subs also reflects the economic losses sustained by raids against merchant shipping by submarines.
All of these points, taken together, allow the game to abstractly represent the economic and military threat posed by submarines in World War II. This makes subs a useful and strategic purchase in the game. I hope this sufficiently answers your concerns.
Still have same intents exposed in this post below. I just change the means to get ride of Sub fodder because of Triple A engine modification limitations.
yea I’m not sure yet on some things. If it ends being a blocker that won’t work but I think you can make the other units ignore it if it’s infrastructure. Those can be captured or destroyed though so… Idk will have to see.
yea that’d be easy enough to do Baron
yea I’m not sure yet on some things. If it ends being a blocker that won’t work but I think you can make the other units ignore it if it’s infrastructure. Those can be captured or destroyed though so… Idk will have to see.
yea that’d be easy enough to do Baron
You meant by infrastructure, an IC in SZ, which can be destroyed or captured?
correct Baron. Idk if it can do combat and be infrastructure, which probably won’t work unless we can keep that from being captured/destroyed. I’ll see if I can find anymore on it or just ask over there.
correct Baron. Idk if it can do combat and be infrastructure, which probably won’t work unless we can keep that from being captured/destroyed. I’ll see if I can find anymore on it or just ask over there.
Anyway, it is probably hard to give this SZ IC ownership to the adjacent land TTy owner.
Maybe Convoy SZ mechanics need to be investigate.
If it is possible to make it happen twice: attacker turn and owner’s turn this can be good.
well turns out I followed the wrong post. pyt o torp who crazy german (who didn’t want his subs to submerge for a WWI mod) responded to got rid of the destroyers ability to block subs but gave them the aagun to hunt them down. So there may be some possibilities yet. The only thing different is DDs can’t block subs on defense. On the attack they fire their AA, which can be more than 1, then the sub gets a chance to shoot back or submerge. If the sub stays then they battle it out normally from there on out, with the sub being able to submerge after each rd if he so chooses.
I’ll check this out some more tomorrow and put out a test setup so you guys can try it. Baron I’ll check into the SZ factories some more as well. My impression is you can do what you’re after.
Would it be to much raid damage and convoy damage total per turn ( I have both in my game, but sub, surface ship must be in the convoy box ) where for each German sub in the Atlantic US and UK must subtract 1 i ICP from there collect income phase on every turn.
Germany has 6 subs in Atlantic = US - 6 ICP’s and UK - 6 ICP’s per turn. Use this for Raiding.
If this is too much ICP damage for both countries, you could go to for every 2 subs subtract 1 ICP from US and UK income. The odd number goes up to next number.
2 subs= -1 3 subs= -2 4 subs= -2 5 subs= -3 6 subs= -3
Be something to try if you can’t get your IC in sea zone for raiding in Triple A.
Well I guess we can wait to see what comes for the subs.
The other rules seem solid to me. What I like is that I’m pretty sure I can explain this entire ruleset, with a brief explanation/justification for each rule, in relatively few words. It’s the sort of thing that would easily fit on a 3x5 note card, certainly on one side of an A4 print out. Maybe a single paragraph in the game notes of tripleA.
It’s a pretty simple change for each unit, but the payoff in terms of the new play patterns for both boards is substantial.
Here’s how things work currently with the subs. Everything is the same except for a modified 1st strike, can’t be blocked by DDs and can’t be hit by planes even if DD present. This last can be changed in map options by turning off “Air Attack Sub Restricted”. This allows planes to hit subs whenever subs attack. If a plane attacks the sub it can submerge with no combat. Subs still can’t hit planes. If you wanted planes to hit subs on the attack you could give them the same ability as the DD below.
When a DD is present, the sub undergoes a first strike AA/depth charge attack. Right now it’s set to hit at 2 and you get one shot. This can be modified for different attack factor, number of shots. When the DD misses then the sub gets to use it’s 1st strike against the DD. When it hits the DD, or other naval target if other ships are present, immediately takes a hit (transports are still chosen last). When it misses the other ships, DD included, return fire.
DD still hits/defends at 2.
So you can hunt subs with DDs who get 1 crack at them and then the sub can choose to submerge. I would recommend allowing planes to hit them if attacked. However from Barons post above their could still be a problem.
From Baron earlier, don’t know if this is him or Krieghound
“…but the thing that it would not do is keep subs from being used as fodder in fleet battles. With subs being immune to air units without a destroyer, it’s dangerous to pad a fleet with subs,…”
So if subs can’t be hit by planes, (most probably would agree they should be able to hit them in some way), you have this problem. My thought is you’d need to make the sub more expensive than the DD to prevent that. Raise subs to 7 or 8 bucks and drop DDs to 7 or 6. if the lower number you’d probably want to go with Baron’s A1 D2 for the DD. Anyway I’m sure Baron can crunch out an acceptable number.
Some things to keep in mind. The sub is now more powerful. Can’t be blocked. Justifies a higher cost. If you want to block a fleet and protect a blockade zone you’d need more DDs. Justifies cheaper cost since it can’t block anymore, but gets first crack at sub in any sub encounter. If it misses though sub can submerge and blockade successfully.
So I’d say leave the stats the same and C8 and C7 or same for sub C7 A1 D2 C6 for DD. Multiple DDs could be allowed 1 shot or more at each sub. Or 1 DD could target multiple subs would influence the numbers as well.
Overall i think this could work out pretty well. Let me know what you guys think and I’ll put out the test map.
Interesting, so perhaps just invert the costs?
Subs go back to Classic cost at 8 ipcs, Destroyer takes over the cost 6 ipc spot on the water?
Basically looking at a similar spread if using Shipyards, just that the two combat units at the bottom of the totem pole switch places?
Ps. Under such a scheme there is really no getting around the need to mention the destroyer, since we would have to describe the depth charge roll.
But I wonder if we really want to preserve the sub as a regular combat unit? If it was purely for raiding, then we could support a lower cost.
My main concern with either unit, is the hitpoint to cost ratio, and trying to keep that in line with the other warships.
yea would work for tech. Idk maybe at 6 bucks DD should be A1 D2 but give it a A2 for its sub shot ? Also should fighter only get a A1 shot at subs ? The sub gets to submerge if it misses. Otherwise planes can’t hit subs at all on attack.
Here’s how things work currently with the subs. Everything is the same except for a modified 1st strike, can’t be blocked by DDs and can’t be hit by planes even if DD present. This last can be changed in map options by turning off “Air Attack Sub Restricted”. This allows planes to hit subs whenever subs attack. If a plane attacks the sub it can submerge with no combat. Subs still can’t hit planes. If you wanted planes to hit subs on the attack you could give them the same ability as the DD below.
When a DD is present, the sub undergoes a first strike AA/depth charge attack. Right now it’s set to hit at 2 and you get one shot. This can be modified for different attack factor, number of shots. When the DD misses then the sub gets to use it’s 1st strike against the DD. When it hits the DD, or other naval target if other ships are present, immediately takes a hit (transports are still chosen last). When it misses the other ships, DD included, return fire.
DD still hits/defends at 2.So you can hunt subs with DDs who get 1 crack at them and then the sub can choose to submerge. I would recommend allowing planes to hit them if attacked. However from Barons post above their could still be a problem.
From Baron earlier, don’t know if this is him or Krieghound
“…but the thing that it would not do is keep subs from being used as fodder in fleet battles. With subs being immune to air units without a destroyer, it’s dangerous to pad a fleet with subs,…”
So if subs can’t be hit by planes, (most probably would agree they should be able to hit them in some way), you have this problem. My thought is you’d need to make the sub more expensive than the DD to prevent that. Raise subs to 7 or 8 bucks and drop DDs to 7 or 6. if the lower number you’d probably want to go with Baron’s A1 D2 for the DD. Anyway I’m sure Baron can crunch out an acceptable number.
Some things to keep in mind. The sub is now more powerful. Can’t be blocked. Justifies a higher cost. If you want to block a fleet and protect a blockade zone you’d need more DDs. Justifies cheaper cost since it can’t block anymore, but gets first crack at sub in any sub encounter. If it misses though sub can submerge and blockade successfully.
So I’d say leave the stats the same and C8 and C7 or same for sub C7 A1 D2 C6 for DD. Multiple DDs could be allowed 1 shot or more at each sub. Or 1 DD could target multiple subs would influence the numbers as well.
Overall i think this could work out pretty well. Let me know what you guys think and I’ll put out the test map.
I suppose removing subs from regular naval combat might be going to far. I think in the Atlantic we could make a gameplay simplicty case for a unit that focuses purely on economic raids, but you certainly lose something doing that, esp. in the Pacific.
Sub at 8 ipcs and DD at 6, might work.
I guess I just want to make sure that a dirt cheap dd doesn’t unbalance the other naval purchases overmuch. In G40 at a cost of 6 ipcs, you could have a pair of destroyers for the same cost as a cruiser, and 3 destroyers for less than the cost of a battleship. You could also have 6 hitpoints for 36 ipcs, compared to just 4 for a carrier+2 fighters combo. So the advantage in hitpoints alone would be pretty strong.
At a cost like that (6 ipcs), I agree you’d have to seriously consider the attack and defense values for the Destroyer in normal combat I think. Vs subs alone, you could give them whatever is necessary for balance, in terms of the depth charge attack. It might be kind of strange to see the hit value change from normal combat to the depth charge, but it’s doable.
I suppose another option is to nerf the sub, in order to keep it at 6. Will wait to for Barons thoughts on the number crunch haha
i know what ya mean about HPs but it’d be the same HPs as subs are now. One thing is if they did go to 6 and you kept the 2D that would strengthen fleet defense. Bmbrs not hitting fleet helps defense as well.
Idk maybe keep the same cost and A/D and let planes go after subs too. They only have 1/6 chance to hit and then sub can submerge. Also prevents planes from doing something else that turn and if someone sub spams the planes would help keep them in check. Could even let bmbrs go after them if you needed too, although I’m sure you’d like to avoid that.
Anyway it should prevent the problem Krieg and Baron were discussing.
Hmm…actually just reread what they were talking about. Wouldn’t help that much, first rd only and the plane would still get to hit other targets. Yea need a numbers man :)
Ok edit again : )
I think letting the planes hit subs even if only for 1 rd ( which is what it does right now) and still get to hit other targets first rd would prevent the sub spam they were worried about
yea would work for tech. Idk maybe at 6 bucks DD should be A1 D2 but give it a A2 for its sub shot ? Also should fighter only get a A1 shot at subs ? The sub gets to submerge if it misses. Otherwise planes can’t hit subs at all on attack.
Before I can suggest anything on combat values for Sub, Destroyer, depth charge and plane I need to really understand the underlying mechanic involved.
I have a few questions. The more you provides concrete examples, the more I can follow and understand. I’m not a kick learner on that one and I have many different Subs rules (OOBs and HRs) in my mind to compare with.
I use OOB values for ease of example.
First, if 2 Subs A2 D1 are attacking 1 DD A2 D2, 1 Fg A3 D4 and 1 TP, what happen?
1- First step: depth charge defense (may include Fighter if option selected), subs’ casualty removed (only attacking sub)
2- Subs attack, defender’s casualty removed (warships, then TP)
3- Defender’s rolls (including Fighter?), sub’s casualties removed
What happen if 1 DD A2 D2, 1 Fg A3 D4, 1 TP are attacking 2 Subs A2 D1?
1- First step, no depth charge? since DD is on attack?
2- Subs still get a first strike @1, DD presence have no effect (in this triple A, mechanic)
3- DDs attack @2, Fg can @3 (no need DD presence)
Please help me understand.
When a DD is present, the sub undergoes a first strike AA/depth charge attack. Right now it’s set to hit at 2 and you get one shot. This can be modified for different attack factor, number of shots. When the DD misses then the sub gets to use it’s 1st strike against the DD. When it hits the DD, or other naval target if other ships are present, immediately takes a hit (transports are still chosen last). When it misses the other ships, DD included, return fire.
DD still hits/defends at 2.So you can hunt subs with DDs who get 1 crack at them and then the sub can choose to submerge. I would recommend allowing planes to hit them if attacked. However from Barons post above their could still be a problem.
Do you imply that under this triple A mechanics, DDs cannot block Sub from submerge, but Depth charge comes first before sub submerge?
Can you adjust DD to @1 depth charge and Fg depth charge phase to A3 on offence and D4 on defense?
Depth charges works like AA? 5 Subs vs 1 DDs, then all 5 Subs are depth charged, right?
So you can hunt subs with DDs who get 1 crack at them and then the sub can choose to submerge. I would recommend allowing planes to hit them if attacked.
1- DD can attack a Sub infested SZ, there is a 1 combat round, depth charge.
2- Then, on Surprise strike phase, Sub may retaliate or Submerge.
If it retaliate, it is @1 first strike; so DD casualties removed.
3- Then DD can roll regular combat attack.
From Baron earlier, don’t know if this is him or Krieghound
“…but the thing that it would not do is keep subs from being used as fodder in fleet battles. With subs being immune to air units without a destroyer, it’s dangerous to pad a fleet with subs,…”
This is what Krieghund said.
But this make me search along that way to simplify interactions between planes, DDs and Subs.
If I correctly understand, the DD A2 D2 depth charge attack phase,
each DD should attack @2,
Fighter should attack @3,
to be similar to first round attack against subs from DD+Fighter.
If Subs stay in combat against DDs, does fighter remains able to hit Subs in the regular combat phase?