• Sponsor


    A special thanks to Young Grasshopper, knp7765, afrothunder12, Black_Elk, Wild Bill, and CWO Marc for their contributions to the development of these rules.

    Production Unit Profiles

    Industrial Complex:
    Produces up to 10 units
    Maximum damage 20
    Unoperational at 10 damage
    Capable of building all units
    May never be purchased
    Immediately downgraded to a Minor Factory once captured

    Major Factory:
    Produces up to 5 units
    Maximum damage 10
    Unoperational at 5 damage
    Capable of building all units
    May never be purchased, or upgraded to an Industrial Complex
    Immediately downgraded to a Minor Factory once captured

    Minor Factory:
    Produces up to 3 units
    Maximum damage 6
    Unoperational at 3 damage
    May only build units that cost 10 IPCs or less
    May be purchased at a cost of 12 IPCs
    May be placed on any territory with an IPC value of 2 or greater.
    May be upgraded to a Major factory for 10 IPCs*

    There are only two conditions in which a nation may upgrade a production unit:

    *1. The original owner of a territory containing a minor factory may upgrade it to a major factory for 10 IPCs, but only if the minor factory in question was already downgraded from a major factory or Industrial Complex due to capture. Minor factories that have been purchased and placed on the board my never be upgraded.

    2. Once they are at war, the United States may immediately upgrade all their major factories to industrial complexes free of charge.

    The United Kingdom

    The British economy is no longer split between London and Calcutta, instead, the United Kingdom collects only one income for all territories owned on the map with London as it’s capital. The UK must relinquish all IPCs each time an Axis power captures London, however, the UK may retain all IPC’s if Calcutta is captured, as it is no longer a capital city.

    The Commonwealth

    At the beginning of the game, one of the following two options must be chosen by the player, or players controlling the Allied powers.

    Commonwealth Option #1

    All territories with an ANZAC and Canadian roundel on them will now be know as the Commonwealth. This new nation will replace ANZAC in the game round sequence, and all British beige starting units on Canadian territories must now be replaced with ANZAC gray pieces (including the sea units in sea zone #106). This power’s starting income will be 17 IPCs, and the United Kingdom’s will be 38 IPCs.

    Commonwealth Option #2

    All territories with an ANZAC and Canadian roundel on them, as well as South Africa, South West Africa, Newfoundland, and Eire will now be know as the Commonwealth. This new nation will replace ANZAC in the game round sequence, and all British beige starting units on Canadian and South African territories must now be replaced with ANZAC gray pieces (including the sea units in sea zones #106 and #71). This power’s starting income will be 20 IPCs, and the United Kingdom’s will be 35 IPCs.

    Political Situation

    The Commonwealth nation is at war with Germany and Italy, and neutral with Japan to start the game, they may not collect national objectives until they are at war with all the Axis powers. The Commonwealth nation does not have a capital, and as long as the Commonwealth controls Ottawa and/or Sydney, they may collect an income and build units. However, if both Ottawa and Sydney are under enemy control, the Commonwealth must immediately relinquish all IPCs to the bank, and remove their roundel from the income tracker until at least 1 of these two original victory cities are liberated.

    Map Board Adjustments

    _If you are using a G40 2nd Edition map and playing option #1, you must put a commonwealth roundel on Western Canada.

    If you are using a G40 2nd Edition map and playing option #2, you must put a commonwealth roundel on Western Canada, as well as South Africa, South West Africa, Newfoundland, and Eire._

    National Objectives

    All national objectives for the United Kingdom and ANZAC have been removed, and are now replaced with the following:

    United Kingdom:

    5 IPCs if the United States are at war with the Axis powers
    5 IPCs if the Allies control Gibraltar, Egypt, India, and Malaya
    5 IPCs if there are no Axis Submarines in the Atlantic (any sea zone west of Denmark and Gibraltar straits including #128 and #127)


    5 IPCs if the Commonwealth controls all their original territories
    5 IPCs if the Allies (not including Dutch) control Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and Celebes
    5 IPCs if the Commonwealth has at least 1 land unit on an original German territory

  • Hey YG,
    I must say I like this concept, especially in combination with some sort of ‘Commonwealth’ (from that other thread).

    What happens to downgraded (after capture) ICs when liberated?
    I’d say they can still be upgraded to an IC by the liberated MP if so desired. Apart from Calcutta ofc.

  • '14 Customizer

    The ability to produce up to 5 units in Ukraine is really going to help Germany.

  • Great idea YG! This should be added to the game for sure! Helps out Russia a little, Anzac a lot, UK a lot, US a little, and Italy a little. This coupled with the new UK combined idea might actually make the game balanced with out a bid.

    Germany wouldn’t be able to produce 5 units a turn on Ukraine since any factory that is captured automatically gets downgraded to a minor.

  • '14 Customizer

    Thank you, I stand corrected.

  • Grasshopper, do you think it would be too much to allow someone to purchase or upgrade a factory to a major, able to produce 5 units, but it could only be purchased or upgraded on a territory with a 3 IPC Value or more? This might help the allies more in Europe since US could build a major in Norway, and Japan could conversely upgrade the factory in India to a major. This might add more flavor without breaking the game.

  • I thought this change in production was in conjunction with creating one UK economy?

  • '14 Customizer

    This is a great idea. I remember back when knp was presenting it. Its strange to think that downgrading an IC could actually help in India but I agree it will help.

  • Not sure if it would be enough to offset the bid, but it would def lower it.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    I always love a good stand alone rule. This one is probably the most promising I’ve seen so far as a balancing mechanism for Global. I like the values too, the 10s, 5s and 3s at gray, red, green for visual simplicity, as you suggested (by using monopoly pieces and the standard red/green chips).

    What’s nice about establishing the locations as fixed, with the lowering mechanic when conquered, is that it could be potentially tweaked for other types of scenarios, with a simple switch from IC/major/minor in some cases, if that was required for alternative scenario balancing.

  • Sponsor

    Once again I have succumb to the logic of putting together a single UK economy, a Commonwealth nation, and a reinvented production mechanic. I have tried each of these concepts separately thinking that they could each stand on their own, however, I now realize that they work best when together.

    I have re-wrote my first post and have removed my earlier comments to avoid confusing new visitors to this thread. This is only one thread on the subject as there has been many discussions and support for the ideas expressed here. Many members have said that the idea of a single UK economy, with a new Commonwealth nation, as well as a mid-level IC has the potential to really take off.

    Here are a few things I really like about these new game mechanics and how they may change G40 2nd Edition…

    • With a single UK income, the removal of the Canadian territories will dilute the UK economy a little, but not to much.

    • With the Canadian territories having Canadian emblems on them and not British, it’s almost as if the map was made for this idea.

    • The alternative British roundel once used to track UK pacific income can now easily be used to track the Commonwealth income.

    • With the ANZAC and Canadian incomes as well as production options combined, the Allies have more freedom to buy more significant units on either the Europe side, or the Pacific side.

    -Players may be more concerned with protecting their territories with Industrial Complexes knowing that a downgraded IC may never be built again.

    • Although I’m gonna paint my plastic ICs blue for Industrial Complexes, red for Major Factories, and green for Minor Factories… monopoly hotels and houses could also work well.

    • Having colored production units will help players associate the max amount of units allowable for each facility (blue for 10 units on an Industrial Complex, red for 5 units on a Major Factory, and green for 3 units on a Minor Factory).

    • Very easy to now play a 7 player game… Germany / Russia / Japan / America / Commonwealth with China / Britain with France / Italy.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Sounds good to me! I think I will definitely give this one a go.

    it seems consistent and well thought out, and also fairly simple to implement. The complexity it adds in one dimension, it more than makes up for by increasing simplicity and gameplay in many other dimensions. I favor the production rules and income/possession adjustments suggested above.

    I’d hold out hope for South Africa and the 3 theater effect, but I suppose the 17/17 split is pretty convenient and fits rather well with the visual spread. And the point about the tracker and printed roundels does make sense. I will suggest this set up, and hope to play it with others willing to try something new on the G40 board.

    Well done dude.

    ps. Just as an aside with Delta, the Commonwealth aid bonus card is sufficiently well worded, that the advantage outlined therein could still count for the Commonwealth player/nation (even though it is UK drawing the card.) I kind of dig that, since it gets the dominions a pretty nice north american strategic advantage. Like a Canadian power up!  :-D

    Leaves you south Africa under effective UK control in the case of the card mentioned, so UK still gets a bump from it, but it’d definitely be fun for the Commonwealth player to have that North American punch.

    I think I still favor referring to the new joint Anzac+Canada player/nation as the Commonwealth Dominions, since Dominions sounds pretty cool as an alternative shorthand for the faction, and could work for the dominions of Canada and Australia at the time (minus south Africa, Eire etc. just for simplicity sake to keep the 17/17 split)

    From the perspective of a potential stand alone Dominions player, it might be fun to have south Africa under their own control, but from an overall game balance and simplicity of implementation standpoint it is likely much better for this territory to be under direct British control. UK needs the anchor factory in the center south, to maintain naval control along the bottom of the board, more than Anzac+Canada would. So I think on balance, the 17/17 thing comes out on top for me. Its just cleaner, even if it doesn’t really encompass the entirety of the commonwealth.

    Acronym suggestions for shorthand:
    CW Commonwealth
    CAnzac Canada and Australia New Zealand (Army Core)
    CWD Commonwealth Dominions
    Do-CAnzac: Dominions of Canada and Australia New Zealand

    Do CAnzac! heheh

    Come on you know this 2nd ed board was meant for this to happen! ;)

  • This is a nice addition to the G40 game for those of us that want a bit more out of it. It looks like this will allow for both powers to support each other much better, w/o allowing for a mega power to toss all income into one facility. This will give the UK Empire more freedom w/o over powering it. Really looking forward to testing it out.

    I like the thought of the New Commonwealth (CAnzac) being able to combine income to be more relevant as they see fit. I also like how the UK keeps Africa, and can directly support India (w/limited production). The new mid level production center (India) is something that I thought the game lacked from the get-go, and probably should have been looked at better through the Alpha process.

    ***One additional thought to consider is that capital ships can’t be built at a minor IC. Not sure if it came up when you were developing this proposal. It would help self limit area’s where the big boats can be dropped (must be a home territory). The minor ICs would still be able to build support ships (cruisers, destroyers, subs, and transports). Lets face it we have all exploited minor facilities to build carriers at one time or another.

    If you want to build carriers or battleships in Canada, Sidney, S Africa etc……you still can, but you must upgrade to a major IC (for 10 IPCs). UK would still be able to build capital ships in India, but probably not if London is threatened, or Japan is pressing hard on Calcutta (I can live with that). Would also stop Germany or Japan from ever dropping capital ships in conquered territories (like French ICs or Chinese coasts). This would also stop powers like US from taking over say Norway or the French coastal IC’s and dropping capital ships. Speaking of the US, I’m assuming the US probably starts the game with the mid level major IC’s that will auto upgrade when at war (5 production will help some in the Pac). If you go with no capital ships built at minor IC, the US won’t be effected then.

    Anyway YG, thanks for this is an overdue addition, please comment

  • Sponsor


    This is a nice addition to the G40 game for those of us that want a bit more out of it. It looks like this will allow for both powers to support each other much better, w/o allowing for a mega power to toss all income into one facility. This will give the UK Empire more freedom w/o over powering it. Really looking forward to testing it out.

    I like the thought of the New Commonwealth (CAnzac) being able to combine income to be more relevant as they see fit. I also like how the UK keeps Africa, and can directly support India (w/limited production). The new mid level production center (India) is something that I thought the game lacked from the get-go, and probably should have been looked at better through the Alpha process.

    ***One additional thought to consider is that capital ships can’t be built at a minor IC. Not sure if it came up when you were developing this proposal. It would help self limit area’s where the big boats can be dropped (must be a home territory). The minor ICs would still be able to build support ships (cruisers, destroyers, subs, and transports). Lets face it we have all exploited minor facilities to build carriers at one time or another.

    If you want to build carriers or battleships in Canada, Sidney, S Africa etc……you still can, but you must upgrade to a major IC (for 10 IPCs). UK would still be able to build capital ships in India, but probably not if London is threatened, or Japan is pressing hard on Calcutta (I can live with that). Would also stop Germany or Japan from ever dropping capital ships in conquered territories (like French ICs or Chinese coasts). This would also stop powers like US from taking over say Norway or the French coastal IC’s and dropping capital ships. Speaking of the US, I’m assuming the US probably starts the game with the mid level major IC’s that will auto upgrade when at war (5 production will help some in the Pac). If you go with no capital ships built at minor IC, the US won’t be effected then.

    Anyway YG, thanks for this is an overdue addition, please comment

    Great idea Wild Bill, here are the revisions I made (I’ve added strategic bombers)…

    Industrial Complex:
    Produces up to 10 units
    Maximum damage 20
    Unoperational at 10 damage
    Replaces all Major ICs in the initial setup
    Capable of building all units
    May not be purchased

    Major Factory:
    Produces up to 5 units
    Maximum damage 10
    Unoperational at 5 damage
    New unit which replaces all Minor ICs in the initial setup
    Capable of building all units
    May not be purchased, or upgraded

    Minor Factory:
    Produces up to 3 units
    Maximum damage 6
    Unoperational at 3 damage
    Incapable of building capital ships and/or strategic bombers
    May be purchased at a cost of 12 IPCs
    May be placed on any territory with an IPC value of 2 or greater.
    May be upgraded to a Major factory for 10 IPCs (must be the original owner of the territory)

  • Nice, I like strats added as well

  • Sponsor

    Hey Black Elk, thanks for the support, I to am excited to play with these house rules… your opinions and comments are always needed. Seeing as these are collaborative ideas, I would hate for this to be called “Grasshopper’s ___________”, any ideas to help me avoid this?

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    I dig all the concepts and naming conventions introduced so far!

    In my play group we often use shorthands to describe basic set up or rules adustments that we are particularly fond of. For example, in AA50 we have a set up tweak that we refer to as AA50 “Chunking Rules!” where china begins the standard turn order. Basically they get a free turn, by going before the first Axis player in either set up 41 or 42.

    In my head I was already referring to this set up tweak for Global as “Halifax Rules” haha

  • Official Q&A

    This is going in an interesting direction.  The idea of limiting the units that a minor IC can produce was actually brought up during playtesting, but it was obviously not introduced into the game.  I believe at the time it was suggested that minor ICs could only build units costing 10 IPCs or less, which is pretty much what WILD BILL suggested here, with the exception of cruisers.  (Interestingly, getting Improved Shipyards would allow you to build cruisers at a minor IC under those conditions.)

    I have a question.  Your rules say that a Major Factory can never be upgraded to an Industrial Complex, but they also say that a captured Industrial Complex is downgraded to a Minor Factory.  Does that mean that if a power loses an Industrial Complex and recaptures it that it can never again be anything more than a Major Factory from then on, regardless of who controls it?  If so, this is an interesting rule, and it certainly gives you even more incentive to keep from losing your capital.

  • Sponsor

    Correct, a territory which had an Industrial Complex downgraded due to capture, may never contain anything greater than a major factory for the rest of the game.

    I believe the idea you mentioned above in contrast to Wild Bill’s would also exclude tactical bombers.

    Any additions or subtractions you may have to improve these ideas Krieghund would be greatly appreciated.

  • Sponsor


    I dig all the concepts and naming conventions introduced so far!

    In my play group we often use shorthands to describe basic set up or rules adustments that we are particularly fond of. For example, in AA50 we have a set up tweak that we refer to as AA50 “Chunking Rules!” where china begins the standard turn order. Basically they get a free turn, by going before the first Axis player in either set up 41 or 42.

    In my head I was already referring to this set up tweak for Global as “Halifax Rules” haha

    I like it a lot… “Halifax Rules” it shall be.

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