Neither Britain nor the U.S. nor the Soviet Union ever offered Hitler any peace terms other than unconditional surrender.
Wrong. They ( Germany) had till 11am on the 3rd to get out of Poland. Hitler didn’t budge. The Soviet Union offered in October 41 by asking Hitler what would be the terms for surrender
(discussed or negotiated between Stalins staff and Hitlers staff) , and the result was the cost was too great.
Also, Germany didn’t need to get any peace terms. Rather she needed to stop invading every country and return to her borders. Germany didn’t deserve any peace terms because of the nature of her transgressions. Unconditional Surrender was offered because it fit the crime of fighting a war of extermination.
Far from “killing everybody,” Hitler did not kill enough people to eliminate the famine conditions the Allies had created. As a result of his failure to solve Germany’s food problems, large groups of people–such as Soviet POWs working in German weapons factories–could not be adequately fed.
Hitler was able to feed the fat lemming Herman, proving Germany had no famine issues. Also, Germany could just say “we will stop invading countries and stop killing every race we don’t like” and have plenty of food. Germany created the conditions of rationing food due to her acts against the international community. You should be blaming Germany for creating the condition in the first place.
Suppose Hitler had halted u-boat attacks against Allied merchant shipping. Do you think the Allied leaders would have reciprocated by ending their food blockade of Germany? I don’t.
If Hitler surrendered, the Allies would have ended the blockade. Just like a criminal who was told to put down the gun and starts pointing at the police…resulting in a dead suspect. You love to keep missing that point as much as i love to keep reminding you of it.
If on the other hand the British people had gotten hungry enough, perhaps they would have voted their warmongering politicians out of office, and replaced them with different, more honest and peaceful politicians. I realize the German attacks against Allied merchant shipping might have seemed like a case of fighting hunger with hunger. But unless Hitler had had the wisdom to go forward with von Manstein’s planned invasion of Britain, I don’t really see what other options he had to end the Allies’ murderous food blockade.
This is what Hess went to England for and what he said, yea lets use the reasoning of NAZI’s and their talking points. Hitler just could have surrendered and Herman could be fed three buffets a day and get plenty of perfume for his fat body.
Prevention of mass murder was never, ever the Allied intent. Had the Allies not wanted millions of innocent people to die, they would never have imposed their murderous food blockade in the first place. They knew that many more Poles would die with the blockade than without it. Yet they imposed it anyway, supposedly in their overall efforts to “help” Poland. Allied leaders showed about as much sympathy to Polish or other victims of their own food blockade as they had a decade earlier to the 7 million Ukrainian victims of the Holodomor. Which is to say, no sympathy at all. To describe the Allies as opposing mass murder is absurd.
Hitler should have just left Poland alone. They had all the food they could eat before September 1939, before Hitler stole everything. Blame Hitler for attacking Poland and killing every Jew in Poland, not the Allies. The Allies are only guilty of opposing Hitlers invasion of Poland.
As I hope this thread has made clear, the Allies’ actions can only be justified if the real facts are ignored.
I hope this thread has made clear that if you commit a heinous crime against humanity, the international community will use all means to defeat you and to blame them for defeating you is the reasoning of a child.