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Getting ready for war!
We need a bigger table! :)
We need a bigger table! :)
I believe you might need more post history in order to post photos… it’s a defense system from spam.
Really want to see what you’re trying to show though…
Ohhh, to bad! :( Does it help just posting the link?
The map is actually modifyed even more, especially in Europe! Some areas made bigger, for example SZ 110, UK, Gibraltar, Germany etc. Makes the world a bit strange but tha game more easy to play! :)
The link is not working, for me anyway…
Tried a couple times but it didn’t work. Interested to see what changes you did, want to get my own custom board too.
And here is a closer look at modified Europe!
Awesome table DiscoKnekt, and your custom map looks amazing, definitely one of the best tables I’ve seen so far, I love when I see people take the time to customize built in piece trays, good work. I noticed that you have many different factories or houses in the setup. are you using some kind of production house rules? Can you tell us more about some of the customized features in the photos?
Well worth the wait for the pictures… Like the Vichy French symbol for the North African and Syrian Territories. Noticed the enlarged 110 Sea Zone and the addition of the Azores Islands. Nice touches.
That’s IL’s map, i added Azores
I made Pacific Too.
That’s IL’s map, i added Azores
I made Pacific Too.
Nice work IL.
That’s IL’s map, i added Azores
I made Pacific Too.
So sorry if i have “stolen” any map, i cant remember now but found them somewhere on the internet! :) 99% of the credit shall go to IL for making the map, I have just made some minor adjustments and resized some zones that are small and usually containes a lot of units! :)
Awesome table DiscoKnekt, and your custom map looks amazing, definitely one of the best tables I’ve seen so far, I love when I see people take the time to customize built in piece trays, good work. I noticed that you have many different factories or houses in the setup. are you using some kind of production house rules? Can you tell us more about some of the customized features in the photos?
Thanks! :) Searched alot for premade piece trays but couldnt find any in the right sizes som ended up folding my own out of paper board, took some time but works great!
We use red and blue houses to indicate VC, blue if its controlled by allies and red if axis. Makes it alot easier to count VC standings (we play 3-4 times/year so we forget :) )
For facotries we use IC pieces from old A&A games that we have, not sure which ones now but we had two different types so we made them small and large IC! :)
Not showing it this picture but we now also use coloured markes under the large IC´s to display IC improvements (adapted from World at war game).
We have a new game weekend in a month, i will take an updated picture then, also where you can see the dice and battle-chart barley visible in the background of this image!
Well worth the wait for the pictures… Like the Vichy French symbol for the North African and Syrian Territories. Noticed the enlarged 110 Sea Zone and the addition of the Azores Islands. Nice touches.
Vichy and Azores are IL credit :) Enlarged SZ 110 is my contribution! :) Actually the whole of Europe is changed but hard to see if you dont have the new and old map next to eachother! If its ok with IL i can upload map-images for more detail!
That’s a really great table you have there! Thanks for sharing.
Great looking table!
Well worth the wait for the pictures… Like the Vichy French symbol for the North African and Syrian Territories. Noticed the enlarged 110 Sea Zone and the addition of the Azores Islands. Nice touches.
Vichy and Azores are IL credit :) Enlarged SZ 110 is my contribution! :) Actually the whole of Europe is changed but hard to see if you dont have the new and old map next to eachother! If its ok with IL i can upload map-images for more detail!
Hopefully you can, would like to see it, just for ideas and such. Trying to come up with an idea of what I want to do for mine.
Awesome setup, you have there! :-D
I love the sz110 enlargement! The channel is way too small on the OOB map.