Really, there is no need to make it so complicated.
Unlimited non-combat land movement for pieces within friendly tt.
That’s all you need. On the scale of an A&A map, all land units moved by rail, and an entire army could be shifted from one front to another in a couple of weeks, easily within any reasonable definition of what a game turn represents.
The relative value of tanks and MI has to be considered, but I prefer in any case to give them a 2nd move after combat anyway, rather than a basic 2 space move into combat.
If you want interdiction, allow bombers to target a tts communications instead of industrial output, and if successful the owner can then pay to repair in the build new units phase.
Retreating armies might also be allowed to sabotage communications for the same effect, delaying the enemy reinforcing by rail for a turn.
Even this only requires simple damage tokens; there’s no need for railway station pieces or locomotive sculpts, nor for tedious “rail points” bean counting.
Armoured trains, however: that’s a different kettle of fish entirely.
This chap so nearly got it right: Rail Movement.pdf