Good to know. Thank you. And I did mean Palermo Italy.
You May Be A WWII Junkie
Too bad I own a Honda Civic
A regular one or a combat modification of the standard model?
Too bad I own a Honda Civic
A regular one or a combat modification of the standard model?
Standard model… with the addition of a bass amp in the trunk. At least I will sound cool as I shoot down all those Fiestas and Impalas.
I just need some Red meatballs on my doors and my metallic silver paint job will look perfect. (I should probably remove the Iwo Jima flag raising sticker from my window though).
Standard model… with the addition of a bass amp in the trunk. At least I will sound cool as I shoot down all those Fiestas and Impalas.
I just need some Red meatballs on my doors and my metallic silver paint job will look perfect.Sounds good. The Douglas Aircraft Company went to a lot less trouble to convert the civilian DC-3 into the military C-47 Dakota: basically, they just added a large cargo door to one side of the fuselage and painted the airplane green. No stereo sound system, regretably. Life was simpler in those days.
Too bad I own a Honda Civic
I was re-watching the Jerry Bruckheimer / Michael Bay film “The Rock” last night and this amusing line (delivered by Nicolas Cage) reminded me of your post: “Look, I’m just a biochemist. Most of the time, I work in a little glass jar and lead a very uneventful life. I drive a Volvo – a beige one.”
Too bad I own a Honda Civic
I was re-watching the Jerry Bruckheimer / Michael Bay film “The Rock” last night and this amusing line (delivered by Nicolas Cage) reminded me of your post: “Look, I’m just a biochemist. Most of the time, I work in a little glass jar and lead a very uneventful life. I drive a Volvo – a beige one.”
Never seen it, but I am glad that my simple words could bring some joy to life. :-D
Never seen it
I recommend it. Top notch military-themed action/adventure movie with good character development, suspense, an unusually complex bad guy, fine acting by Ed Harris and Sean Connery, some bits of well-calibrated (i.e. non-stupid) humour, great pacing, lots of stuff that blows up real good, and an extended sequence of vehicular mayhem in downtown San Francisco which is all the more impressive for the fact that it used real cars and trucks and trolleys rather than CGI. They don’t make 'em like that anymore.
if you are playing A&A by yourself, while watching WHERE EAGLES DARE on one TV, TORA TORA TORA on another TV, watching SAVING PRIVATE RYAN on your smartphone, and watching MIDWAY on your tablet all at the same moment?
hmmmmmm… i wonder if the psych ward is open today? :roll:
Wasn’t sure where to throw these, but I found them today on some other forum and thought they were awesome.
Granted this is pre-war, but the re-colorization is amazing. Feels like you are there. This is either Yorktown or Enterprise; likely Enterprise judging by the air group markings. Man were those planes gaudy.
Great pictures – thanks for posting them. I wonder if the paint jobs on the planes were intended to make them look nice and flashy for peacetime public relations purposes? In wartime those paint jobs would scream “I’m over here!” to potential enemies, so more sober, neutral, countershaded colours would definitely be preferable. :-)
Yorktown sank at Midway
Very nice Hoffman. Thanks.
Marc: what’s wrong with drawing attention to yourself, if you are the best? By 1944, the American planes were rarely shot down. Obviously, I can’t tell if these ones are meant to be early or late versions of Carrier Aircraft.
In WW1 Jasta 1 was intentionally bright and colourful, as if to say: come and get us, if you dare!Maybe I would have had a shorter life expectancy than you….
I love those old paint schemes. Nice pics!
In WW1 Jasta 1 was intentionally bright and colourful, as if to say: come and get us, if you dare!
This has echoes of the line in the USAF Song which says “We live for fame or we go down in flame”. :-)
Yorktown sank at Midway
… this is very pre-Midway. :roll:
In WW1 Jasta 1 was intentionally bright and colourful, as if to say: come and get us, if you dare!
This has echoes of the line in the USAF Song which says “We live for fame or we go down in flame”.  :-)
Love that saying
awesome shots…looks like they were just taken yesterday with a smartphone camera