The OP accidentally posted this here. We all know this. The reason for the option to delete threads being removed is not so simple IMO. I think we lose more than we gain for a multitude of reasons. Trying to police courtesy I suppose could be a noble effort, but this particular action doesn’t seem to have done it.
If it were mine as well as other forum member’s decision, I believe this would be repealed. I have my own private take on why this happened, and why the members who lobbied so strongly for this did so. I believe that reasoning had very little to do with preserving any intellectual freedom or discourse, and more to do with settling scores. I don’t think this action has produced the intended results and has actually enforced some negative actions on the part of those who lobbied so heavily for the deletion option to be removed.
I defer to Djensen and the moderators on this matter, and try to follow the written and un-written rules of the forum. However should the option ever come into discussion, or a reconsideration to restore the option of allowing a thread author to delete a thread, I give my support in restoring the option.