• @rjpeters70:

    I kinda like the idea of bidding for Spain.  Either side can pitch in money to get it pro-Axis or pro-Allied.  Spain takes the IPCs, and uses it to build.  At the end of the Round, whichever side has pitched in the most money, makes Spain either pro-Allied or Pro-Axis. Spain then takes the money and buys units with them. This would reflect various economic sweetners, material assistance, weapons sales, unit transfers, etc., that either side could have done to bring Spain into the war.

    As a variation of this idea, the bidding by the Axis and the Allies for Spain could be semi-blind (only Spain can see how much money is being offered by each side) or fully blind (each side writes out its bid and lays it face-down, without even Spain being allowed to see it, then both bids are turned over to see who offered the most).  The bids could take the form of pure IPCs, or they could take the form of already-manufactured equipment, or they could be a combination of both.  In a pure IPC system, the highest figure would automatically win, but in a mixed system Spain would be able to decide for itself which overall package it felt was most advantageous.

  • @CWO:


    Vichy France:
    -Get France, Southern France, Normandy, and the three north African territory’s.
    -Vichy would be the convoy raiding effort of Germany in WWII

    The Balkans puppets:
    -Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania (Greater southern Germany/Austria?)

    Scandinavian war effort:
    -Norway, Finland, (Sweden?)
    This power would represent the Finnish war effort. As well as Norways complete lack of ability to counter allied offences.

    Europe in WWII wasn’t a five-way Axis power.  It was a mixture of German-occupied Allied countries, major Axis partners, minor Axis partners, Russian-occupied states/territories, and neutral nations (some pro-Allied, some pro-Axis, some more or less truly neutral), with one collaborationist state and one co-belligerent thrown in for good measure.

    On the game map, the “France” territory and Normandy don’t actually form part of Vichy France; those were areas under German occupation.  Southern France and most of the French colonial empire were governed by the Vichy regime.  Vichy was a collaborationist state, but technically it wasn’t a belligerent after the French surrender of 1940.  Vichy came close to going to war against Britain after the Mers-el-Kebir and Oran raids, but it didn’t actually do so.  Vichy scuttled the French fleet in 1943 to keep it out of German hands when Germany occupied Southern France; the French fleet never fought on the Axis side.

    Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia were definitely on the Axis side (they were involved in the invasion of the USSR and/or of Yugoslavia and Greece), but Yugoslavia and Greece were not Axis puppets: they were countries invaded and occupied by the Axis, hence Allied nations. Yugoslavia was even (as I recall) invaded by Germany because a popular uprising deposed its pro-Axis king.  Greece fought off (for a while anyway, until Germany got involved) an attempted Italian invasion, and drove the Italians into Albania (which had been annexed by Italy a few years previously).

    The map’s “Greater Southern Germany” roughly corresponds to the territories which Germany annexed before the war: Austria and most of Czechoslovakia (a few crumbs having been given to the newly-created puppet state of Slovakia).  I don’t think “Greater Southern Germany” is a term that was used in real life; the former Austria, for example, was renamed Ostmark.

    Finland was a co-belligerent in WWII: it participated in the German invasion of the USSR, but as a separate power rather than an Axis one.  Norway was an Allied country under German occupation, not an Axis country which lacked the ability to counter Allied offensives.  (Free Norwegian forces actually operated out of Great Britain, being engaged in such anti-German operations as the Gunnerside raid.)  Sweden wasn’t at war during WWII; it was a nominal neutral, though it allowed Germany to transport iron ore shipments from Norway throught its territory.  Sweden’s neutrality was useful to both the Alllies and the Axis: it was a hotbed of espionnage, and the country to which Norwegian resistance groups and Free Norwegian foces would escape after conducting operations in Norway.

    WHOA, i dint mean it for historical accuracy. I meant it for representing the total European Axis war effort in WWII. I just thought it would be kinda cool to have 3 powers go hard Russia. It gives me the fuzzies whenever something like that happens.

    AS for Vichy and Balkan axis getting Yugoslavia and stuff.

    You could make all the Frances territory’s be considered original Vichy France territories. While yogu, Bulgaria, and Greece are all considered original territory’s to Balkan Axis. That way, even if Germany and Italy where to cut up France, it would all go to the Vichy France player.

    The idea to roll for French colonies seems nice, but what about the units their? It would be like rolling for free INF in Africa than anything else. For simplicity’s sake, Just give Vichy all of France and North African France, including the INF there.

    Vichy France would not only represent France, but also the German effort to wage convoy war against Britain.

    To balance out the fact that Germany is MUCH weaker (almost 25 IPCs weaker) we should do this:

    Immediately when France is taken, all remaining french territory’s in mainland Europe, as well as French ships, are all considered neutral. This would represent the political stuff Germany started with France about Vichy etc. At the end of Frances turn, Vichy France comes into being and all French warships become Vichy. South France is the capital.

    This way, Britain would have a reason to attack the ships, as well as a rule to legalize it.

    For the Balkan allies, Romania is the capital. The Balkan allies also get a Fighter in Romania.

    For Scandinavia, they can have 1 extra artillery in Norway.

  • @rjpeters70:

    Why in the world would Yugo and Greece be part of a Balkan Axis (unless they were conquered, that is)?  They fought on the side of the Allies.

    They would still be Pro-allied neutral powers, but they would be considered original territory’s of the Balkan Axis.

    e.g Germany could attack Yugoslavia, and fight the Infantry their. But it would go to Balkan Axis.

  • #houserules

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