@Wizard well the link is close to the first page, are you looking for Barons version? let me know
Should Imperious make a map for this?
well, I hope to motivate. :)
+1 for the map, would definatelly appreciate having a bigger board to play for AA42SE!
Imperious, I am dying for this map. How is the progress?
FYI, I just had a vinyl map of the 42 Supreme map and it is amazing. 60’ x 30’!! I need this one next so please, please, please keep moving forward on this. :)
Looking to print out my 1st map and would love for this one to be it. I really enjoy the 2nd edition board over the 1st. Please move forward on this. Having this map might just influence me enough to start building a custom table. Thanks for all you do!
im at about 30% complete. I’m very lazy with this since im not ever going to print it out.
You were at 33% in January. Are you so lazy that you’re losing progress? hahaha
I would definitely print this map out and use it. Your AA1940 Supreme map was awesome. Please keep up the good work; anxiously awaiting the second edition version.
Yea i didn’t work on it since then. I am Lazy
Yes to busy with video games. :-D
ok FYI im at 65% done, as i get closer to completion i tend to do more work.
ok map at 85%, probably before end of week
My whole week suddenly got much better! Great news!
Awesome!! Where might I find your other custom maps?
Variants and House rules ( stickied)
Thumb up!!
Map will be released about 4pm tomorrow.
On this i felt Germany should have grey territories ( as opposed to grey green). The rest is standard colors.
Ok have a look, scrutinize for errors, spelling, etc. Do you like the colors?
Forgive me I have just finished a 16hr shift at work. After some much needed sleep and rest I will take a close look at the map. As for the colors go I think they are fine but I’m much more partial to your supreme maps that resemble the OOB maps.
Well consider that i had a very poor scan of the OOB map, which didn’t lend itself to that technique that we have with my Supreme maps.
I spot 1 small error - the tank is supposed to cost 6 instead of 5.
Thanks for the great map - will look if I see any other issues.