• Laughing… believe what? � You have yet to say “I’m from here” or “I’m not from here…” � It’s like you don’t want to commit to being from one place or not being from another place in particular.

    Look, I’ll lay my cards out on the table. � I don’t think you went to Stanford. � I don’t think you live in Malibu and own some apartment buildings like you claim. � You’re not Californian or even American. � Your too dumb to have gone to a good school (if you did go to a decent school, you’d know the correct term to use for me would be “homophobe” not “homophobic.”  I’m neither, btw, just trying to help you out on proper English) � If you did graduate from college in 90, that would make you mid-late 40s, but you say that you play badminton most evenings… which I tend to believe (because why in the world would anyone make THAT up), but it shows that you likely are single and don’t have a family–which is kinda sad. � I spend most evenings playing with my kids and then having some quiet time with my wife. � Watching a movie or reading together, usually, once the munchkins are in bed. � So I know how nice those moments are, and it does make sad to think that a middle aged man isn’t able to enjoy that. �

    But, at the end of the day, I think you maybe had some college, or went to an average school, but are single, likely British. � For sure not American. � Probably don’t live in California, otherwise, you’d know that Malibu is a pretty small and super-exclusive place populated by really, really successful movie stars, Russian oligarchs, or California tech billionaires. � More plausibly if you were a successful upper middle class business person, you’d live in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Pasadena, Santa Ana, Orange, Marina Del Ray, Santa Barbara, etc… but Malibu, Mulholland Drive, Bev. Hills, etc. would be out of your price range. � And if you were a tech billionaire who really did live in Malibu… I’d expect more out of your postings… if you even were on here to begin with.

    OMG you got everything wrong! I’m glad you have no clue, just makes for more comedy for the rest of us.

    I just think you’re a normal, middle-class, working class stiff (like me) who likes World War II and gaming… nothing wrong with that. � But you make up this story about who you are and what you do and where you live and it’s just… sad. � And the bullying is really, really unbecoming. � And I fully admit that I’ve been bullying you on here, but it really is in reaction to way over the top reactions on your part (think back to the first time we crossed paths. � I think my first posting response to you was “dude, chill out” and you kept going, berating me for having a different opinion than you, without awknowledging that differing opinions can be perfectly valid and defendable, even if you disagree with them). �

    Spelling/Grammatical errors: acknowledging, defendable ( hey jack head the proper word is defensible) What School did you go to again?

    What is also unbecoming is the absolute travesty of logical connection:

    1. I make a typo in a PM
    2. That means i didn’t go to Stanford

    3. proof i have no credibility

    So… I’m tired of this. � I’ve got work piling up, and honestly, I don’t think this is doing any good. � I think you’re a sad asshole. � And I freely admit I’ve got a foul mouth, but I work with the military and it kinda rubs off. � My fault, but that’s honestly a lot of how people I work with talk. � If it offends people, sorry, but I’ve done a lot of self-censoring already. �

    That is why you have problems calling people names like some 12 year old twat with emphasis on: Genitalia, and this calling things you dislike “Gay”, which incidentally is a  really ignorant choice of words. And not once have you even defended yourself. Hilarious!

    You are not sorry for anything, and bringing back the conversation wasn’t constantly bringing up “Stanford this and that”, which in itself is one of the weakest arguments i ever heard.

    At least i emailed two prominent Historians and posted their thoughts, which in one case was not concurrent with my opinion. I posted it anyway to bring light on this topic and all you have is: Dick, Asshole, Gay…… I’m not this or that. You brought nothing to the table except increased hostility and nothing but memory’s of dead Historians.

    What a joke you ended up being. I hope you rest at night with whatever comfort you gain from making up information about me and rest assured everything i said is truth.

    And get it right: I’m not English, Scottish, etc. I just happen to use language is a more stylistic manner that you’re capable of. And that’s why you fail, because you place too much emphasis on limited words and think you are a tarot card reader by private message correspondence. Lastly, you hate the fact that i came out of Stanford out of some jealousy angle. Otherwise, you would not volunteer so much information without being asked.

  • @rjpeters70:

    Laughing… believe what? � You have yet to say “I’m from here” or “I’m not from here…” � It’s like you don’t want to commit to being from one place or not being from another place in particular.

    Look, I’ll lay my cards out on the table. � I don’t think you went to Stanford. � I don’t think you live in Malibu and own some apartment buildings like you claim. � You’re not Californian or even American. � Your too dumb to have gone to a good school (if you did go to a decent school, you’d know the correct term to use for me would be “homophobe” not “homophobic.”  I’m neither, btw, just trying to help you out on proper English) � If you did graduate from college in 90, that would make you mid-late 40s, but you say that you play badminton most evenings… which I tend to believe (because why in the world would anyone make THAT up), but it shows that you likely are single and don’t have a family–which is kinda sad. � I spend most evenings playing with my kids and then having some quiet time with my wife. � Watching a movie or reading together, usually, once the munchkins are in bed. � So I know how nice those moments are, and it does make sad to think that a middle aged man isn’t able to enjoy that. �

    But, at the end of the day, I think you maybe had some college, or went to an average school, but are single, likely British. � For sure not American. � Probably don’t live in California, otherwise, you’d know that Malibu is a pretty small and super-exclusive place populated by really, really successful movie stars, Russian oligarchs, or California tech billionaires. � More plausibly if you were a successful upper middle class business person, you’d live in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Pasadena, Santa Ana, Orange, Marina Del Ray, Santa Barbara, etc… but Malibu, Mulholland Drive, Bev. Hills, etc. would be out of your price range. � And if you were a tech billionaire who really did live in Malibu… I’d expect more out of your postings… if you even were on here to begin with.

    I just think you’re a normal, middle-class, working class stiff (like me) who likes World War II and gaming… nothing wrong with that. � But you make up this story about who you are and what you do and where you live and it’s just… sad. � And the bullying is really, really unbecoming. � And I fully admit that I’ve been bullying you on here, but it really is in reaction to way over the top reactions on your part (think back to the first time we crossed paths. � I think my first posting response to you was “dude, chill out” and you kept going, berating me for having a different opinion than you, without awknowledging that differing opinions can be perfectly valid and defendable, even if you disagree with them). �

    So… I’m tired of this. � I’ve got work piling up, and honestly, I don’t think this is doing any good. � I think you’re a sad asshole. � And I freely admit I’ve got a foul mouth, but I work with the military and it kinda rubs off. � My fault, but that’s honestly a lot of how people I work with talk. � If it offends people, sorry, but I’ve done a lot of self-censoring already. �

    This is the greatest post I have ever read on this forum, thank you Rjpeters, thank you for doing this  :-)

  • It’s genuine, which is not at all like IL.

    IL, if you wonder why the more people get to know you, the less they want to get to know you, just study this thread.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL - Awesome post!

  • It’s genuine, which is not at all like IL.

    IL, if you wonder why the more people get to know you, the less they want to get to know you, just study this thread.

    Are you imitating this:


    Haven’t made any point in this thread, which shows those true colors… :roll:

  • Actually ,it’s a shame!
    It doesn’t matter who started it, it doesn’t matter who won, it does not even matter who is right on whatever you think it is.
    Because following this Topic from the start expecting a nice debatte or learning some new and/or interesting viewpoints, aspects of others opinions according to this Topic and now have to deal with people who are not willing to agree to disagree or pouring out insults like there is no tomorrow and freeriders is shaking me.
    This is Axis and Allies.org and not a trashcan!
    Keep your buisness at home and try to talk civilized in here!

    I don´t go along with every single post of IL in here and I don´t have to, but I got my own opinion and learned to accept others opinions and agree to disagree.
    I take IL the way he is and not going to TRY to change that!! as well I’m not going to change anybody else in here, so try to agree to disagree. We will mostly have a diffrent opinion.

    Treat people the way you want to be treated!

    rjpeters70 :
    I have to say that ,if you making an apology to somebody, that means you try from this point on to keep the peace regardless if anybody else is still bothering you. If your apology is honest ,you take the stand of stopping any fight and that you made allready peace with it and not using it as a shield to protect your strong behaviour against others!

    I don’t care if peoples like me in here because it simply doesn’t matter to me, BUT I’m expecting the needed RESPECT of YOU and OTHERS!
    And it looks like the Mods are sleeping in here because they are quick to lock down a Topic without a considerably warning and/or explanation of it but lack when people getting insulted in here,that is in general.

    I want to enjoy this forum and not reading the personal fight over scrap metal!

  • @rjpeters70:

    And I freely admit I’ve got a foul mouth, but I work with the military and it kinda rubs off.  My fault, but that’s honestly a lot of how people I work with talk.

    I can’t recall what the context was, but many years ago I once heard someone remark that if it wasn’t for the existence of the F-word, army personnel would find it difficult to do something as basic as give somebody an order to park a jeep somewhere.  I thought it was a joke at the time, but from what you say it sounds like the remark may have some validity.

  • 1940 France falls hMmmmmm. I would bomb Great Britian and then convince them to sue for peace with the terms pretty decent. If I was Hitler expanding to quadruple the size that the nation once was better then being more ambitious.

  • And just think: It was all because of this post…

    "Stalin was planning for war and directed Zhukov to prepare studies on how to attack Germany. The foreign policy was banking on Germany getting into another war of attrition ala WW1 western front and hoping to exhaust Germany while Stalin rebuilds his armed forces. He would give Hitler anything he wanted so as to avoid any provocation. The problem with that plan is to the dismay of the Soviets, the German army wiped up the French and had the British on her heels in a few short months. This is why Stalin was even more careful not to provoke Hitler.

    However, Stalin did have designs against Germany and the Balkans ( among others things to get a warm water port). Yet Stalin was also pragmatic- If the Molotov/Ribbentrop meetings went well, they might have signed on with Germany to carve out the middle east but Germany and the Soviets would need to agree on spheres of influence over Scandinavia. This Hitler could not accept, nor any claims for more parts of Romania".

    This is a pretty basic fact pattern and is a common interpretation of the events. I have no idea why this must turn into an argument and never once did i begin this as a reply to the other chap ( no still not British) who seems to have fallen out of his tree over the last 3 pages.

    I want to enjoy this forum and not reading the personal fight over scrap metal!

    We should have a scrap metal thread. Could be entertainment or not.

  • 1940 France falls hMmmmmm. I would bomb Great Britian and then convince them to sue for peace with the terms pretty decent. If I was Hitler expanding to quadruple the size that the nation once was better then being more ambitious.

    They did that and it failed.

  • @Imperious:

    Haven’t made any point in this thread, which shows those true colors… :roll:

    Oh please. You gave up on the actual topic long ago, when, as always happens, you put your ego ahead of the truth of the matter. Don’t act so high and mighty. You aren’t.

  • Oh please. You gave up on the actual topic long ago, when, as always happens, you put your ego ahead of the truth of the matter. Don’t act so high and mighty. You aren’t.

    blah blah blah…idiot

  • @aequitas:

    I don’t care if peoples like me in here because it simply doesn’t matter to me, BUT I’m expecting the needed RESPECT of YOU and OTHERS!
    And it looks like the Mods are sleeping in here because they are quick to lock down a Topic without a considerably warning and/or explanation of it but lack when people getting insulted in here,that is in general.

    I want to enjoy this forum and not reading the personal fight over scrap metal!

    It always becomes personal when IL gets involved. If anyone disagrees with his statements, he takes it as a personal affront.

    It is this egomania that led him to harass one member so vehemently, that once Djensen found out even a fraction of the truth, IL lost his mod powers.

    A moderator-less forum is better than a IL-moderated forum. It’s better to have too many personal discussions going on than having a lunatic like IL deleting every post he doesn’t like. People just don’t notice the latter, so it seems like what is going on in this thread is so terrible.

    Be THANKFUL that there are these personal stabs, as weird as it sounds.

  • It always becomes personal when IL gets involved. If anyone disagrees with his statements, he takes it as a personal affront.

    It is this egomania that led him to harass one member so vehemently, that once Djensen found out even a fraction of the truth, IL lost his mod powers.

    A moderator-less forum is better than a IL-moderated forum. It’s better to have too many personal discussions going on than having a lunatic like IL deleting every post he doesn’t like. People just don’t notice the latter, so it seems like what is going on in this thread is so terrible.

    Be THANKFUL that there are these personal stabs, as weird as it sounds.

    Since you contributed NOTHING yet again to another thread, the ignorance of that post is pretty typical for you. People just need to stop arguing with me and shut up– i don’t mean this to say “i am right, don’t argue”. Rather to just stop replying to me with arguments like some 14 year old girl with a boyfriend that wants nothing to do with her. You have an opinion and i have mine. I am the only person in this discussion who brought up two actual emails from Historians, one of which i talked with before and who were gracious enough to bring up their thoughts. What i got was more of this " they are fake BS" which originates from a typo i made a month earlier. All that means to me is a very immature and shallow thinker of the facts where they need to bring up anything personal except the facts. I also submitted 5-6 links on further reading, which were also dismissed. Not one link until the very end was provided as any refutation of the original argument.

    IN fact, if you look at the beginning, the guy who kept arguing with me actually said this:

    Quote from: Imperious Leader on May 17, 2013, 09:07:10 pm
    Well follow Admiral Raeder’s Mediterranean strategy suggestions, which would have Germany dismantling the British out of the middle east and Africa. I call this the lost year ( June 40-June 41) where Germany really did nothing except send a few divisions taking crappy nations and underrepresented corps in North Africa. If they committed the same forces they used in France, they would have been knocking on India’s door. Letting Goering run an air campaign was the worst idea imaginable. What a failure.

    Much as I hate to do it, I kind of agree with you.

    Triple U-boat production and strikes against the RAF, and starve England.  At the same time, take the divisions you would have sent East to Africa, take Cairo, and drive on through Palestine, Syria, Iraq, into Persia, and Britain would have ejected Churchill and sued for peace.  From there, they would have secured their western front enough to focus on the Soviets.

    Then when another guy says this:

    I think you guys are really onto something here. If Germany would have thrown half of their forces for the Russian invasion into Africa/Middle East it would have been a relative cake walk. Not to mention it would give Germany the oil it desperately while at the same time completely demoralizing the English people into a possible surrender. I have read in a couple of books that evidence has been discovered that Stalin was going to attack Hitler the following year. He might have done it sooner if the Germans were getting too close for comfort in the South.

    And i try to support what he was saying with a link, then latter with more links. Latter ding-a ling brings up the Stanford email and the rest is History. I didn’t bring up that crap and i didn’t do anything but respond to defend myself. Somebody telling me i didn’t go to Stanford is BS and has no place in any discussion here.

    Then i post this:

    Stalin was planning for war and directed Zhukov to prepare studies on how to attack Germany. The foreign policy was banking on Germany getting into another war of attrition ala WW1 western front and hoping to exhaust Germany while Stalin rebuilds his armed forces. He would give Hitler anything he wanted so as to avoid any provocation. The problem with that plan is to the dismay of the Soviets, the German army wiped up the French and had the British on her heels in a few short months. This is why Stalin was even more careful not to provoke Hitler.

    However, Stalin did have designs against Germany and the Balkans ( among others things to get a warm water port). Yet Stalin was also pragmatic- If the Molotov/Ribbentrop meetings went well, they might have signed on with Germany to carve out the middle east but Germany and the Soviets would need to agree on spheres of influence over Scandinavia. This Hitler could not accept, nor any claims for more parts of Romania.

    Which on it’s face is entirely factual, yet still they argue. They call me Gay, Dick, A-hole, whatever. They say i do play badminton, don’t live in Malibu, Don’t own anything, Live in a cardboard box or that i have no family and other BS. And all this rubbish is by some ‘osmosis’ from text. Notice that i never once asked the other person anything about his private life, because i don’t give a crap!  I don’t need to be jealous of anybody. Then the supreme jug-head Voncrapforbrains1914 and the usual Garg enters the discussion with nothing but empty hands commentary. Excellent. What entertainment. It was a cornucopia of jackasses with off topic commentary. The only losers are those jealous of others and they know who they are. :roll:

    I would rather discuss scrap metal.

  • It’s hilarious to watch you act like a saint with all the lying and manipulation in the VERY POST in which you are trying to paint yourself like the good guy in this.

    You act like your attendance (or lack thereof) at Stanford is not germane, painting it like the issue is about the school you went to. The school doesn’t matter, you could have gone to Podunk A&M, what matters is that you lied about the school you went to to establish credibility, and you are trying to distract from the LIE by making it about the SCHOOL. Sorry, you failed.

    You act like “all I have done is defend myself after the Stanford business”:, but then post gems of defense like  “blah blah blah… idiot”

    You act like everyone is cussing you out and calling you  hugely insensitive names, when how many people actually did that? And all the while you are insulting people right back? Calling them idiots, which refers to someone with low intelligence (usually mental retardation). Why is that so much higher and mightier than a slur about someone’s sexual preference?

    I have never claimed that I was contributing to the original topic. I’d ask you to prove where I said that, but I know about your history of supplying proof. (In this thread, it’s been better than usual, actually. It’s good to see I taught you something in the threads about what started WWI. Keep it up! (no sarcasm there)) It’s pretty clear from my first post that what I was addressing  the fact that everything you post needs to be taken with a grain of salt or ignored completely as it is immensely myopic, and as soon as your ego gets involved, the chance for rational discussion between adults is GONE. (And I don’t follow you around, I was sent a PM to come look at this thread while you were getting caught in another lie. You have some exceptionalities that both amuse me and cause dismay, the latter because these boards would be a lot better if you just started your own A&A site and posted there instead of here).

  • It’s hilarious to watch you act like a saint with all the lying and manipulation in the VERY POST in which you are trying to paint yourself like the good guy in this.

    You act like your attendance (or lack thereof) at Stanford is not germane, painting it like the issue is about the school you went to. The school doesn’t matter, you could have gone to Podunk A&M, what matters is that you lied about the school you went to to establish credibility, and you are trying to distract from the LIE by making it about the SCHOOL. Sorry, you failed.

    You act like “all I have done is defend myself after the Stanford business”:, but then post gems of defense like  “blah blah blah… idiot”

    You act like everyone is cussing you out and calling you  hugely insensitive names, when how many people actually did that? And all the while you are insulting people right back? Calling them idiots, which refers to someone with low intelligence (usually mental retardation). Why is that so much higher and mightier than a slur about someone’s sexual preference?

    I have never claimed that I was contributing to the original topic. I’d ask you to prove where I said that, but I know about your history of supplying proof. (In this thread, it’s been better than usual, actually. It’s good to see I taught you something in the threads about what started WWI. Keep it up! (no sarcasm there)) It’s pretty clear from my first post that what I was addressing  the fact that everything you post needs to be taken with a grain of salt or ignored completely as it is immensely myopic, and as soon as your ego gets involved, the chance for rational discussion between adults is GONE. (And I don’t follow you around, I was sent a PM to come look at this thread while you were getting caught in another lie. You have some exceptionalities that both amuse me and cause dismay, the latter because these boards would be a lot better if you just started your own A&A site and posted there instead of here).

    The thing that constantly sinks anything you say is how you show up out of the blue, and fill a thread with totally off topic posts and just continue posting rubbish. You frequently just say the opposite of what was actually posted because you never read the body of argument and head back to your personal talking points. I find all this is a person who took previous verbal defeats too hard and it effected you, and now you seek to fight again with more words in an attempt to satisfy a broken ego. This is not the way to argue and it is very clear you brought nothing to the argument. But typically, you will post and i will reply….forever, which is fine by me.

    What is more funny is you post that what i write should be taken with a “grain of salt”. Yet it is you time and time again who has about 90% of his posts a direct confrontation with me!  Nobody else comes close, except perhaps the original guy earlier in this thread… People just check out 1914’s posts… all he has done since he joined was argue with me, which probably makes him a proxy account for somebody else. For somebody to dismiss what i post and spend so much time arguing and making his entire profile of posts, one big crap fest of verbal battles very suspicious.

    I have never claimed that I was contributing to the original topic. I’d ask you to prove where I said that, but I know about your history of supplying proof

    That is what you’re supposed to be doing, not come in here and continue to hijack another thread with your personal issues.  :roll: I told you that you didn’t contribute, and that is correct. I don’t have to find “where you said that” because you didn’t contribute at all in this thread.

    Every time we meet it is because you follow me around like a newly born puppy and continue the same garbage from a previous argument and derail threads. It is YOU that shows up because as i said before you got this wounded ego from losing something that really nobody cares about. Perhaps that is what bothers you the most?

    Well go ahead and post again with more crap.

  • Laughing… believe what? � You have yet to say “I’m from here” or “I’m not from here…” � It’s like you don’t want to commit to being from one place or not being from another place in particular.

    Look, I’ll lay my cards out on the table. � I don’t think you went to Stanford. � I don’t think you live in Malibu and own some apartment buildings like you claim. � You’re not Californian or even American. � Your too dumb to have gone to a good school (if you did go to a decent school, you’d know the correct term to use for me would be “homophobe” not “homophobic.”  I’m neither, btw, just trying to help you out on proper English) � If you did graduate from college in 90, that would make you mid-late 40s, but you say that you play badminton most evenings… which I tend to believe (because why in the world would anyone make THAT up), but it shows that you likely are single and don’t have a family–which is kinda sad. � I spend most evenings playing with my kids and then having some quiet time with my wife. � Watching a movie or reading together, usually, once the munchkins are in bed. � So I know how nice those moments are, and it does make sad to think that a middle aged man isn’t able to enjoy that. �

    But, at the end of the day, I think you maybe had some college, or went to an average school, but are single, likely British. � For sure not American. � Probably don’t live in California, otherwise, you’d know that Malibu is a pretty small and super-exclusive place populated by really, really successful movie stars, Russian oligarchs, or California tech billionaires. � More plausibly if you were a successful upper middle class business person, you’d live in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Pasadena, Santa Ana, Orange, Marina Del Ray, Santa Barbara, etc… but Malibu, Mulholland Drive, Bev. Hills, etc. would be out of your price range. � And if you were a tech billionaire who really did live in Malibu… I’d expect more out of your postings… if you even were on here to begin with.

    I just think you’re a normal, middle-class, working class stiff (like me) who likes World War II and gaming… nothing wrong with that. � But you make up this story about who you are and what you do and where you live and it’s just… sad. � And the bullying is really, really unbecoming. � And I fully admit that I’ve been bullying you on here, but it really is in reaction to way over the top reactions on your part (think back to the first time we crossed paths. � I think my first posting response to you was “dude, chill out” and you kept going, berating me for having a different opinion than you, without awknowledging that differing opinions can be perfectly valid and defendable, even if you disagree with them). �

    So… I’m tired of this. � I’ve got work piling up, and honestly, I don’t think this is doing any good. � I think you’re a sad asshole. � And I freely admit I’ve got a foul mouth, but I work with the military and it kinda rubs off. � My fault, but that’s honestly a lot of how people I work with talk. � If it offends people, sorry, but I’ve done a lot of self-censoring already. �

    I have saved this post from Rjpeters and I’m going to just post it whenever IL gets all full of him self in threads from now on  :-D enjoy

  • @Imperious:

    I find all this is a person who took previous verbal defeats too hard and it effected you,

    Which defeats? Please link to them.

    (Also, for someone who calls out spelling and grammar mistakes all the time, you should know that it is “affected,” not “effected”)

  • vonlettowvorbeck1914 you need to stop your anti IL crusade. It makes you look foolish. You get PM’s to catch IL in lies? You act like a 16 year old girl in high school who has called all her friends to get gossip on the B*tch who stole your boyfriend. So that you can make fun of her during lunch break.

    IL, come on man. You make your own “trolls” by being a dick. You have this special ability to make people dislike you so much that they follow you around trying to get everyone to see how much of a boy friend stealing sl*t you are. I think I have been watching too much teen drama movies with my girlfriend maybe?

    Stop all these closed circle arguments. Roll your eyes, kiss make up. I don’t care what you do. I just don’t want to have to sift through 10 pages of crap in every forum to read an interesting topic. Grow up. Your “intelligent” arguments are making you look stupid. And you are losing your credibility by acting like children. (this applies to IL and vonlettow)

    I have nothing against either of you, I’m sure you are both stand up guys outside of the internet community, where you don’t have to hide behind a computer screen. If i offended anyone…meh…who cares i can just hide behind my computer screen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30GD25un0XQ

    And back to what this topic thread is actually about…

    I think Germany should have helped Italy out a lot more in the Mediterranean. Increased U-boat production and continue bombing raids on British air fields. starve them out. Run anti British propaganda campaigns in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Run anti soviet propaganda everywhere and anywhere they could. Push the British out of the middle east and Egypt. Gave Stalin what he wanted in the Balkans. Kept an eye on the soviets to make sure they were being honest. When i mean honest i mean not planning an invasion of Germany. Which i don’t think Stalin would have done if he had gotten more influence in the Balkans. At least not for a few years when Russia’s industry and army was brought up to par. After Hitler conquered the middle east he could come back and claim the soviets as invaders of eastern Europe ( i see the irony in that statement). Have the Ukrainians and other local non Russians fight for liberation against the soviets. Hitler could then just not given the land back after he “liberated” eastern Europe. I mean he was a liar after all. After Germany won the war and established its lands. It could then start its stupid final solution and mass emigrations for Lebensraum.

    Also if you think my overall strategy is dumb…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUwwxWdm4k0

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