Why isn't France a Central Power?

  • @Imperious:

    “This was because the Italian government had grown convinced that support of Austria (the traditional enemy of Italy during the 19th century Risorgimento) would not gain Italy the territories she wanted: Trieste, Istria, Zara and Dalmatia, all Austrian possessions. In fact, a secret agreement signed with France in 1902 practically nullified Italy’s membership in the Triple Alliance.”

    All I know from the history professors of this site is that the only nation which could never ever have been a member of the CPs in 1914 was actually not a member of the CPs in 1915.

    I think you should discuss that on the Axis&Allies1915 Board.

  • I think you should discuss that on the Axis&Allies1915 Board

    That’s Great!!  :-D

  • I think France and Germany are naturall allies. The slaves are the traditionale enemy. They fought together against Russia in 1812, and they joined NATO togheter to fight Russia again during the Cold War. I think France got offended in 1870, and that startet 80 years with bad relations, but it should not been that way neccessaryli if things turned out different.

    Italy can not be trusted. Italy never ends a war at the same side it startet it, and if they do its because they switched side twice during the war. Italy made backstabbing an art. In any wargame, Italy should always start as a neutral, and join the highest bidder.

  • Not true- Italy ruled Europe for hundreds of years back in Roman days- it just wasn’t called Italy back then.  Italy cannot be trusted in the last 100 years, yup- agreed.

  • Nobody trusted Venice in the Middle Ages either. They were always trading and allying with every bodies enamies.

  • Oh wait. This is about France not Italy  :-D

  • @Makoshark13:

    Oh wait. This is about France not Italy  :-D

    I wouldn’t trust the French either.  They were Europe’s bullies for, like, 1000 years from Charlemagne to Napoleon.

  • Let’s just all agree that you couldn’t trust anyone in Europe before or during WW1.

  • Why don’t we just let every player form their own alliances at the beginning of the game. Hell if Britain & France and Austria & the Ottomans can be allies than why not let anybody go for it.

  • I love history.
    I can only imagine what the French and British thought of each other on WW1.
    As for the Austrian and Turks, well…

  • Best solution:

    Play A&A 1914 with the alliance rules from the game Diplomacy!

    You get the best of both games.


  • '12

    Diplomacy, now there is a game!

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    Diplomacy, now there is a game!

    Excellent choice. We caan then cut out America, keep only North Africa. And take Asia mostly out. :D

  • I’m sure France and Germany can come to a reasonable and amenable agreement as to who owns Alsace-Lorraine and then they’ll just be best buds.

  • That’s exactly right, why should a stupid piece of land come between two best friends who fought each other many times since 1800….previous animosities have no effect on future relationships.

    Just like Hitler and Stalin joining together 1939. Neither of them had any suspicion of the other and knew the 10 year pact would be able to be renewed. They must have figured the pact would last into 1979. It was so obvious right?

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