• Customizer

    MB edition US ships are a pretty close match; UK Revised for transports and infantry; MB Germans for inf and subs.

  • Thanks. My problem is remembering where they all came from.
    Dementia runs in the family.

  • @wittmann:

    Thanks. My problem is remembering where they all came from.
    Dementia runs in the family.

    Agreed.  I still have all my games’ pieces separated with exception of chips, dice and IPCs.

  • Customizer


    I hate using chips for ships, so am annoyed at the low number of sculpts.
    It is wrong that we have to raid other games. just because we can.

    You know, it’s funny but I’m the same way. I don’t seem to mind putting a big stack of chips under an infantry, tank or artillery. In Global, even planes on top of chips is okay. But it really bugs me to use chips under the ships and I will rarely do so. In fact, it’s usually just transports and submarines that will get chipped up only because there is such a huge amount of them. With warships though, no way. So some sea zones can get pretty crowded.

  • @knp7765:

    But it really bugs me to use chips under the ships and I will rarely do so. In fact, it’s usually just transports and submarines that will get chipped up only because there is such a huge amount of them. With warships though, no way. So some sea zones can get pretty crowded.

    This might be one of the reasons why the original A&A Pacific game included plastic task force markers.  You could use each numbered marker to represent on the board a group of ship sculpts which were off the board.

  • I always break out Deviser’s little numbered roundels/cards; the Pacific fleet markers can get to big for some sea zones!

  • '17 '15

    Yes,I’ve bought one more A and A 1941 from Amazon for £20 because of the min.pieces.Now I’ve got enough of everything.Rubbish company.This is how they making money.

  • '17 '15

    Doesn’t matter which one of those games…

  • '13

    This has become a huge thread.  I emailed WotC about the lack of pieces and I got a “thank you for your comments, we’ll pass them on”……whatever.  They obviously don’t care.  Here’s an Ebay link for WW1 GE infantry:


    These one’s look nice too:


    Revell and Airfix also make 1/72 scale infantry kits.

  • It’s twisted and sad, but the company knows that because they put too few pieces in, they will sell more copies of the game, because there are very few, if any, who are refusing to buy.

  • Well, it’s probably too late for most of you, since you already bought a copy, but I ordered two copies from coolstuffinc.com for $64.99 each.  Since my total order was over $100, I got free shipping.  I just checked, and they are still offering it at this price.  Plenty of units; plenty of chips; a second rulebook (so more than one player can check things at the same time); and an extra map in case I spill beer on one of them.

  • Don’t you mean “when I spill beer on them?”  :wink:

  • Customizer

    If the deal included a useable IPC tracker I might have considered it…

  • Hey everyone. I’m new to the forum and 1914. I very disappointed about the lack of pieces in the game. I e-mailed wizards and I wanted to share my experience with other enthusiasts because I feel a little let down with the level of support we are getting. Hopefully they will come through for me  :-)

    My initial message to WotC:

    I recently purchased Axis and Allies 1914. The game is great and while I enjoy it very much I am unable to play it to its fullest degree due to lack of pieces. There are simply are not enough units for certain armies. I spend more time “fiddling” with chips and doing math to figure out how I can make it work rather than playing the game itself. This leads to a very frustrating game experience as I often find myself not being able to pursue certain strategies simply because I can’t allocate units appropriately. Otherwise, the game is fantastic. I have been a staunch supporter of WoTC. I have played D&D, MTG, and A&A for many years and have never had a complaint. I would really appreciate it if you could send additional units of each army for the 1914 edition of Axis & Allies to:

    My address here

    Thank you so much for your time,

    WotC’s response:

    Greetings Craig,

    Thanks for contacting us at Wizards of the Coast! Unfortunately we only have product on hand to support customers who have received damaged or defective product. As such we will not be able to provide you with additional tokens for your copy of Axis and Allies 1914. You may be able to find other solutions on the Internet at either our community site that hosts a multitude of Axis and Allies players that may have encountered the same situation that you have, or you may be able to obtain more chips at the variety of online stores that are available on the Internet.

    Our Community Website:

    Online Stores:

    If you have any other questions or requests please feel free to reach out to us again - we’d be more than happy to assist!

    Take care and happy gaming,

    My reply:


    Thank you for the quick response. Maybe I am emailing the wrong department here because I am looking for customer support and have found none. You say you only have product on hand to support customers with damaged or defective product. You should consider the finished product you shipped to retailers in itself is defective therefore mine is defective . Would you agree that a package of silverware sold as a complete set with only 1 spoon is defective? I would. Once again, there are not enough pieces to play this game.
      I would also like to say that I was offended by the half hearted solution you provided for me which was to scour blogs to maybe find someone in my situation who could maybe sell me some additional pieces. I already spent close to 100 dollars to purchase this game. I am not interested in paying more for what should have unquestionably been included with the original contents of the box. Let me be clear in that I do not mind spending 100 dollars on a WotC product. In fact I have done it many times and up until this point have been nothing but pleased. This is because I know that with the hefty price tag I will get a COMPLETE product with high quality components and the highest level of customer support should I need it. Right now I need it!
      I don’t feel like I am being unreasonable. I am simply asking your company to do what is right for a long time customer. At the end of the day we both know that each tiny, plastic, A&A miniature costs fractions of a cent to produce in mass quantities. With that in mind I will ask once more that you please send me additional units for my 1914 edition of Axis and Allies game because I feel my product is defective.

    Sincerely disappointed yet genuinely optimistic,

  • '13


    If the deal included a useable IPC tracker I might have considered it…

    Yes , the IPC tracker is horrendous. 
    Who do they use for play testers anyways?
    Any true A&A player would’ve squashed that idea way before final production.
    It’s amazing how much time, money, ingenuity, and effort we players have to invest to make these games work.

  • Gramps,

    That is a great letter. You are polite but don’t beat around the bush.

  • I wouldn’t even mind that much if they would at least SELL me an extra set of playing pieces for a reasonable price.  About, oh, I guess it was 20 years ago now, I bought an extra set of A&A pieces from Milton Bradley for about $10, if I remember correctly.  It didn’t include poker chips or dice, but that was fine.  Shoot, WotC could even have a fairly decent mark-up on them, and people would still buy them.

  • I believe the Europe and pacific 2nd editions came with more peices (not to mention more sculpts and better quality) and each cost less than 1914

    Heck both games combine to make G40.2 for 150 or so and you nearly 3X the peices way more sculpts bigger game board etc…

  • I wrote a letter to them as well:

    Dear WOTC:

    I find too many pieces in my boxes, so i am sending some back to you because I only need five infantry per nation and two each of the other sculpts. Please stop making games with more than 100 pieces we don’t need them.

    Thanks for helping out.


    P.S. Please never sell any pieces. That only gives you more income, and you don’t need that either.

  • Customizer

    I wonder if they’d replace my 2 light brown Russian fighters with a couple in the correct dark brown?

    Or should I put them on e-bay in case there’s someone whose decided to collect a light brown army?

    If Wizards started selling extra pieces, it’d be an admission that the game is incomplete. They prefer to pass this nice little line on to HBG.

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