What about Oil rules? By then oil will be scarce!
The Great War 1914-1918: Clash of Empires
This was a major development. At first, they did not know how to support infantry properly with guns.
The introduction of the creeping barrage massively reduced casualties on the attack; the 1914 equivalent would be not allowing the artillery support for infantry for attackers in the fist two rounds.
Advanced tactics went hand in hand with technology to change the nature of the warfare into attack dominated, something that continued on into WWII. -
In that case mr Flashman, why don’t you make your own game, with your own rules, and make everybody happy ?
Its much simpler to fix other peoples games with house rules, though I’d prefer input at an earlier stage. At least IL is prepared to listen to suggestions.
But you must first play the game many times before making decisions. It is very balanced with many years playtest. Adding junk can just mess the game up. And at a minimum it’s presumptuous to make changes to games you haven’t seen or played.
By and large, I’m making the suggestion on the basis of playing 1914 and finding that that game did not address the issue.
I have no idea if your game has included it or not, I’m merely pointing out something you may have overlooked, and may wish to consider before finalizing the rules.
I will not make any comments on your game specifically until I’ve read the rules.
Well some good news. I for the first time played the game with the new pieces!!!
Outstanding quality, the best i ever saw for any AA game.
Problem is i didn’t take any pictures ( forgot camera). We even got plastic sea mines and the different Zeppelins are really cool. The set we played with was missing Ottomans and Russians. But from what we saw it was great.
The map is actually larger 6 x 4 foot ( unless the producer just made it larger just for playtest… unusual.
Yesss!!! I will order two games…
Is there an english word for Frühbucherrabbat? :lol:
Is there an english word for Frühbucherrabbat? :lol:
“Pre-publication discount” would be my guess.
Well it can’t possibly be “fluffy”.
The producer also said in today’s conference call that he will make available a limited number of map prints on the mat material in 6 x 4 for purchase ( about $100 total for each)
I got clarification that the OOB map is mounted 3 x 5. He also hoping for a Christmas release, but it seems too soon based on it being just 12 weeks before Xmas.
But no official announcement yet, and no pre-order thing yet.
In case it wasn’t clear before, sets of all pieces will be made available for separate purchase. So you don’t need to buy tons of copies. But i would anyway because it will sell out and prices will jack up quick.
I hope it will be possible to buy it in Europe too.
What did the other playtesters say about the game compared to A&A1914?
Which alliance won last Saturday?
Is it possible to use the miniatures of TGW14-18CoE in A&A1914 without them looking like giants/dwarfs compared to the OOB ones?
I hope it will be possible to buy it in Europe too. ( i will check on that)
What did the other playtesters say about the game compared to A&A1914? ( most playtesters we have don’t like 1914, but at least 2 do have copies)
Which alliance won last Saturday? ( drawish, we played only till turn 7 before time ended)
Is it possible to use the miniatures of TGW14-18CoE in A&A1914 without them looking like giants/dwarfs compared to the OOB ones? ( in all cases yes, but once you got TGW pieces, nothing will ever be the same except perhaps Infantry sculpts are pretty close. Naval and everything else blows 1914 by infinity.
Are national colours sorted yet?
Only one power in green, please.
Italy is done in a light green. In fact we might have discovered something of sorts…
I am no longer fond of dark saturated colors. Over a period of hours we found that you can more effectively visualize the map and pieces if the colors of both had lighter hues and somewhat offsetting colors.
For example, the German pieces are grey and the German land areas are a different hue of grey.
The typical AA maps are too dark and dark territories and same colored pieces tends to “hide” them so it takes longer to calculate decisions during the player turn.
Great thinking, the black water from A&A Revised ed comes to mind
Where will the game be sold when it’s available? Will you have a separate site or thru HBG? Want to make sure I don’t miss out! -
Great thinking, the black water from A&A Revised ed comes to mind
As an example of saturated colors that detract from “seeing” the board position, then yes.
The game will be sold at HBG and others.
The game will be sold at HBG and others.
Excellent. Good to hear this.
Hello IL,
I am very keen to order the larger limited edition map size, how do I give you my money?
Kind Regards,
You don’t. Wait till that announcement. At that time you will order direct from HBG or the publisher.