Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question

  • @SteveO:

    Can someone explain the: “2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.” NO rule… my game partner and I settled on you needing to have Iraq, and then one of the other two for a minimum of 4 IPC, up to 6 bonus. Of course one argument is that it is simply 2 IPCs each?

    Similarly for the NO rule:
    5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow). Do you require Novgorod for any bonus?

    It is 2 (5) per territory, starting with the first one captured.


    We’re also still a little confused if Germany can transport into Finland in non-com from SZ 115 in turn 1, when the Ruskies still have their ships there even if there is no declaration of war against USSR?

    Yes, you can. Powers not at war may share seazones. See the “Powers Not at War with One Another”-box on page 15 of the rulebook.

    HTH :-)

  • Hi everyone, I have not been on the forums for many years now, but I find myself with a gameplay question I am unable to find an answer for, so I thought why not try the old A+A forum? :-) Anyway the convoy in SZ 125. It is not in fact a German convoy for Norway but a Russian convoy if I read the national bonuses correctly. How is it disrupted? Can the Germans disrupt the four IPCs in the Soviet coastal territories in the north? Or just the 1 IPC for Archangel? Or is the “disruption” simply the elimination of the 5 IPCs in the Soviet national bonus income? Can the Allies disrupt the 3 German Norway IPCs? Thank you for any insight.

  • Good afternoon and welcome back.

    The disruption is the loss of the Russian NO, worth 5 IPCs. The Axis need only have a warship in SZ125 to do so.

    The Allies can also Convoy Raid Norway, as you thought, (or an Allied nation, should Norway have been captured).

  • @Vall:

    Hi everyone, I have not been on the forums for many years now, but I find myself with a gameplay question I am unable to find an answer for, so I thought why not try the old A+A forum? :-) Anyway the convoy in SZ 125. It is not in fact a German convoy for Norway but a Russian convoy if I read the national bonuses correctly. How is it disrupted? Can the Germans disrupt the four IPCs in the Soviet coastal territories in the north? Or just the 1 IPC for Archangel? Or is the “disruption” simply the elimination of the 5 IPCs in the Soviet national bonus income? Can the Allies disrupt the 3 German Norway IPCs? Thank you for any insight.

    To avoid confusion it is a good idea to separate the procedure of “Convoy Disruption” from the achievement of a National Objective.

    Convoy disruption (through SZ 125) itself is a procedure that takes place during the Collect Income Phase of the Power controlling Norway. So in case Norway is German and there are Allied warships in SZ 125, Germany’s income will be reduced according to the procedure explained on page 24 of the rulebook.

    The bonus income for the achievement of the “National prestige and access to Allied Lend-Lease material”-National Objective will only be granted to Russia, if all requirements are met. The absence of Axis warships (from SZ 125) is one of three requirements. As explained above, this is completely independent from the process of convoy disruption.

  • Thank you for clearing this up. I was thinking it would be unrealistic for the Germans to drop a sub in 125 and reduce Soviet income by 9 so easily

  • '22 '21

    Question: In Europe 40, if you control Turkey can you move land units into Greece?

  • '19 '17 '16

    Presumably, you can in Global.

  • Can you abandon territories like southern France, and Germany? Take them over if you’re Italy?

  • @Aknorian You mean can you just hand control of them directly over to another power on your side? No. A power can normally only take control of a territory by capturing it from an enemy power. The only exceptions are taking control of a friendly neutral territory and turning an ally’s original territory back over to it when its capital is liberated.

  • @Krieghund thank you! Where is that rule listed do you know?

  • @Aknorian There is no rule that explicitly says you can’t do it. The rules simply don’t say that you can. Thus, it is prohibited by the fact that there is no process or conditions outlined for doing so.

    The only mentions of change of control in the rules are claiming friendly neutrals on page 10 and after combat on pages 20 and 21. There is, however, a mention on page 13 that if you leave a territory empty you retain control of it until an enemy moves into it and captures it, which does not allow for the possibility of a “friendly” transfer of control.

  • Can a transport carry one tank and one infantry?

  • @Aknorian Yes. See page 34 of the Rulebook.

  • So yes, that’s where I’m quoting from and it seems to contradict itself. See if you can help me understand the part “ Thus, a full transport may carry 2 infantry or 1 tank, mechanized infantry, artillery, or AAA unit plus 1 infantry. Doesn’t This seem to suggest only one tank, one mechanized infantry, one artillery or the two infantry?

    Carry Land Units: A transport can carry land units belonging to you or to friendly powers (provided both powers are at war). Its capacity is any 1 land unit, plus 1 additional infantry. Thus, a full transport may carry 2 infantry or 1 tank, mechanized infantry, artillery, or AAA unit plus 1 infantry. A transport can’t carry an industrial complex, an air base, or a naval base. Land units on a transport are cargo; they can’t attack or defend while at sea and are destroyed if their transport is destroyed

  • Official Q&A

    @Aknorian Thus, a full transport may carry (2 infantry) or ((1 tank, mechanized infantry, artillery, or AAA unit) plus 1 infantry).

  • I’m a relatively new player - started 3 months ago - I relied on my friends memory for rules but eventually printed out an copy of the rules from online (1940 Europe second edition) and only figured out just last week that people made videos about this game. While watching a video it said that attacking units do not get to go into the casualty zone. Confused, I went into the rule book but did not find anything helpful (I kind of thumbed through it so I will check more thoroughly soon) Can anyone clear this up for me?

  • @Axis_Powers_r_Better

    That might address the casualty strip found in the game box. The rulebook (eg. on pages 19/20) states that defending units that were hit before but fire back in step 4 of the General Combat Sequence are moved to the casualty strip (to remember that they fire before they will be removed).

    That is not necessary for attacking units. They have fired before, so when they are hit they are removed immediately.

    Have I understood your irritation correctly?

    Welcome to the forum.

  • @Panther
    Thanks this helps a lot

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    @Axis_Powers_r_Better WELCOME to the gaming world of Axis and Allies!!!

    Please note that Defending ships at sea, that are sunk by attacking submarines with the Surprise Strike capability during the Surprise Strike firing phase, are not moved to the casualty strip and instead are removed from battle immediately. The only exception to this example, are defending submarines that also have the Surprise Strike capability firing during the Surprise Strike phase. These defending sub casualties are moved to the casualty strip and they do fire back during the defending Surprise Strike phase. Note, destroyers in a battle remove the Surprise Strike capability of the opponent’s submarines.

  • @AndrewAAGamer this is very interesting. Thanks for the input I will be looking into this :)

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