Thank you for clearing this up. I was thinking it would be unrealistic for the Germans to drop a sub in 125 and reduce Soviet income by 9 so easily

Latest posts made by wally
RE: Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question
RE: Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question
Hi everyone, I have not been on the forums for many years now, but I find myself with a gameplay question I am unable to find an answer for, so I thought why not try the old A+A forum? :-) Anyway the convoy in SZ 125. It is not in fact a German convoy for Norway but a Russian convoy if I read the national bonuses correctly. How is it disrupted? Can the Germans disrupt the four IPCs in the Soviet coastal territories in the north? Or just the 1 IPC for Archangel? Or is the “disruption” simply the elimination of the 5 IPCs in the Soviet national bonus income? Can the Allies disrupt the 3 German Norway IPCs? Thank you for any insight.
RE: A UK IC in Egypt?
Depends on who you are playing I suppose. I play with a friend who never does much with Africa as the Axis, so it would be worth trying, but if I was playing as the Axis (As I usually am) I would have that complex on Italys 2 or 3 at the latest.
RE: 1942 Allied/Axis strategy map
Can you sticky this please Imperious Leader?
RE: Italian Strategies
Yes, but in the long run it makes shuffling units into Russia much quicker. Its the same as Germany putting a complex in Poland really.
RE: Italian Strategies
Back on topic here, I believe that an industrial complex in the Balkans would be a good means of getting infantry and artillery into the Ukraine, but the problem is Italy doesn’t start with enough money to buy one. Securing the national objectives seems to be the greatest source of income for Italy from my experience, and they aren’t all that difficult to get.
I am going to try building a complex in the Balkans and use it to move infantry and artillery against Russia. After I have seized Egypt that is.
Italian Strategies
We have a few German and Japanese strategy threads, but no Italian ones!
The reason being probably is that there is so little for Italy to do, that there aren’t many options. Here is what I worked out for Italy to do.
Purchase: 2 Infantry 1 Artillery
I’ve toyed with getting a fighter or a destroyer, but Italy really needs some ground units to put into Africa, and a destroyer would get destroyed easily since It must be placed in SZ 14 while my navy will be moving to SZ15 to support operations against Egypt.Combat: Egypt and France
FRANCE: I assume that France is taken by the British, as I like to prepare for the worst case scenario. If France is taken, I estimated that the Brits will have at most 1 tank or 1 tank and 1 infantry there. The 1 infantry, 1 artillery, and 1 tank should be sufficient to neutralize them.
EGYPT: I hit Egypt first the Germans. I know its virtually impossible to take, but it can be softened up for Italy to hit.
2 Infantry from Libya, 1 Infantry and a tank from the Balkans, the fighter from Italy, and a BB and CA offshore shot should be sufficient to take Egypt, even if the Brits reinforce it with the units from Transjordan.In summary, Italy is up by 2 IPC’s and might have one of their NO’s meaning they collect 12-17 IPCs.
Purchase: Personally I love naval forces, so depending on how the Germans are doing against the U.S.S.R. and defending on if their air force destroyed the British transports, I will build either a tank, infantry, and artillery, or a cruiser.Combat: Trans Jordan and Persia
You should have a tank left in Egypt, so blitzing into Persia should be an easy matter as I doubt the British will send forces that ways when Japan is coming. The British still have troops in Africa remember, so transport an infantry and artillery into Egypt, and maybe land a fighter there. The Americans have probably taken Algeria at this point though, so you might want to attack that amphibiously, but dont put your navy in a vulnerable area.
Thats pretty much it for Italy. It’s hard to come up with strategies for them because they start so weak and their turn is after Britain, but I hope this helps.
RE: USSR Turn 1
From the few games I’ve played, I believe that the Germans simply must take Karelia on G1 or face a long and bitter struggle with Russia. Germany doesn’t start without alot of forces, so they need to knock out as many of Russia’s as possible. The Karellia attack on G1 is risky, but it must be done.
RE: Cutting the Italian legs out from under the axis
the aircraft carrier solves this dilemma I think. It gives you a surface ship (although one with low stats) and a pair of fighters who have a rock hard defense and excellent striking range.
RE: Cutting the Italian legs out from under the axis
I’m going to try a balanced air and naval approach. I am assuming that most of my navy is destroyed on round one, and that after wards my opponent shifts his air power to the eastern front. (I’ve played him alot so I’m certain he will do this) A carrier and pair of fighters on B1 will provide a good defense while I prepare a force to invade Africa.
The United States will be putting pressure on Japan, but depending on the situation, I could send a few ships into Africa if the Brits need help, but for the most part, this is going to be a British invasion force.