Afraid not. The two are separate economies.
Submarine question
Lets say that in a specific sea zone there are a number of submarines ( 2 or more) with no other ships for support and the enemy wants to make a sea battle with the submarines sending from different sea zones, lets say 4 destroyers, can he deploy cruisers and battleships to fight the submarines or do only the destroyers take place in the sea battle. I am asking this question because one of my players has 4 sbs in a sea zone and the other wants to attack with everything he has got. Thank you
If DD’s are there, everything else can also attack
If not then only the destroyers can take place in the sea battle.
If not then only the destroyers can take place in the sea battle.
If no DD’s are there, the subs ca submerge and avoid battle
Aaaa so you can attack with everything you have got if they are accompanied by destroyers. Thank you very much
You can attack even without destroyers, as any sea unit is capable of hitting a sub (only air units require the presence of a destroyer in order to hit them). However, the subs can submerge to escape if there are no destroyers attacking, so the subs will decide if there will actually be a battle and how long it will last.
Thank you very much Krieghund