Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question

  • Hello all.
    Recently I started playing a&a Europe 1940 2nd edition, and I Am really excited about this game and look forward to playing global when i get the chance.

    Ive been reading a lot about strategy for diffirent nations on this site and have also learned a lot from young grasshopper strategy series on YT.

    After watching videos, reading strategy and mesmorizing the game rules I think I understand and know most game rules, however one thing is not clear to me. What happnes when the following events occur.

    • Germany attacks the ships in sz 110.

    • Brittain scrambles 3 fighters.

    • brittain throw poor dices and only manage to take out a sub and a fighter from Germany while loosing all their ships.

    • Germany flies the planes back to the mainland, but have to leave a sub and undamaged battleship in sz 110.

    Then in the UK turn the UK decides to send in their remaining destroyer to sz 110 to take out the sub and battleship.

    Can they also send in the 2. Fighters they used to scramble?

    In the rules I read that fighters used to scramble can only fight once a turn, but does that mean once in the defending round? Or once in the entire turn 1 of the game.

    I hope someone can help a noobie player out here.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hello Pas08 and welcome to the forum.

    Scrambling is a movement of the defender that takes place at the end of the combat movement phase of the attacker’s turn.

    Rulebook says:


    can’t participate in any other battles during that turn,
    including a battle in the territory from which they were

    So during the attacker’s (Germany) turn the British fighters are used for scrambling and thus cannot be used to defend also the territory in this (German) turn.

    They can of course be used during the British turn. So yes, on UK’s turn they can be sent to attack the Germany ships.

    HTH :-)

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Pas08!

    An important concept that will help you understand the rules is the difference between a “turn” and a “round”.  A turn is one power (Germany, UK, etc.) going through the turn sequence.  A round is all of the powers having a turn.  So, if something happens only once per turn, it can happen again as soon as another power begins its turn, while something that lasts for a round must wait until that same power has its turn again.

  • Hello and thank you both Panther and krieghund for answering my question. I kind of suspected that the UK coulld use those plains in their own turn to attack. I am not a native English speaker, altough I think i speak and read english good enough the rulebook is sometimes a bit hard to read as they swap different words with the same meaning :-D

    Also this might be a bit off placed, but Ive read and heard about people playing a&a online? Is there a site or software program which lets you play A&A online and try out different tactics against a computer.

    Thank you so much for your time already.

  • @Pas08:

    Also this might be a bit off placed, but Ive read and heard about people playing a&a online? Is there a site or software program which lets you play A&A online and try out different tactics against a computer.

    Yes, indeed, we use a software called ‘TripleA’ here. Just check out these links:

    and browse through the “Play Boardgames”-subforum with it’s child boards

    to get an idea about it.

    Don’t hesitate to ask your TripleA related questions in the Software-Subforum.


  • Hey there I have a few questions.

    A battleship and two subs are attacked by only aircraft. Say the attacking aircraft score two hits, can the defender allocate the hits onto the subs even though there are no enemy destroyers present, or do they have to go onto the battleship?

    Is it true that that subs now can sneak attack on every round of combat as long as there are no destroyers present?

  • Morning sentmassen and welcome to the forum.
    The two hits have to be allocated to the Battleship, as an Air unit cannot hit a sub without a Destroyer in the battle.
    Yes, Subs get a sneak each round that there is no Destroyer present on the other side.

  • Morning!

    Well shoot, messed up again.

    I’m currently playing against my roommate. I’m trying to play 2nd edition on with my 1st edition copy, so I don’t have physical copies of all the rules. With that, I’ve borked a bunch of the new rules and I think hes pissing off with all the reversals and amendments I’ve had to do.

  • Evening everyone!
    I have a dumb question.  When USA enters the war do their factories automatically
    convert to a Major IC, or does USA have to pay to upgrade them?

  • Evening Tropper51. It happens automatically.
    I hope you are enjoying your games.

  • Thank you Wittmann,  I thought so, but couldn’t find it in the rule book.

  • @wittmann:

    Yes, Subs get a sneak each round that there is no Destroyer present on the other side.

    I’m new to Europe 1940, still absorbing the rules - Trying to understand sub battles - If a sub attacks ships without an enemy destroyer present, do they get a sneak attack first and then get to fire again during the “normal” conduct combat phase? And assuming they survive, then they can continue this “two shot attack” each round until they are eliminated?

    Thanks in advance for clarification.

  • Morning SeamansAZ and welcome to the forum.
    A Sub does not attack twice a turn. The Sneak is its one attack. They just get it early and get that advantage, if no Destroyer Is present.

  • I likely missed this question being answered, but from the rule book 40E2.0, it is unclear to me that a not yet at war, US or USSR cannot move units into aligned neutral territories and even once at war cannot blitz through one friendly neutral to enter a second?

    Thanks for any insight / confirmation.

  • You are right on both counts. If not at war, they cannot move into and claim Frirnfly Neutrals and once at war, you cannot move through a Friendly Neutral into another territory.

  • Design question, why was bomber cost reduced to 12 from 15 (classic game)?  Seems too cheap for the attack factor they receive.

  • @Carolina:

    Design question, why was bomber cost reduced to 12 from 15 (classic game)?  Seems too cheap for the attack factor they receive.

    Not really an answer to “why” ist was changed, but it has been bombers for the price of 12 in all games starting from and with Anniversary Edition.
    So this is not a specific Europe1940 design issue.

  • hi all,
    I’m new (2 weeks) player with 2nd editions EU40 e PA40, but long time (decades) A&A player with Classic.
    I’m trying to prepare an italian short “how to play” book for my friends. Regarding bombing raid and damage to IC I’ve found in the EU40 2nd ed. rulebook those:

    a) ###  Conduct combat - Strategic and Tactical Bombing Raids - pag 17
    To mark the damage done by the attacking bomber(s), place 1 gray plastic chip under the targeted industrial complex or base per damage point rolled. An industrial complex can’t receive more than 20 total damage for major industrial complexes and more than 6 total damage for minor ones. Air bases and naval bases can’t receive more than 6 total damage. Damage exceeding these limits is not applied.

    b) ###  Unit Profile - Industrial Complexes and Bases - Damaged Factories and Bases - pag 27
    See the Unit Profile of each facility for the effects of damage on it. Total damage to an industrial complex can’t exceed 20 for major and 6 for minor industrial complexes. Air bases and naval bases can’t exceed 6 damage points.

    c) ###  Unit Profile - Industrial Complexes - Subject to damage - pag 27
    Industrial complexes can have at least as many damage markers as they have production ability. In such a case, no new units can enter the game through that complex until it’s repaired.

    **Question:**If 3 strategic bombers rolled 3 dices and got 4-4-4 on a Majoc IC (full repaired),
    (it’s 18 total, counting +2 every die rolled)
    how many damage markers I’ve to add to that IC?
    +18 markers (following a and b ) or IC damage markers can be max 10 (following c)?

    Not sure about the real meaning of c) rule in comparison with a) and b)

    thanks in advance

    P.S. same in PA40 2nd edition rulebook. Not found notes on EU/PA FAQ 2nd edition. Done little searching in this forum without success (pls how to search in subforum only?  :?). In 1st edition rulebooks c) is attached with b)

  • @Garibaldino:

    Not sure about the real meaning of c) rule in comparison with a) and b)

    Welcome to the forum, Garibaldino.

    A major industrial complex (MIC) can produce 10 units. Their maximum damage is 20. So far, so good.

    Now your point c) comes in:

    In case the damage of a MIC is exactly 10 no unit can enter the game and you need to repair at least 1 damage to allow 1 unit to enter.
    Repair 10 to allow 10 units to enter the game - or any number inbetween.

    If the damage is 11, you need to repair 2 damage to allow 1 unit to enter the game.
    If the damage is 20, you need to repair 11 damage to allow 1 unit to enter the game.

    So this is the meaning of the sentence “Industrial complexes can have at least as many damage markers as they have production ability. In such a case, no new units can enter the game through that complex until it’s repaired.”

    Please ask, if anything remains unclear  :-)

  • Buona sera Garibaldino. Dove sei, possibly chiedere? Io son Fiorentino, ma abito in Inghilterra da 40 anni.

    The answer is 18 damage (Max is 20).
    To produce just one unit, you would need to repair 9 damage first.

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