FWIW, I was really impressed with Aldyn’s house rule for Vichy and Free French forces. Indeed I ordered a set with both roundels and light blue Free French Infantry from HBG and tried a couple of plays (Europe 40 2.0 only) with them and find that this makes much enhances the feel of play around the med and allows Italy a more direct option against Egypt. I even like the NO rule applying the French Med cruiser, as it means Vichy is incentivized to greatly prize and protect their fleet as both factions did historically. Speaking of HBG units, I wonder if one-hit early war battleship might be a better fit for the Vichy med fleet?
Under the IC NO, I’ll guess that the US will land in Morocco and be in position to SRB it, before it could be put to much use under the new rule so maybe a 4IPC cruiser rule is a better fit, especially if FIC and Madagascar start as Vichy?